Honoring service and heroism
On Veterans Day we take time to pause and recognize the service of the men and women who’ve worn our nation’s uniform, past and present, including our many UBS veteran colleagues. We give thanks for the way each answered the call to a purpose larger than themselves — the defense of our country and the ideals it represents.
Throughout our nation’s history, we’ve learned that freedom and democracy do not flourish without the vigilance and bravery of our military service members. Their quiet selflessness and their willingness to put themselves in harm’s way remind us that, in a country where individual liberties are sanctified, it is the collective sacrifice made by our veterans and their families that ensures that those same rights endure.
Since our country’s founding, through times of unifying harmony and bitter division, the men and women of our Armed Forces have taken an oath to serve and protect their fellow Americans so the United States may continue to serve as a model of peace and hope for the rest of the world. This Veterans Day, I hope you’ll join me in whatever way you choose to honor their service and heroism.