Hoods for Chemical Storage: The Issue We Would Prefer Not To Discuss
Richard Palluzi
Pilot Plant and Laboratory Engineering, Safety, and Design Consultant at Richard P Palluzi LLC
NFPA-45 Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals is very clear in “Storage of chemicals in the fume hood shall be prohibited.” Variations of this prohibition appear in virtually every safety handbook that the author has ever seen. Yet storage of chemicals in hoods is a routine practice that most laboratories try very hard not to notice.
The international Fire Code (IFC) does not address storage of chemicals in hoods directly but does manage to confuse it further. Table 5003.1.1(1) gives the maximum allowable quantity (MAQ) per indoor control area. (A control area is a fire rated room. It may be a single laboratory or, more commonly, a group of laboratories. The number of control areas and the MAQ is restricted and reduces as you go above 1 floor. See Palluzi, Making Sense of Laboratory Fire Codes, Chemical Engineering Progress, July 2017.) The MAQ given in the table can be increased if the facility is 100% sprinkled (note d) and may be increased another 100% if the material is “stored in approved storage cabinets, day boxes, gas cabinets, gas rooms, exhausted enclosures or in listed safety cans” (note e). The definition of an exhausted enclosure in the IFC specifically includes hoods:
An appliance or piece of equipment which consists of a top, a back and two sides providing a means of local exhaust for capturing gases, fumes, vapors and mists. Such enclosures include laboratory hoods, exhaust fume hoods and similar appliances and equipment used to retain and exhaust locally the gases, fumes, vapors and mists that could be released. Rooms or areas provided with general ventilation, in themselves, are not exhausted enclosures.
So, the IFC seems to suggest storing hazardous chemicals in hoods (or ventilated enclosures) is a good practice by allowing higher quantities of hazardous material storage.
Why does NFPA 45 prohibit such storage?
First it wants to limit the amount of hazardous materials in a hood in the event of a fire. Second, a crowded hood does not operate properly and can lead to operator exposure. Last, operations in a hood used for storage have a higher potential for an accident due to the proximity of the work and the storage. The IFC, which has only in 2018 come to even address laboratories and then only for educational occupancies, does not really look at the issue of hood effectiveness. They treat them simply as higher exahsut areas which is theoretically always safer for storage.
Given these good reasons to not store chemicals in hoods, why do people continually store chemicals in hoods. I suggest the most common reasons, in no particular order, are:
1. Convenience for routine access to heavily used chemicals
2. Wanting to avoid the extra effort of moving the chemicals to and from storage.
3. Concern over the potential hazards of routinely moving chemicals across a laboratory.
4. Lack of storage space.
5. Odors where the hood is used for a ventilated enclosure.
6. Situations where the organization needs to store more quantities than allowed by local fire codes
The first (1) Is difficult to really assess. Despite numerous attempts the NFPA 45 committee has recognized the impossibility of producing an enforceable definition for storage. In my mind, a one gallon bottle of acetone in a hood that is used to refill a 500 ml squeeze bottle four or more times a day is in use not storage. It will last less than a week before being emptied. The same bottle used for the same purpose but filling only once a week is, again in my view, in storage not use as it will last two months. Where one draws the dividing line between these two extremes is difficult and subject to one’s personal views and perspectives. In my opinion, here are some of the key conditions that would define the situation as storage not use:
· The container has never been opened. (Implying it has never been used.)
· The container is infrequently used once opened. While one can argue the interval, I think that anything over 1-2 days probably suggests it could have been put away during the time it was not in use.
· The bottle lasts for an extended period. While one can argue the interval, I think that anything over 1-2 weeks probably suggests it could have been put away during the time it was not in use (or was much too large a size).
Certainly, occasional situations arise where even chemicals used routinely go through a period of no use. (Think over Thanksgiving, Christmas to New Years, or when people are on vacation).
Laboratory personnel often argue it is safer to keep the chemical in the hood rather than risk the dangers of moving it around more frequently (#3). While there is some truth to this, such dangers are usually are presented as proportionally more severe with the increasing desirability of not having to put the chemical in storage. (In other words, defaulting to (#2).) I agree that routinely transferring the same chemical from storage to use and back to storage multiple times a day makes little sense and usually needlessly creates potential hazards. However, I also usually find the frequency of these transfers is grossly over estimated. (The author was noted for placing a small piece of tape inconspicuously over the cap and noting that it had not been disturbed in over a week despite vehement protestations it was used every hour, every day!)
