The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner / The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral, Writes an Article re a Legal Question by a Fan

The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner / The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral, Writes an Article re a Legal Question by a Fan

From :

The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner

The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral

As a person, who wears many proverbial "Hats"

- Celebrity, Corporate President, Governmental Official,

in addition to other ones,

I find myself - if not impose onto myself,

having to walk a line - whether a "fine line", or not,

in, of, &/or within - each & every one of them,

trying Not to have Conflicts of Interests, between them.

I am Not obligated to do so,

however, such as I feel,

that people in certain Professions, Jobs, etc.,

should Stick to what they are being Paid for &/or to do,

& should Not Publicly start "acting out"

in, towards &/or against - where they do Not belong,

I try to do my best - if & whenever possible,

to adhere to the same ideology.

Equally, while there may be &/or are

certain Governmental Rules, Regulations, &/or Laws

within the Government itself,

re Employees / Personnel, Officials, etc.,

- to which I am Exempt from,

I still - again, Voluntarily impose this ideation,

onto myself, with re to my being a Governmental Official.

It is More than Clear, on my Pages

&/or at a minimum, on my Personal Pages,

& perhaps on other Pages of mine,

wherein I do Not espouse Politics

- whether In Favor &/or Against

Democrat(s), Republican(s), Administrations,

&/or other Officials, etc.,

& Certainly Not against the Political spectrum

of Parties, Officials, etc., within my Own Country.

I start off this Article of mine,

saying this &/or these things,

because of the Subject &/or Topic,

of what my Article is about ... 

I have been asked, by many

- including

some of my Girlfriends,

some of my Personal Friends,

some of my Associates & Colleagues,

some of my Staff & Workers,

some - if not Many Attorneys,

some of my Fans & Followers,

some of the people on my Friend Lists,

& others,

a / the Question

re the United States Attorney General

& his "Dropping Out" / Recusing himself,

from the Russia probe

- whether in General &/or in Specific

to the President of the United States.

While I stated antecedently,

that I do Not like to espouse Politics

on my Pages &/or at least Not on my Personal ones,

& other Pages of mine, as well,

& yes - I know, it is Ironic that I am a Politician,

who does Not necessarily like &/or want to do such,

I am equally caught, between a / the

proverbial "Rock & a Hard Place".

For, it is my Duty,

as the Law & Legal - Expert


Author & Writer

to Explain - from a Legal Perspective,

if there is an Answer to the Question,

& if so - then what is it

- to which, I will be &/or am, doing so, now.

While, the Attorney General may have - at first

made it seem that he was personally doing such

- & he may have felt that way,

to which he may have - later, stated

that it was for reasons of

Regulations, Rules, Law(s), etc.,

- his reasoning,

whether Personal or otherwise, is Irrelevant.

For No other Law Maker in the Country,

including Republican & Democratic - Congressmen & Senators,

& equally Including - Attorneys General,

knew of - let alone quoted, such

Rules, Regulations, Law(s),


Equally, while I will Not personally opine,

as to the Attorney General's decision,

I will state, that from a Legal perspective

- & it is a Legal one,

that the Attorney General

made a / the Correct - Legal decision.

Since this / my Article is one of Facts, & Law,

I will be & am, stating them.

Quite simply, the Fact is,

that Many people - Including the Attorney General,

before he was Appointed & Confirmed as Attorney General,

were Involved with &/or Worked in & on

the Campaign of the President,

before he was Elected as President.

Some ( of them ) were in Minor capacities,

ie. Mailroom Workers, Telephone Workers, Canvassers,

"Gofers" - "Going For" - Food, Drinks, Supplies, Deliveries, etc.

& some ( of them ) were in Major capacities.

The Attorney General

- again, before he was Appointed & Confirmed as Attorney General,

had a role, More in the aspect, of being in & of a Major capacity

such as of an Advisor, in addition to other things,

in the President's Election Campaign

- again, before the President was Elected as President.

So, when the Russia probe came to be,

re whether or not Russia

- based upon any Fact(s) that could be proven,

actually - physically illegally interfered,

with the United States - Election(s),

which was & is a physical Impossibility, by the way,

as we, in the United States, do Not Vote online,

thereby Physically making it

Nothing to be able to interfere with, with re to Hacking,

as to their ability to "change" the result(s),

the - now, Attorney General at first may have

- on a Personal basis to the President,

due to his Personal relationship with the President,

taken himself out of overseeing the probe,

& then later, may have referred to his decision being done,

because of different reasons,

which - either way, it is Irrelevant,

because, as I stated, & am again doing so, now,

the Attorney General's decision - by Law, was & is a Correct one.

There Is

such an actual Department of Justice regulation.

It is standing Department of Justice regulation :

Title 28, Chapter I, Section 45.2

of the Code of Federal Regulations.

It is titled

"Disqualification Arising from Personal or Political Relationship".

I hope, that this will shed some light as to your queries.

For those of you, who are Not Degreed in Law,

the regulation states - basically &/or otherwise, that

Department Employees should Not Participate in Investigations

of a Campaign, if they Have Served as a Campaign Advisor.

For those of you, Degreed in Law,

it More Specifically, states :


Unless authorized under paragraph (b) of this section,

no employee shall participate

in a criminal investigation or prosecution

if he has a personal or political relationship with:


Any person or organization

substantially involved in the conduct

that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution;



Any person or organization

which he knows has a specific and substantial interest

that would be directly affected

by the outcome of the investigation or prosecution.


