hope to the one adjacent to the heart

hope to the one adjacent to the heart

?i want to speak to you little girl/boy suffering with the struggle of being okay with no okay. Entangled in the worst mind games of her/his own. Lem'e tell you something amazing about you today....!

Am not up to a critical or blunt sentence that goes, pick that and you are gonna be a super confident body. NO, Not at all.. because i know that doing this takes so long but what if we can start with a tiny pip of HOPE. What you think about being hopeful; i know everything is falling apart, disrupted and sometimes it chokes in the back, Naah....?

?You shouldn’t try to stop everything from happening. Sometimes you’re supposed to feel awkward. Sometimes you’re supposed to be vulnerable in front of people. Sometimes it’s necessary because it’s all part of you getting to the next part of yourself. The people who actually belong to you are going to stay behind your back regardless of who you are.

You might be ugly, thick or thin black or white with rough hair even with a rough attitude they won't stop loving you, their unconditional love 'll go beyond with you everywhere you go the 'll always be free and available for you doesn't matter how busy or occupied they have been. They would be there for you on one call or single text away.

You will remain sexual, soulful, emotional, spiritual, insightful and magical for them. They will always focus on how much powerful you are being staunched by both the light & dark of you as a human. Without denying any aspects of who you are seeing a healthy soul or a whole soul inside you.

And at that time all you have to do is self-care and lovely things to you and you know what we can do is to allow ourselves with a mere line of hope and our people to see us at our worst, at our lowest and weakest. Believe me true intimacies happen when nothing is perfect and you stop striving for perfection and allow yourself to see around you and allow your side boundaries to get a bit lower for these certain *Precious people* to be with you. And believe this would be the only asset you are setting for your Days.


