Honoring Our Heroes: Military Appreciation Month
May is a time of remembrance, appreciation and celebration. As we observe Military Appreciation Month, it fills us with a deep sense of gratitude toward our veterans who have served and sacrificed for our nation.
According to the National WWII Museum, about 119,550 of the 16.4 million men and women who served in the great conflict are still alive, and it is an important responsibility for all of us to honor their legacy by preserving their stories. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) estimates there are nearly 7 million Vietnam veterans living in the U.S. and abroad, and that around 700,000?men and women served in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.
Enriching Lives at Amada Senior Care
At Amada Senior Care, the elderly hold a special place in our hearts, along with our revered senior veterans, their spouses and the dedicated caregivers who are veterans themselves. It is our privilege and honor to care for senior veterans and to recognize their invaluable contributions to our freedom and security. Here are some meaningful ways to celebrate and appreciate our senior vets, their spouses and veteran caregivers during this special month.
One beautiful way to pay tribute to our senior veterans and caretakers who served in the military is by creating a Wall of Honor within our communities. This can be a
Amada Wichita salutes senior veterans with its in-office honor wall.
dedicated space where photos, service records and personal stories of their military service are displayed. Not only does this celebrate their contributions, but it also encourages conversations and connections among residents and staff, fostering a deeper sense of community and respect.
A simple yet profoundly impactful event is a Recognition Ceremony. This can be a formal or informal gathering where we express our gratitude to our resident veterans and caregivers who have served. It can involve the presentation of certificates of appreciation, sharing of stories and perhaps inviting a guest speaker who can speak on the importance of military service and the value of our veterans.
If mobility allows, organizing a trip to nearby military monuments or museums can be an enriching experience for senior veterans. It’s not just an educational outing; it’s an opportunity for them to reflect on their service, share their experiences with others and feel a renewed sense of pride in their contributions to our country.
Asa Shuey, owner of Amada Wichita, organizes a resource fair benefitting local veterans.
Encouraging community members to write personal letters of thanks or put together care packages for veterans can be a heartwarming activity. These tokens of appreciation can be directed not only to residents within Amada Senior Care but also to active-duty soldiers and veterans in the broader community. It’s a small gesture that carries a lot of weight and sends a message of deep gratitude and support.
Inviting local schools or youth groups to participate in intergenerational activities with our senior veterans can be incredibly fulfilling. Whether it’s through art projects, sharing stories, or simply spending time together, these interactions can bridge the gap between generations and offer valuable life lessons on service, sacrifice and patriotism.
Kevin Manuel and Greg Hines, owners of Amada Farmington Hills, Michigan, meet with retired Army Colonel Dr. Eunice J. Banks.
Hosting workshops or talks that focus on topics relevant to veterans and their unique needs can be both informative and supportive. These could cover health care benefits, mental health resources, or even historical talks about military events and figures. It highlights the ongoing commitment to caring for our veterans’ well-being in all aspects of their lives.
Several of our Amada Senior Care franchise offices present continuing education programs about veterans benefits to senior living communities, senior-based resource organizations, hospitals, and healthcare groups. One of our most popular programs are “Understanding VA Benefits for Home Care” and the second is “Long-Term Care Insurance and Veterans’ Benefits 101.” If you are a member of a community or a resource organization that would be interested in one of these programs, CLICK HERE to find the Amada office nearest you.
Let’s Take the Time to Celebrate Senior Veterans
At Amada Senior Care, we believe in honoring our heroes not just during Military Appreciation Month but year-round. By taking the time to celebrate our senior vets, their spouses and the caregivers who are vets, we not only recognize their past sacrifices but also their continuing contributions to our lives and communities. Let’s come together this May—and throughout the year—to show our enduring gratitude and support for those who have given so much.
Remember, whether through a grand gesture or a simple “thank you,” every act of appreciation makes a difference in the hearts of those who have served. Let’s make this Military Appreciation Month memorable and meaningful for our senior heroes.