Hope is not a Strategy
We all have quotes and sayings that we adore.
They’re typically opening slides in presentations or adorn the bottom of our emails.
They signal a perspective we share.
And often communicate an opinion so succinctly it would take us months to emulate something that incisive.
Over the years a few have bubbled to the top as personal favourites;
“The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do” Michael Porter
“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less” General Eric Shinseki
And the one that sits on my LinkedIn profile;
“Hope is not a Strategy”
The full quote is “Change is not a destination just as hope is not a Strategy”
Pithy for sure. But absolutely insightful.
It’s attributed to Rudy Giuliani as part of the Republican Convention speech on September 3rd 2008. To give it historical context, Giuliani was taking President Obama to task for the sorry state of the US economy, foreclosures, bailouts, catastrophic unemployment figures and so forth.
Whether Giuliani was accurate in laying any of this at Obama’s feet is irrelevant, the point was, hoping for something to change wasn’t enough. It was action that was needed, not rhetoric, not speeches but bold, decisive action.
It would be interesting to ask Giuliani to comment on Obama’s actions in the past 90 days but, again, that’s off topic.
In many ways Giuliani could be admonishing today’s business and brand leaders with the same derision he leveled at President Obama.
You don’t have to look very far to see organizational efforts that are little more than Hail Marys or artfully crafted PR soundbytes masquerading as deep and thoughtful strategies.
A few of my favourite writers on LinkedIn have called these out.
Tom Goodwin wrote about how, despite all the notions and PR releases trumpeting transformation efforts for the digital future, many marketing firms are still stuck with ineffective “Mad Men”-esque business models.
More recently, Reuven Gorsht at SAP opined on how many taxi companies were railing against the impact of UBER on their businesses and the taxi companies were hoping that regulators would come to their aid. Regulators as angels of mercy? There’s a Hail Mary if I ever heard one.
Other classic examples of “hopeful” strategies….
Believing that a marked increase or focus in marketing communication efforts can solve systemic operational and core business issues. McDonalds anyone?
Having a singular obsession with NPS that isn’t counter-balanced by an understanding of where your brand is vulnerable. The Telco and cable industry for example?
Looking at emerging business practices or, worse, the latest issue of Fast Company, Mashable or Gawker, and believing those Bright Shiny Objects might be the salvation for your company. Its okay to admire Elon Musk, Tony Hsieh, Peter Thiel, Richard Branson et al, and look to their organizations for ideas, but blindly implementing Holocracy or the lessons of Zero to One is just plain crazy. The current deafening zealotry surrounding “Big Data” is something I personally throw into this camp.
Considering that a new strategy alone will be a panacea for your business struggles. Any strategy that doesn’t also consider the inter-related impacts on culture and organizational design will inevitably fall afoul if there isn’t internal alignment with those three core elements.
Is it possible to create a Strategy that isn’t based entirely on hope?
Sure it is.
HBR recently published an article that resonated deeply with me. Titled “Navigating The Dozens of Strategy Options” they showed that picking the right strategy came from having a profound sense of what type of company you were, and a very clear sense of the real challenges you faced. They go so far as to create a simple matrix that highlights the advantages, disadvantages and considerations that underlie the strategic options available.
But the basic premise was simple.
Know thyself.
Know the market you’re operating in.
Implement the strategy (or strategic framework) best aligned to those dimensions.
Not exactly rocket surgery.
But beneath the remarkably succinct observations, lay a couple of deeper reminders.
Strategy isn’t possible without doing the tough but necessary situational analysis of the market. Superficial competitive reviews aint gonna cut it.
Strategy isn’t possible without some attention being paid to scenario planning.
Strategy isn’t possible if its not supported by an organization that has a cultural ability to change and adapt.
Strategy isn’t possible if you don’t have a clear and compelling sense of purpose driving you forward. And that purpose can’t only be chasing down mountains of profits.
There’s no denying that, as markets become more complex and we face a veritable tsunami of information, successfully steering companies forward takes courage, conviction and, yes, maybe even a dollop of hope.
The issue is to make sure that, as you’re crafting that strategy, your dollop of hope is dwarfed by the courage to actually do the hard work required.
Are you building a strategy that isn’t led by hope?
Goal Digger ? Fantastic Facilitator ?? Energy Enthusiast ?? Project Manager ?Agile Activist ?? Community Spark ?? Gamification Guru
8 年Hilton, As someone who specializes in helping people to implement cultural changes, you are definitely a writer after my own heart!! Often I think strategies are really only fueled by hope! People take one amazing thing and think by implementing that magical thing, everything will change. In order to fix something, change something, or even go back to the way things were, there is a lot of support and reflection needed through different parts of an implementation cycle. For example, if a non profit wants to raise more money. They may see that a competitor had great success with mailing donors envelopes to ask for donations. Then they jump! Obviously, they can copy and paste this idea and replicate the same results for success. What they missed is that the other organization had dedicated individuals and a board of very engaged people that truly built relationships with their donors throughout the year, and the mailer was just a reminder of something that the donors are happy to do because the non-profit has built trust, heard their ideas, and thanked them for their support throughout the year. There is no magical idea that will fix everything. You outline great best practices that any organization or company can learn from! I love your summary: "Know thyself." - Do most organizations know who they are and what they are about? Or are the trying to do everything and are succeeding at nothing. "Know the market you’re operating in." - Words of absolute wisdom! Instead of assuming that we have the knowledge, we need to consume information voraciously to understand what is happening in our marketplace. "Implement the strategy (or strategic framework) best aligned to those dimensions." - Alignment is the hardest one I think. To take all those great ideas you learn about 'out there' and then actually selecting just a few that line up with our goals. It's easy to do a lot of work, and then look back and see that none of the effort expended related back to the strategic goals. I'm guilty of not doing all of these of course. I am far from perfect. Introspection is much harder than observing someone else. That is the value of a great network to help you see what you cannot! Thank you for the lovely article and I look forward to the next one!
SVP Patient Integration at MEDx eHealthCenter.BV
8 年Great job Hilton Barbour This needed to be said in 2007 before the 'Hope & Change' thingee became not only strategy - but a cult of personality.
Connector & Catalyst
8 年Hilton, this really resonated with me. It's my favourite piece that you've written to date. I will refer back to it when I'm feeling stuck. Thanks!
Brand Builder, Growth Accelerator, Director, Advisor, Investor, Mentor
8 年Great piece Hilton Barbour ... You provocateur you! It is a great debate ... Whether Hope is a strategy. I'd say in and of itself, it is not ... On its own, hope is not very different from blind faith. When people voted for Obama they were voting for specific things to happen and hoping - believing he would be able to deliver. Obama was actually the strategy.... I do feel there are too many companies today believing they have a strategy simply because they have landed on a mission or purpose. The rigor to sound strategy is too often missing -- and yes it's hard work: What is the brand ambition ? How will the brand move from point a to point b? How will it engage with key prospects? Which brands will be de-positioned to get there? Answers to these questions and many more lead to strategy and too often today marketers get lazy - they opt instead for 'constant iteration' -- constant experimentation for the 'sake of learning' and to somehow discover strategy - Why ? Because they can. For me that's lazy marketing and using tech testing ability to throw shit at a wall for the chance something will stick. Hope is no more a strategy than is crossing one's fingers.
Helping mid-sized organizations increase sales and improve customer service since 1993 | #LinkedInLocal
8 年Great article Hilton .. and thanks to Jim for commenting so I could see it! There are so many businesses that have no sales or marketing strategy to speak of ... and I refer to them as Marketing and Sales by Hope!