Rain, rain go away, come again some other day.
Did we all pray too long for rain instead of fire? I don't know but the gloom and destruction for many are hard, very hard. I am not in an area where there is anything but rain and horrible wind but it has taken my mood down with it.
I am reminded that these kinds of times make us, make me, feel powerless against the power of nature. It reminds me of my vulnerability and some days it takes me into fear, even without reading the headlines.
What I discovered yesterday, on one of the worst days of my life is that I am stronger than my fear. I felt hopeless. A dear friend of mine gave the middle name of hope to her daughter but I never really understood that word. Hope is like a shining light on our path as difficult or tragic as it is. Hope brings us to our higher selves where the power and presence of our inner spiritual center lives. I wailed and cried and had intense sessions which, in the end, freed me from the terrible feelings that live at the end of the fear path.
Once there and once free of expression of my deepest feelings, I calmed and felt hope again. I don't know about you but I never expressed any of those feelings to my parents or others and they became infested and stuck in me. Today, at least, I feel cleansed and hopeful because, after years of spiritual study, I recognize God's presence in my life even when I am down and out.
The rainbow exists in the storm and so can yours. It is not an easy journey releasing fear and hopelessness but it is a cleansing that creates a clean slate for joy to enter. I wish that for you, too.