The fourth problem is often very real. The ubiquitous one gallon reagent bottles are often rater large for smaller operations and can, as a result last for excessive periods. I have found that generally there is no reason why the container used in the operation (which is almost invariably much smaller) could not be used for the local reserve. So, filling a 50 cc squeeze bottle each day from a one pint local container is probably reasonable to require. Alternately, suggesting use of a 500 cc squeeze bottle that will only need to be refilled every few weeks and forgoing the local reservoir is even safer. However, I have seen crowded laboratories where any storage space is at a premium and this encourages personnel to squirrel away chemicals in every possible corner, usually in hoods.
The key to this issue is to recognize that any accident involving an operation will always have the potential to be more severe if there is storage of hazardous materials in a hood as these can potentially become involved. You can consider some mitigative measures, but they are usually far from fool proof and often exist only in the mind of the reviewer. This is what concerns NFPA 45 and lead to the prohibition.
The fifth problem is more challenging. If the odors are concentrated enough to be potentially harmful then a ventilated enclosure is clearly required. (Storing it in a ventilated flammable solvent cabinet is not advisable. See “Should You Vent a Flammable Storage Cabinet?” at https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/should-you-vent-flammable-storage-cabinet-richard-palluzi/ for more details.) I would suggest a specially designed ventilated enclosure in this case rather than a dedicated hood to avoid the potential for folks using it as a hood. More often, the odor is obnoxious but not concentrated enough for a long enough time to present an exposure hazard. In this case, placing an approved solvent storage cabinet near a hood or providing a local exhaust near the front of the storage cabinet often is as effective, cheaper, and safer.
The sixth issue is one where the ventilated enclosure is used for storage only and not operations. While not required by the IFC that is clearly the intent. Using a hood for this purpose is acceptable but rarely effective as discussed below.
What about designating a hood as storage only and prohibiting any operations (as in #6)? In this case one can argue that the hood is really a ventilated enclosure and so NFPA 45 does not apply along the lines of what the IFC recommends. While there is nothing wrong with this approach and the hood is much more likely to perform better than any homemade ventilated enclosure. (See “Ventilated Enclosures: Why Do They Often Fail to Work Properly” at https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/ventilated-enclosures-why-do-often-fail-work-properly-richard-palluzi/ and “Toxic Gas Storage and Use Per NFPA 55: Hoods and Ventilated Enclosures in Research Applications” at https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/toxic-gas-storage-use-per-nfpa-55-hoods-ventilated-research-palluzi/ for more information.) However, the author has seen few organizations so rich in hood space that these storage areas do not, eventually, start to be used for some operations. (Probably the most common, and most worrisome is filling other containers in front of a large volume of different hazardous materials.) So, I consider this a realistically bad practice however theoretically sound.
So, what do I suggest? There is no one answer for all situations. Some ideas you might consider include:
· Buying the material in smaller containers so that it is used fast enough to be considered use and not storage.
· Providing piped house systems in each hood at the point of use for those materials in very high demand.
· Rearranging your laboratory to provide more locally convenient storage.
Some ideas I strongly recommend you do NOT consider include:
· Putting a solvent storage cabinet in a hood. (See “Why Can’t We Put It In the Hood?” at https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/why-cant-we-put-hood-richard-palluzi/ for why this makes the hood less effective.)
· Dividing the hood wit ha barrier into a storage side and an operating side. While this can be dome, it requires great care in the design of the barrier (something it never receives) and often simply makes one hood into two as operations and storage end up taking place on both sides.
I know the issue has no easy solution. But you need to exercise care to ensure that the easiest solution is not also a much riskier one.
If you are interested in this and other safety issues in laboratories, you may want to consider the University of Wisconsin courses Pilot Plant and Laboratory Safety 1: Basic Principles and Code Compliance as well as Pilot Plant and Laboratory Safety 2: Specific Issues and Technical Details. (See https://epd.wisc.edu/segment/products-processes/advanced-processes/ for more information).
Technical Professional Leader at KBR
5 年I previously worked in a facility that stored large quantities of volatile liquid samples in refrigerated storage. However I don't believe there were any fire sprinklers inside and the electrical items were not built to be explosion proof.
Professor Emeritus, Teaching Stream at University of Toronto
6 年Hiding in the background here is the issue of chemical inventory management. The University model has each professor running their own labs, and purchasing their own inventory. And so, since every group is self sufficient, then the volume of stored chemicals increases. Then, add the fact that the grad students buy more than what they use, and are loath to dispose of anything. The labs become chemical graveyards. If you join the JHSC and do the inspections - you see this. The real winners are the suppliers of lab chemicals.
Chemical process development expert. Antidote to marketing #hopium . Tireless advocate for a fossil fuel-free future.
6 年Will read this later with interest- but the picture sparks memories of university laboratories.? It shocks me to this day that university laboratories are not the site of daily injuries and yearly deaths.? Perhaps the transition away from real experimentation toward computer modelling has had at least that beneficial effect, i.e. less risk of injury...