The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner / The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral, Writes an Article re a Medical Question by a Fan
The Hon. Dr. Scott L Fredricks, Commissioner
This is an Official Page of the Celebrity & Government Official ~ The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner
From :
The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner
The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral
As I have been asked, about Aneurysms, Brain Aneurysms, etc.,
& what they are about, what transpires when they occur,
& other such mechanisms re them, this is not the only time,
that this topic & these questions, have been asked, to me.
A few years ago, a friend of mine
- the lovely & talented A B C Television Network
News - Reporter, Lisa Colagrossi
unfortunately & tragically suffered from one,
upon "Wrapping ( Up )" doing a News Story,
& sadly passed away,
at which time, I was also asked to explain about them.
Equally, at that time, I - then, Wrote about the Topic.
So, while not the only time, that I have explained & Written
about aneurysms,
while more than likely, it will not be the last time, either,
I shall - again, do so, now.
An - Aneurysm / Brain ( Cerebral ) Aneurysm,
is a Weak &/or Non-strengthened Area,
that Protrudes, in the Wall of an Artery
- that Supplies Blood to the Brain.
Usually, Brain Aneurysms, occur,
in what is referred to, as, "the Circle of Willis",
which is a Group of Blood Vessels, at the Base of the Brain.
In the majority of situations,
a Brain Aneurysm does Not cause any symptoms,
& thus, it becomes Unnoticed.
In - Minute &/or Extreme Situations,
the Brain Aneurysm Ruptures,
which Results in Blood being Released,
into the Skull, which then Causes a Stroke.
This - Rupturing, is known as a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage,
& the process can Cause - Brain Damage, &/or Death,
which - the latter,
was the unfortunate scenario, with re to Lisa.
How &/or why, it - a Brain Aneurysm, is caused,
can be Partly Attributed, to,
&/or more specifically, Inheriting "the Tendency" to Form them,
as well as, Atherosclerosis
- which is a Hardening of the Arteries,
even "Aging", with re to some patients.
Some - Factors, relating to risks, for an Aneurysm &/or Brain Aneurysm,
may be :
Family History,
Gender - Females are More Prone, than Males,
High Blood Pressure
- people with a History of it, are More Likely to Develop one,
Any - Attribution &/or "Previous" History, of an Aneurysm,
Race - Black people are More Prone, than White people,
Smoking - while some "Factors", above here, that I have listed,
might have needed an explanation,
- this particular Category, "goes Without saying",
as the expression goes.
The - Majority of Brain Aneurysms
do Not cause Any form &/or sign, of symptoms,
& might Only come to light,
during Medical Examinations &/or Medical Tests,
that, were / have been / are being , done,
for Completely Unrelated situations.
While I do not usually like to bring
my personal matters, to the forefront,
let me do so, for the sake of
Lisa, my Fans, & everybody reading this Article,
as well as, for your sake,
& for the sake of your loved ones &/or others whom you may know ...
Years ago, my father, was coming out of the bathroom.
He approached the bed, to sit down, on the corner of it.
However, he missed it, by what is called "a barnyard mile".
Needless to say, he landed parts of his body,
( which need no explanation, as to what parts those were
- for obvious reasons )
onto the floor.
Though he did not want to complain,
I noticed, that he was & continued to be, in pain.
While I checked him out,
I wanted him to see, an Internist, that I knew.
I brought him there, & waited, until she thoroughly examined him,
& in which, I felt that it was a good time - while he was there,
to have a Battery of Tests, performed on him.
She did,
& told him, that aside from a few aches, stemming from the fall,
that he was alright, with respect to that incident.
However, as he proceeded to leave, she told him, not to move,
& she stated to him, that she was telephoning the ambulance.
He basically said to her
"What for ? You said I was okay",
to which she basically replied
"I said you were okay,
from you missing the bed, & falling your rear-end, on the floor.
However, after examining you & testing you,
I've discovered, something else - you have an aneurysm.
So I've called the ambulance, & you're going to the hospital,
& you're having emergency surgery, or you'll be dead".
He had an Aneurysm, that Went Undetected,
Until a Medical Examination & Medical Tests,
Pertaining To a Completely Different Matter,
brought it into the light,
which Then & Only Then, Caused It to Be Discovered.
Only Due to the Examination & Tests, was his Aneurysm Discovered,
to which he Would Have Died,
had it not been for that Unrelated situation,
causing him, to be Examined & Tested, in the first place.
I have told you this, to possibly Help Save Lives, if I can.
As the Reason for me telling you, of such,
in the paragraphs immediately prior to this one.
pertains, to what I stated right before it
- that The Majority of Aneurysms may go Undetected,
as was the case, with re to my father,
& that they - Aneurysms,
Might Not be Detected, but for an Examination &/or Tests,
Relating to something Completely Different,
as was also the case, with re to my father.
