Honoring our Heroes
Shukoor Ahmed
Mentor | Angel Investor | Strategist | Politico | Philatelist | Cricketer
Every year, we hail the start of summer over the Memorial Day weekend. We mark the event with parades, laying wreaths at the graves of our fallen heroes, and paying tribute to those who have served all Americans by serving in our armed forces. Although this holiday was originally established to mourn the Civil War dead, it has taken on a broader purpose, to honor all those who put on the uniform, and pledge with their lives, to keep us out of harm’s way.
Most of us can trace our family histories back to immigrant ancestors who came to this nation in search of a better life. They were fleeing not only economic hardship, but also persecution and discrimination. As millions settled in this great Republic, they made a fundamental pledge that as citizens, they would do all that was necessary to protect us from those who would harm us physically or threaten our liberties.
Over the past century, our brave American soldiers have fought with unparalleled courage to defend the free world time and time again. It is they whom we honor on Memorial Day. Even tough the job of defending democracy has gotten harder, our armed services have answered the call with unflinching honor and bravery. These patriots don’t just recite the Pledge of Allegiance, they live it every single day! For this, they will forever have our support, gratitude, prayers and respect.
God Bless Our Troops, and God Bless America!