Honoring all who serve: The veterans Gundersen is honoring this year.

Honoring all who serve: The veterans Gundersen is honoring this year.

Gundersen Health System Veteran Alex Maldonado_Veterans Spotlight_2023
Alex Maldonado_Veterans Spotlight_2023

Alex Maldonado, scheduler and department secretary, Surgery Clinic

Alex Maldonado has been with Gundersen since 2022. Alex served as a corporal in active duty for the United States Marine Corps for four years.

Who or what influenced you to join the military?

My dad was in the Army and my sister was in the Navy. The military was in my family, but I had never initially thought about it until I showed up to a physical training on a Thursday afternoon where the recruiter, Sgt. Vite Cinquepalmi told me about the brotherhood of the Marine Corps and its rich traditions. I wanted to become a marine. Sgt. Cinquepalmi also became a mentor in my career and a great friend.

What is the greatest lesson you learned while serving?

To cherish every moment as if every day will be remembered as the “Good ole’ days”. More likely than not they will, and you just don’t know it yet. Take pictures.

Can you think of a time during your service where you were able to give back to the community?

I helped run morning and afternoon physical training and helped recruiters inspire the next generation of Marines.

Has military experience helped you get to where you are today?

My military experience plays a more self-development role. I go back to things instilled in me such as taking accountability and giving myself that bridge to connect with many veterans that we proudly serve here.

Gundersen Health System Alex Maldonado_Veterans Spotlight crew_2023
Alex Maldonado_Veterans Spotlight crew_2023

Ladd Dafoe_biomedical tech- Gundersen Health System
Ladd Dafoe_biomedical tech- Gundersen Health System

Ladd Dafoe, biomedical tech

Ladd Dafoe has been with Gundersen since 2016. Ladd served for more than 22 years in the United States Air Force and retired as a Master Sergeant, Non-commissioned Officer-In-Charge, Air Traffic Control Radio Maintenance.

Who or what influenced you to join the military?

My father and uncles were in the Navy and my grandfather was in the Army. I saw that their military service was a springboard for civilian professions like being a police officer or general contractor. I also saw that it gave them the fortitude to succeed in life.?

What is the greatest lesson you learned while serving?

A familiar saying is “A job worth doing is a job well done.” I cannot think of a greater calling than to serve and protect our great nation.

How did you give back to your community during your time in the military?

While at Andrews Air Force Base, I provided public address system support to the Special Olympics games. I also rehabbed playgrounds in San Antonio TX while at Kelly Air Force Base.

Has your military experience helped you get to where you are today?

It is simply confident discipline; one month I was in a fixed, orderly environment, next month in a college classroom (Western Tech) with people half my age, whose worldview was less structured. If military service taught me anything, it is situational flexibility. To borrow a Marine Corp phrase--Semper Gumby!

Ladd Dafoe 2_biomedical tech- Gundersen Health System


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