Hope using USAJOBS is not a strategy, but executing a plan based on information is. “Veterans Lost in the Fog of Peace”.
Gregg Kininmonth
36 yrs. Combined Fed. GS & Private Sector Mgt. exp. & counting. PT Fed. Jobs Consulting "SME" helping Vets, their spouses and military start Fed. careers.
Doing things the ways they used to be done is all I know because its’ what works & always paid off. I never had to incorporate new approaches & attitudes in the job search or performance on the job by adopting new phrases, terms or actions in my professional career. There's something to be said for making things simple and using common sense.
The philosophy I’ve ended up with after years of successes and accomplishments aren’t derived in some esoteric far-off universe of words that confuse people, that don’t have a clue about what you’re talking about.
As an employee & manager in the federal & private sector, If I can’t tell you what you do from reading your resume, you have a big problem, defeating the purpose of the resume. I certainly am not going to be interested in interviewing you. And I never did.
So many people have lost sight of what a resume is. Look at this professional social media site and the forums dealing with resumes. Everyone has the "newest and bestest" format and jargons guaranteeing you results. How’s that working out?
If all these resumes are so wonderful why isn’t there just one that everyone can use? ?With all the examples out there, there isn’t a one fits all, because resumes are subjective, just like the entire job process.
“Hard work, fitting in, taking direction, critical/creative thinking skills (thinking for yourself) making your bosses job easier not harder and the most important, a “Positive Attitude” are the foundation of a great employee. This is what has seen me through hard times and struggles in the job search. I am a valuable person and I possess the traits that makes for success.
Being able to communicate these qualities is what every candidate should focus on when interviewing. Think about it. It’s not that complicated. If your resume is through and easy to read, it tells the hiring authority exactly what you do. This is objective. They can read for themselves what you do, this is why you got an interview, to discuss why you’re the best candidate for the job.
And it's why interviews are mostly rhetorical. Meaning, there are no right or wrong answers in the questions they ask. “Tell me about yourself. How did you handle an angry customer? Tell me about a time, etc.” These are not yes or no questions, everyone answers differently, based on their own personal experiences. ?
As a hiring authority I want to know exactly what I said above. How are you going to make my organization better and me a better boss? This is not brain surgery. Especially for veterans and all the collateral duties and experience they have doing so many things. And if you find the company or person interviewing you is not professional or your little voice says there's an issue here, listen to it. It is a warning sign that you don't want to work here. This should tell you something.
Veterans are at a disadvantage in the job hunt because they’ve been institutionalized for so long, they wear the same clothes, they follow the same processes and regulations. There is no deviation in the regulations, or at least there’s not supposed to be. The regulations are your friend and what keeps everyone out of trouble. They don’t have to interview every time they PCS, they just replace the person before them, no interviewing. Remember it's your job to keep your boss out of trouble.
Personally, as I gained experience and felt comfortable knowing I’d always have a GS career, it finally dawned on me that not only was I being referred and interviewed for almost every job I applied for, which should have been every job, this is where the subjective nature of the USAJOBS process is most visible. No one, except me seems to be able to explain the contradiction of the process. I was in a position to be discerning and interview the interviewer to see if I wanted to work for them if offered a job. ( In my career I’ve turned down more than 15 jobs.) ?
?Let me tackle the corrupt subjective subject once again on a side note, before I continue with the power of the SME in an interview.
The personal example, which I’ve discussed on “Linked In” many times, is this. I’m a 0188 SME and have worked in MWR/Services since 1986. (You can read my profile for specifics, just suffice it to say, I’m an expert in MWR, there is no arguing that. There is nothing you can throw at me I can’t handle)
So, as I moved around to 11 different federal jobs in a 3 yr. span in 2014, (not only MWR but several other “Series”,) I would apply for an 0188 job with more than 15 yrs of experience and be found “Not Qualified” for a job at one location then applying for the same job, series, & PD at another location & be found qualified, referred and hired”.
Can you see a problem with this? Well duh! It’s 1. Incompetence. 2. Illegal. Every time I am found not qualified for a job, that I’m a SME in, I’m being denied “My right to compete fairly” this is illegal!
This is an example to explain just one part of the corrupt process. Let me emphasis that I am not alone. Every current federal employee, as well as veterans & public candidates are facing the same problem. Incompetence. If you are looking for “Fare” You’ll have better luck at a casino. There’s a joke a lot of GS employees are aware of. Getting a federal job is like playing a slot machine. “Sometimes you win & sometimes you lose”.
The power of the SME candidate.
During the interview process, highly qualified and sought after candidates (Vets) if they can get to his point in the process, are in a position to determine if the mgt. team is worthy of having their skills and experience. One question I want answered is about the environment. We’ve all worked in hostile environments, well most of us have over time. So before you make the wrong decision do your best to find out.
The most important question is about a “Micro-Managed” work place. This absolutely a non-starter for me. I’ve been witness to and subjected to this form of soft harassment through out my career. It’s caused me grief and I’ve quit good jobs because of micro managers.
Here’s a note to all you manager out there. Why? Why do you manage through fear and intimidation? Are you threatened by a hard charger because you’re a piece of dead wood and forgot how to make a difference? Why are you hiring good people only to drive them away. Here’s a solution for you to consider.
Instead of being a tyrant, try taking credit for your great hire and train them to be the best they can be! It works. Believe me. Soon hiring management is going to recognize your ability to hire the best and get the most out of them, making look a valuable resource, worth keeping. These people are a direct reflection of your good judgement and something to be proud of. Your jobs as manager are to train your replacement. We all know this. So, step back and be a decent human being and let your people do their jobs. It’s what you hired them for.
