Honorable Members of UK Parliament
Update 2/12/24 There has been a vigorous campaign for legalising assisted dying. The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill was passed in the UK House of Commons with 330 voting in favour and 275 against. Thank you to the House. It's not law yet as amendments have been tabled which must be scrutinised and agreed, We will always have fears of creating new opportunities for crime and mishap but at last the need for MERCY is officially recognised.
The worst off people in the land are those who need to die. Please see article Alleviating depression, suicidality, pain.
We wonder how many of we British citizens have tried, repeatedly, to get our MP to assist and represent us, as is our right - yet failed. Our solicitor advised us to see our MP about our case "that's exactly what your MP is for". We agreed.
We tried phoning, writing letters, Emails. Keeping up with the websites. We were told there are no face-to-face surgeries now. When we eventually got any answer it was from the otherwise anonymous 'Case Team'. They did a put off job. They said we ought to seek our solicitor's advice as our MP does not know the Law!!!
Our answer was
"You have failed to identify yourself. We do not believe you work for our MP"
We also believed that if 'Case Team' really does hold a post WITH our MP, they might as well be working AGAINST them. They implied ignorance when an MP is an important contributor to law-making
To another authority we said
"We wonder if our MP even knows we asked for their help".
We are concerned that this has happened. It withholds help people really do need and is very unfair on MPs. We will not give up on our MP. We are in no doubt that they would be very willing and able to assist and represent us.
Perhaps all MPs should double-check their security of communications and, I'm afraid, the credentials of those they have entrusted as Case Workers.