Hope as a Source of Strength?
Do you ever experience those dark moments when you don’t know how to keep going? It happens to most of us at one time or another. We face difficult times when we don’t know if we have the strength to overcome the challenges. These are the particularly testing moments when the hardship touches our hearts and takes way our confidence and belief in ourselves. These are the days when our attitude can make all the difference.
As you might imagine, when the proverbial chips are down, belief is a potent element in the quest for inner strength and resilience. We still need to find the practical steps that will address the problem. But a positive attitude serves as a force multiplier in the search for an answer to our situation. It stimulates our creativity and helps us to adopt a wider perspective. One of the ways we can describe a positive attitude is to say that we hold the bright flame of hope in our hearts because this is a foundation for improving any situation. When we believe that we can influence our circumstances and rise above the obstacles, we engage our creativity and focus our energy on navigating our way through the obstacles.
Hope by itself might not be sufficient to guide our thoughts and feelings and activities towards a successful outcome. In fact, we are better prepared to deal with life’s challenges if we adopt an attitude of positive expectation that channels our energy towards appropriate action. Hope alone, therefore, is not sufficient to motivate us. It can be extremely helpful in raising our spirits and lifting us out of the slough of despair. But we need something stronger to get us back on our feet and taking the right steps towards facing our fears and disappointments. This is where an attitude of unstoppable determination and a clear vision of the future can serve as a potent catalyst for resuming the quest for success. When you combine hope with positive action, you send a clear signal that you are ready to rejoin the fray and break free from any limitations that are imposed by life’s inevitable setbacks. Kindle the flame of hope in your heart and focus your mental resources on finding the best way forward. Then you will discover the meaning of being unstoppable.?