As both a worker and manager I was never malicious or schemed to hurt anyone. I was only interested in doing my job.? I grew and was mentored by professionals that gave me a blueprint to be successful. I followed the philosophy of hard work, being accountable and following direction. This is the “Secret”. Not much of a secret I admit, but it seems to have been lost on the younger generation of professionals trying to start a career. Or, it was never taught.
What I learned.
No one wants to listen to your drama. No one wants to do your job because you’re lazy, no one wants to hear you complain. It’s boring, you grow weary of it. Pretentious people are shallow and have nothing to offer because you never know who they really are, or what game they are playing, and when you become the target of their venom and foolish antics is it a “You” problem? Or is it a “Them” problem?
After it’s all said and done, we spend more of our life at work and just doing the best we can in being a good human being, than enjoying the time we have with family and friends. The only thing we really have are our memories. We don’t know what will happen in 5 minutes, 5 months or 5 years, so we live in the moment and hope for the future. I've always wanted more good memories than bad.
I know what every vet feels when facing the obstacles of a federal career. I’ve been there, but now I've been on the inside for so long, I’ve forgotten more than I remember. But what I do remember is the pain and frustration of competing for GS & NAF jobs.
No one is born a federal employee. Some have inside contacts (Networks), some are the “Blind Squirrel” and just gets lucky/fortunate etc. and some are in the right place at the right time and have the right person looking at your quals. Where do I fall in? Looking back at my start, I was selected in the good old fashion way. I started at the bottom and worked my way up. Someone saw my limited accomplishment and quals and believe I had the basics to get the job done.
Gov. Service has changed so much I don’t recognize the process anymore, but my experience within the system places me at the very top in knowing how to compete and acquire jobs, while others face a brick wall of repeated rejection.
My success and accomplishments are well documented in both my professional career and in my ability to make vets that have struggled for years successful. With every communication I create about what I do as a PT USAJOBS jobs consultant/counselor, I obligated to make every effort to continually market and reach out to let you know I am here.
Please! Please! read any potential SME profile. Do they have experience as a federal employee? Have they ever served in the military. No! And the few that do have some minimal lever of knowledge, do not know what I have demonstrated for years.
Everything you need to know about me you can see in my profile and the “Navy Times” article attached. If this doesn’t make a case for knowing the system & showing that I know what the hell is going on, helping you with USAJOBS & getting a federal job, then no words can persuade you.
I am a unique individual; I am not saying I am better than anyone else, I am saying no one has my experiences that directly reflect on this topic or knows what I know and has what I have to offer you.
A profile is the cover to the book. When you look at a person’s profile, they either have the answers or they don’t. I boldly talk about the facts and truths in competing. An expert is someone you can wake up at 3 am and they can immediately tell you exactly what action to take in case of an emergency. They don’t wake up need a cup of coffee and make something up after 6 hrs. of thinking about it.
I know I’m not up with the times when it comes to “hangin with the young folk”, but there’s serenity and quiet confidence knowing I am in a position to help, that few, if any can. I am only talking about GS jobs. I know there are many that don’t care for self-promotion, but can you tell me how else I can let vets know I’m here to help? Ask the vets that have contacted me and then gotten GS jobs. What does my style have to do with you getting a GS career started after years of repeated failures?
There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. And my proven record in helping vets get “Referred and Hired” I dare say can’t be beat on this social networking site or any headhunter/consultant out there.
Be advised. I am going to be direct and blunt. This is not a conversation, this solutions-based problem-solving exercise, that if you hire me will give you what you don’t have now. An opportunity to maximize your ability to compete fairly. ??
There is a cost of course. I will charge a fee. There I said it plainly. I will charge a fee. But what is the real cost when you figure a 20 yr. career will pay you 1.5 to 2 million dollars with the great benefits and opportunities to have a life you couldn’t imagine. My mantra is “Veterans are the perfect fed. Employees”. How can you argue this?
What’s my fee? ZERO, to have a conversation. If you choose to hire me after we speak, there’s still no fee or retainer. It’s not until I have completed my job and you are happy with what I’ve done for you, do you pay me. I do not ask for a retainer. Why?
Because I’ve never been stiffed by a vet and it’s only because I work with vets, I would do this. Never in my entire career in MWR has a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine ever compromised me. ?It’s called “Integrity”. And the fee I charge ($450 E6 and below or $550 E7 and above) isn’t going to keep me form living the same life I have.
So why charge anything?
1. Because my experience is worth something and although I know I can charge more, this is fair. (Especially when you see others charge $800 + and have never been a fed. employee or in the military.)
2. Because you must have skin in the game. If you don’t, then how serious, focused and motivated are you to be successful. ?
Everyday you can read about the failures and frustrations of people on the USAJOBS forum. They seem to think they’re just one suggestion/idea/tweak or buzz word away. They want to believe so badly, because they want an opportunity so badly.
Then you read all the opinions about doing this or doing that and this will help crack the door open just enough for you to be successful. This is a fool’s errand. You have no idea what you are facing, so don’t kid yourself.
It’s 2025. I’ll be stepping aside and travelling another path soon. I’ve done the best I could and I’m proud of every opportunity I was trusted with to take care of my military MWR community.
Many civilians have provided quality services to you and some, unfortunately didn’t understand why they were there. Service is not about self. This has been lost. This is another reason why we need vets in fed careers.
I will continue to provide this consulting service for as long as people seek me out for help or I lose my mind, whichever comes 1st? ?And I’m not taking any bets on losing my mind eventually. LOL.
Please take the time to read my profile and visit my web site to get to know me and why I am doing what I am doing. I’m here to help vets and I think I’m pretty good at it.
Again, as always, thank you for your time and consideration.
You can reach me at [email protected] sbj. line “Help ?Vet” ?I also help current GS employees stuck in grade and need a fresh look at competing.
Gregg Kininmonth.
Fun Boss departing July 2025.
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