A Poem a Day: Hope
By: Renato Castro Pasion, Jr.
(Makati, Philippines – December 5, 2016)
On days that you rise up with darkened skies
When life is bubbling with promising lies
Depression burbling in the deepest pit
And sadness finds you right where you sit
You want to close your eyes and forget
Wallow in pity and to drown in regret
Problems pile up, stacked up so high
Frantic with fear and wondering why
You seek God, for His Wisdom to impart
You ask and plead with all your heart
The basic question with which man grapple
Why do bad things happen to good people?
But as Clay, even during the lowest of our lows
Cannot question our Potter, why He made us so
His thoughts and ways, beyond we can ever be
We need to trust Him with what we cannot see
For God is our Rock, our Fortress, our Shield
He is our Life to whom we all must yield
A Father who loves us with eternal affection
Merciful and Just with His Plan and Vision
We need not envy the wicked when they thrive
The righteous are not forsaken though they fail to survive
This is the only world that evil doers can expect to receive
Every man will fully account for the life he has lived
So when those overcast skies do come to you
Hold on to God’s promises, Faithful and True
Though we may feel at times at the end of our rope
We must continue to Love, to Believe, and to Hope
Angelina Llames
Dark Horizon by: Ross Bugden
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