Update: for those who want to view my panel presentation see link (Espa?ol only) below.
For those who want to view my panel presentation here is the link (Espa?ol only), my presentation begins at 00:15:20, but please take the time to view my fellow panelists. Gracias!
I am honored to be Speaking at Quantum Leap 2030, The QL21Please join me and a community of innovative thought leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean as we lead the campaign for a truly regenerative future.
Quantum Leap 2030 is inspired to raise awareness to regional issues in Latin America and the Caribbean, partnering with grassroots organizations and the greater network of sustainability experts to work in partnership for a resilient, healthy and robust future.
Unable to return home to Spain due to the pandemic, I have been living in Mexico for over a year now. Being accepted to speak at this event is therefore all the more meaningful; I am equal parts thrilled and humbled. Mexico and Latin America have been gracious hosts to me in the last several years; 2017, most of 2020 and now 2021. I am indebted to this region for keeping me safe, sane, optimistic and in a continual state of learning. In a time where so many uncertainties can drag us down, I am encouraged by the work being done by leaders such as RBEI and I am eager to help share and support their efforts.
This will be my first time presenting in Spanish and I am excited (and nervous) to be sure. Never one to back down from a challenge I hope you join me for what is sure to be an informative and entertaining panel of leaders and positive interrupters. Join us!