Hooray!!! It's Nourishment's Eve!!!
Amanda Jayne OHare
I teach AuDHD entrepreneurs how to plan their food, exercise and lifestyle to support their unique energy so they can thrive in life and business
It's officially Nourishment's Eve!
After a 2 month wait, Nourishment: Food, Exercise and Lifestyle Planning for AuDHD Entrepreneurs opens tomorrow!
How exciting!
What started on a musing on my couch in early 2023, when I was exhausted and burned out from the moves we had after being flooded out in December 2021 and thinking to myself that I was so grateful to have the knowledge and experience I did that allowed me to create routines and structures that could support me depending on whether I was full of energy or experiencing fatigue, burnout and chronic pain.
To creating a mini workbook and journal alongside a workshop that received amazing feedback from women who felt validated by my sharing on how letting go of perfection, removing judgement and creating ease on lower energy days creates a whole new relationship to them. I knew I had to dive in deeper.
Nourishment has grown into a full course that I've been able to reflect how over the course of my fitness career, I have adapted what was 'the norm', into a much more self-loving process towards developing fitness, food and lifestyle planning. I was so tired of rigid plans that didn't take into account the fact that one day, all the energy can be there and the next barely any at all. I also left TikTok Influencing on AuDHD after feeling like everything was moving towards focussing negatively on just the challenges we face and not enough on how if you honour the challenges, you can still do so many of the amazing things you want to do.
It's about finding your unique version of balance.
Why would you want to join Nourishment now?
Here's the thing, it's not going to get rid of low energy or low motivation.
While there are ways you can support yourself through those phases, it's not about eliminating them, it's about changing how you relate to them so you can honour them and move with your unique cycles.
With choosing an affirmation, Amanda Jayne Thrives, as a business and social media name, I could forgive you for thinking that I may be one of those ‘I can and so can you’ let’s push against and past your discomforts people. Or that maybe it’s ok for me because I don’t experience chronic pain, fatigue, hypermobility, digestive distress or anything that would be considered to be fibromyalgic. And of course I do! I’m not only late recognised AuDHD but living with the effects has been a huge part of my living experience. But I love what I love and I love to train. And as symptoms became more and more pronounced, the more creative I had to become in how I could still continue to enjoy what I do, without dishonouring or ignoring my body and its unique needs and massive energetic fluctuations. And I’m incredibly proud of it. I’m not here to tell you what to do or not what to do. Neither am I here to shit on other people or methods because I believe that all experiences teach us something about ourselves and our needs; subconscious or otherwise; that can be powerful signposts to what we really want. If you’re open to seeing it full spectrum and let go of the need to be wrong, or stupid or incapable because you tried something and it didn’t work. Judging and criticising yourself wastes precious energy that could be redirected into what matter to you. Be it a fitness goal for you, your friends and family or your business. If you’re having fun and doing what you want to really do, for the reasons you truly, actually, secretly want to do them for - it gets to be so much easier. That’s how you grow your confidence. Honouring your true needs, giving it a go and building a relationship with yourself on the journey.
If you'd like more information on Nourishment: Food,Exercise and Lifestyle Planning for AuDHD Entrepreneurs you can find it here.
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Thank you!
Amanda Jayne