So, your Awareness, of this, is Vital.
In finishing up, this Article,
let me state, that :
Sometimes, an Aneurysm,
that has Not Ruptured, may "come to light" &/or be prevalent,
by it Causing Pressure, in Parts of the Brain.
Depending Upon what Area(s) of the Brain, is/are - affected,
as well as, How Severe the Aneurysm is,
one May Suffer - Severe Headaches,
&/or Headaches, that are Different, from Previous Headaches.
In addition, one May Suffer,
Vision Problems, such as Blurriness, &/or Sensitivity to Light,
possibly, Soreness in the Neck,
a possibility of, a Change in their Speech,
possibly, Nausea & Vomiting,
equally, Fainting, Loss of Consciousness,
as well as, a possibility of Seizures.
[ The &/or this information &/or any other such information
- whether from myself &/or whether from anybody else,
is not &/or should not be intended, to
diagnose, treat, cure, remedy, etc.
&/or to do anything else,
re any health, medical, legal, business, etc.
&/or any other type of situation &/or matter.
As with anything &/or everything, in life,
exercise proper judgement, on anything &/or everything
that you either want to do &/or are doing &/or will be doing,
that anybody else who you might know,
either wants to do &/or is doing &/or will be doing.
If need be, seek, consult &/or speak to a professional
in the topics &/or subjects,
in &/or to what, your queries are about
- whether the topics &/or subjects, are about this referenced matter
or whether the topics &/or subjects, are about anything else
&/ or
whether the queries are to myself
&/or whether the queries are to anybody else. ]
The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner
The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral
is a Genius, & was a Genius from Childhood.
He was speaking Dozens of Languages
on or before he was in the First Grade
was Taking University Courses
on or before he was in the First Grade.
He has
More than 8 + Years of College
More than 12 + Degrees
More than 100 + Languages.
He is a
Doctor, Attorney, Rabbi, Linguist, Philosopher
has &/or holds, other
Certifications, Degrees, Awards, etc.
has other
He is
a Celebrity, who dates many Celebrities
he Owns
Book Publications,
Photography Studios,
Modeling Studios,
Recording Studios,
Music Studios,
Radio Networks,
Radio Stations,
Play & Theater - Studios,
Television Networks,
Television Studios,
Television Stations,
Movie Studios,
Media Outlets,
other Entities in the Media & Entertainment Profession.
He Owns & Runs
Many - if not Most
Beauty Contests & Beauty Pageants.
He also Owns & Runs
Athletic &/or Sports - Teams & Leagues,
in Addition to Owning & Running
other types of
Competition &/or Competitive - Teams & Leagues.
He also Owns & Runs
Web Sites.
He is the
Chief Executive Officer,
Chairman of the Board,
Owns & Runs
Millions of Businesses, Companies, & Corporations.
He is
a Top Governmental
Law Enforcement & Intelligence
who Associates with
Prime Ministers, Princes, Kings, & Presidents,
& other Titled
- Heads of Regions, Countries, & World Leaders.
He is the
# 1 Celebrity on Social Media,
# 1 Most Requested person,
# 1 Most Requested - Celebrity,
# 1 Most Subscribed To person,
# 1 Most Subscribed To - Celebrity,
# 1 Most Followed person,
# 1 Most Followed - Celebrity
- Every Day
Receiving More than 4 Billion - Friend Requests
from All Over the World.
- he has Special Buttons & Controls
that he uses, to show a smaller amount of people
on his Friend Lists,
& of his
Page Likes, Subscribers, & Followers,
because he is known to be Humble & Modest
& he does not like to brag or to show-off
- he tries to live, like a regular person,
or as close to one, as possible.
He is the Medical, Science, & Scientific - Expert
Author & Writer
for The Doctors Page.
He is the Law, & Legal - Expert
Author & Writer
for The Attorneys Page.
He is the Experts "Expert"
although he is Extremely Wealthy & does Not need Money,
he is Called Upon, & Paid - Billions of Dollars
by other
Religious Institutions,
by other
Colleges & Universities,
by other
by other
Businesses, Companies, & Corporations
by other
Organizations, etc., etc.
by other
Political Parties,
Political Bodies,
Government Cabinets,
Government Bodies,
- Throughout the World.
He does have a Busy Schedule, & he is Very Busy,
although as it has been stated, that he is Extremely Wealthy
& that he does Not need Money
- he may be &/or is Available
for Paid - Advice & Consultation, on Anything.
You can Follow him, & also Send him a Friend Request
to one of his
Personal Pages
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Scott L. Fredricks
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The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner
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