

Taken from 'Meditation'-the second chapter of my book, "Awareness Is a State of Mind".


Meditation is an Active Attainment of Peace (Calmness of heart, soul, and mind).

I have to make the attainment of peace a priority, every day. Through focusing my thoughts on calming my soul, or allowing my soul to embrace my mind (enjoying the moment), I am able to see the peace that is already inside of me. In this way, I am learning to self-soothe. 

The most important benefit to meditating all of the time (as often as consciously possible) IS the gift of Peace (the realization of Peace, or even the recognition of the POSSIBILITY of Peace). 


I love that word. The word “possibility” brings to my mind the word “hope”. 

The recognition of “Possibility” amplifies HOPE (the acknowledgement that something good, or beneficial, COULD happen).

It is always good to recognize the possibility of good things happening (even if it does not directly affect me). There is positivity all around us if we will only take a moment to look for it. 

Hope exists for the sole purpose of being acknowledged (It has to, first, be acknowledged. Only then, can it be used to comfort).

Hope is the magic that lights the tunnel of muddy darkness we sometimes trudge through. As long as we (the human race) are alive, hope will remain

There is ALWAYS HOPE, and oh, how sweet that moment is when we find it (and it’s even better when IT finds US)!

It is almost as if God is whispering to us,

“Don’t give up now, it is just about to get very good, and extremely interesting. Hold on, just a little longer, please, and while you’re at it, you could try trusting Me more. 

Here, let Me increase your faith a little bit.  That should do it, you’re good now.

Be peaceful with where you are at because I have you there for a reason. 

Don’t get too comfortable, though, because it’s all about to change”.


