Honoring the Stages of Regeneration
Photo by Dmitry Bukhantsov on Unsplash

Honoring the Stages of Regeneration

I speak and consult frequently about the practice of regeneration in contexts as wide-ranging as tourism, agriculture, community and business. And always, people want examples. Not only that, they want perfect, start-to-finish examples of best practices – a clear roadmap of how it's done. Anything less throws the whole concept into doubt. The promising initiative that died when leadership changed is dismissed. The ambitious project that didn't live up to expectations is rejected. And courage and commitment falter.

But here's what we need to keep in mind. When a degraded landscape starts to take on life again, there is a certain order to the return of species, in what is called ecological succession. First come the lichen, followed by small annual plants. These prepare the soil for the subsequent arrival of perennial grasses, bushes, then trees, ultimately generating a whole, complex – regenerated – ecosystem. Each stage calls for the contributions of specific species.

In human communities seeking regeneration, the early brave examples may be short-lived. They may not live up to our hopes for full system regeneration. But this is not their purpose. Theirs is to prepare the ground, spreading seeds of new potential. With every hopeful new start, the landscape of our imagination has been transformed. The soil of what seems possible is richer because of their contributions.

Let's not hold back from celebrating these pioneers (as they are called in biology). And though we may rightfully grieve what didn't come to pass when those halted projects are our own, let's also honor what did happen – what is unalterably changed in us and in the world – and the courage it took to step into the unknown.

Kristin Dunne

Mum, Strategist, Professional Director

6 个月

Thank you for sharing this Michelle Holliday . A much needed message for all and also timely for me personally. Much appreciated.

Dorothe Liebig

ACG/The Vital Works. Wien und Berlin, Dipl. Psychologin, Steward of OD for Life, Time to Think Facilitator, Tender Punk

6 个月

Honouring the small first plants of transformation…. What an energizing way to nourish life! Thanks dear Michelle!

Katharine Burke

IB Educator; Author: EARTHWARDS: Transformative Ecological Education (Hawthorn Press October 2024); Founder: The Small Earth Institute, M.Ed: Nature, Ecology and Sustainability

7 个月

This is beautiful, and so well put. Not to be discouraged by small results and to remember that we are part of a whole process, with many allies.

Christine Proctor

Bringing commercial strategy to life | GAICD

7 个月

I love this. On reflection, a phrase I’ve heard used in business contexts, not even regen specifically is “we were ahead of our time”. Pioneering indeed and valuable framing for lessons learnt.

Dianne Dredge, PhD

Place ecologist, weaver and waymaker for regenerative practice | The CoLab | Local2030 Islands Network

7 个月

Michelle Holliday This is so affirming! The ecological metaphor is perfect and a good reminder that its a work in progress. I have spent the last few weeks on Flinders Island assessing and reconvening with the pioneers. Their work is not done and they continue. We have learned much from this review process and will share soon. Sammi Gowthorp Sarah Lebski


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