In honour of Henri Habib
I'd like to share some good news with you.
Next year marks the 60th anniversary of Concordia's Department of Political Science and to mark this occasion, we are honouring our Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Henri Habib, who founded the department at Loyola College in 1961.
Professor Habib’s exemplary teaching and research has inspired generations of Political Science students to think deeply and critically about the world around them. It was a complicated world then and it is an even more complicated world today. I remember Dr Habib was stopping to ask us in the middle of a lecture, what will be the most valuable commodity in the world years into the future?..We all cast around, some said, oil! some said gold, others technology and very quietly he said to all of us.....TIME.
This was years before the acceleration of social communications due to technology and algos and the this is the kind of teaching that makes CONCORDIA a great place and why it makes me so happy to support this initiative...Many of my classmates are scattered over the world and I hope you see this post and remember a kind and wise professor....