The Hook: (Part 3) Big Gains
Mat Wilson
Founder of immortal media & The Entrepreneurs Marketing Conference Digital marketing expert, public speaker and entrepreneur.
Yes, you’re an expert, and yes, your content is really entertaining, but why isn’t anyone reading it? Or visiting your site? No hook. Don’t worry, Einstein are here with Part 3 of the series, The BIG Gain Hook…
Three, it’s a MAGIC number.
Our third hook building lesson proves it. You’ll find out exactly why a little later.
But before we get down to it, here’s a little thinker for you: what do all prospects want?
Some of you might have an answer already, others might need a minute to stew on it.
Read on and we’ll give you an Einstein theory about Prospects Desires shortly.
A Quick Recap
If you’ve read our first two lessons on Hook Building, you’ll have a clear understanding of what a hook is, why we need them and two KILLER hook building methods.
If you haven’t already, get over to lesson 1 and work your way up (you’ll understand this so much better if you do):
- Lesson 1- Specific Messages
- Lesson 2- Weaknesses
- Lesson 3- Big Gains
Done it? Cool, let’s get stuck in.
Let’s go Fishing
As we know, a hook is an angle we use in marketing to grab the ATTENTION of our audience.
The BIG GAIN HOOK does just that.
Simply described, we are aiming to tempt our prospect into our content by showing them what they could have.
The big gain acts as BAIT.
Read that again. Pick up a biro and scratch it into your arm. Tattoo it backwards on your forehead.
Just remember it.
How to Find a Big Gain Hook
Buying a bag of maggots is easy. Finding a TEMPTING bait for your content/promo isn’t.
Don’t worry, we’ve done it so many times the steps are burnt in our retinas. Here they are:
- What are the PROBLEMS/PAIN POINTS of your target market?
Use your CUSTOMER AVATAR and EMPATHY MAP to find the biggest problems your target market faces.
A (Post-Christmas) Example: Our target market has eaten far too much unhealthy food over the festive period. They are worried about their health and weight.
- What are your customers GOALS with regard to this PAIN POINT? Why do they want to achieve them?
Is their problem something that can be totally solved? Or do they need to take steps towards it?
Example: Our target market wants to feel healthier and look slimmer. They want to lose the extra weight they put on and get a body they can be proud of.
- What can the customer gain from achieving their goal? What are the advantages?
Remember earlier, when we asked you what all prospects want? THIS IS IT. It’s different for every business, but, this is your SPECIFIC ANSWER.
Example: Our customer can go from swollen stomach to six pack, look more attractive, fit in that dress they always wanted, get the body of a GOD …etc.…
Can you see the HOOK yet? If not, read back our examples for STEP 3.
Using a Big Gain Hook
You’ve got a hook? Awesome. Let’s use it.
The goals of your campaigns will often be different, e.g. drive traffic, convert customers, build brand awareness, but the BIG GAIN HOOK will always work using the same 3 stage method:
- Use the BIG GAIN as your title. DO NOT include your product/website/content alongside it.
Leave the customer BLIND about the hook’s reason. For example, don’t say, ‘GET A SIX PACK IN 6 WEEKS WITH OUR AB CRUNCHING EQUIPMENT.’
This sounds like a sales pitch. We’ll lose customers before we’ve had the chance to move them onto STEP 2. Instead say something like, ‘HOW TO GET A SIX PACK IN 6 WEEKS’
2. Link to content
Your blind hook will drive traffic into your content. This content can be a video, written blog post, infographic, podcast or images, it doesn’t matter, as long as it suits the GOALS of your campaign.
This content will press on your audiences PAIN POINTS, and explain the benefits of their big gain.
You should offer them valuable content that informs, educates and (at least partially) solves their problem.
E.g. a workout plan for gaining a six pack in six weeks (using our ab cruncher)
3. Draw them into your promotion
Give them a link to the promised land. This should be your funnel, more information about your product or a desired visitor destination (depending on your campaign goal).
Don’t know what a FUNNEL is? Visit our CONVERSION FUNNEL GUIDE to maximise customer value and convert at an infinitely better rate.
What it Means for Business?
Using just one of our Einstein hook building strategies can transform your marketing campaigns.
Whether you use SPECIFIC MESSAGES, WEAKNESSES OR BIG GAINS as your hook, our aim should always be to grab the attention of our audience.
Take a long hard look at your product/promotion/content and decide what works best for you. Test a few different hooks on your ad campaign.
And for goodness sake, please create a CUSTOMER AVATAR and EMPATHY MAP. You’ll hone in on your customers most sensitive spots so much easier.
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