An employee assigned to or otherwise participating in

a criminal investigation or prosecution

who believes that his participation may be prohibited

by paragraph (a) of this section

shall report the matter and all attendant facts and circumstances

to his supervisor at the level of section chief

or the equivalent or higher.

If the supervisor determines

that a personal or political relationship exists

between the employee and a person or organization

described in paragraph (a) of this section,

he shall relieve the employee from participation

unless he determines further, in writing,

after full consideration of all the facts and circumstances,

that :


The relationship will not have the effect

of rendering the employee's service

less than fully impartial and professional;



The employee's participation

would not create an appearance of a conflict of interest

likely to affect the public perception

of the integrity of the investigation or prosecution.


For the purposes of this section :


Political relationship means

a close identification with an elected official,

a candidate (whether or not successful) for

elective, public office, a political party,

or a campaign organization,

arising from service as a principal adviser thereto

or a principal official thereof;



Personal relationship means

a close and substantial connection of the type normally viewed

as likely to induce partiality.

An employee is presumed to have a personal relationship

with his father, mother, brother, sister, child and spouse.

Whether relationships (including friendships)

of an employee to other persons or organizations

are ''personal'' must be judged on an individual basis

with due regard given to the subjective opinion of the employee.


This section pertains to agency management

and is not intended to create rights enforceable

by private individuals or organizations.

[ The &/or this information &/or any other such information

- whether from myself &/or whether from anybody else,

is not &/or should not be intended, to

diagnose, treat, cure, remedy, etc.

&/or to do anything else,

re any health, medical, legal, business, etc.

&/or any other type of situation &/or matter.

As with anything &/or everything, in life,

exercise proper judgement, on anything &/or everything

that you either want to do &/or are doing &/or will be doing,


that anybody else who you might know,

either wants to do &/or is doing &/or will be doing.

If need be, seek, consult &/or speak to a professional

in the topics &/or subjects,

in &/or to what, your queries are about

- whether the topics &/or subjects, are about this referenced matter

or whether the topics &/or subjects, are about anything else

&/ or

whether the queries are to myself

&/or whether the queries are to anybody else. ]


The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner

The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral

is a Genius, & was a Genius from Childhood.

He was speaking Dozens of Languages

on or before he was in the First Grade


was Taking University Courses

on or before he was in the First Grade.

He has

More than 8 + Years of College

More than 12 + Degrees



More than 100 + Languages.

He is a

Doctor, Attorney, Rabbi, Linguist, Philosopher


has &/or holds, other

Certifications, Degrees, Awards, etc.


has other


He is

a Celebrity, who dates many Celebrities


he Owns


Book Publications,



Photography Studios,

Modeling Studios,

Recording Studios,

Music Studios,

Radio Networks,

Radio Stations,

Play & Theater - Studios,

Television Networks,

Television Studios,

Television Stations,

Movie Studios,

Media Outlets,


other Entities in the Media & Entertainment Profession.

He Owns & Runs

Many - if not Most

Beauty Contests & Beauty Pageants.

He also Owns & Runs


Athletic &/or Sports - Teams & Leagues,

in Addition to Owning & Running

other types of

Competition &/or Competitive - Teams & Leagues.

He also Owns & Runs


Web Sites.

He is the


Chief Executive Officer,

Chairman of the Board,



Owns & Runs

Millions of Businesses, Companies, & Corporations.

He is

a Top Governmental

Law Enforcement & Intelligence


who Associates with

Prime Ministers, Princes, Kings, & Presidents,

& other Titled

- Heads of Regions, Countries, & World Leaders.

He is the

# 1 Celebrity on Social Media,

# 1 Most Requested person,

# 1 Most Requested - Celebrity,

# 1 Most Subscribed To person,

# 1 Most Subscribed To - Celebrity,

# 1 Most Followed person,

# 1 Most Followed - Celebrity

- Every Day

Receiving More than 4 Billion - Friend Requests

from All Over the World.

- he has Special Buttons & Controls

that he uses, to show a smaller amount of people

on his Friend Lists,

& of his

Page Likes, Subscribers, & Followers,

because he is known to be Humble & Modest

& he does not like to brag or to show-off

- he tries to live, like a regular person,

or as close to one, as possible.

He is the Medical, Science, & Scientific - Expert


Author & Writer

for The Doctors Page.

He the Law, & Legal - Expert


Author & Writer

for The Attorneys Page.

He is the Experts "Expert"


although he is Extremely Wealthy & does Not need Money,

he is Called Upon, & Paid - Billions of Dollars

by other





Religious Institutions,


by other


Colleges & Universities,



by other



by other

Businesses, Companies, & Corporations


by other


Organizations, etc., etc.


by other


Political Parties,

Political Bodies,


Government Cabinets,


Government Bodies,








- Throughout the World.

He does have a Busy Schedule, & he is Very Busy,


although as it has been stated, that he is Extremely Wealthy

& that he does Not need Money

- he may be &/or is Available

for Paid - Advice & Consultation, on Anything.

You can Follow him, & also Send him a Friend Request

to one of his

Personal Pages

at :

Scott L. Fredricks


You can "Like", & Subscribe to, & Follow,

& Receive Notifications about him

on one of his

Celebrity & Government Official - Pages

at :

The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner


You can "Like", & Subscribe to, & Follow,

& Receive Notifications about him &/or his Studios

on one of his Studios Pages

at :

Scott L. Fredricks Studios


You can "Like", & Subscribe to, & Follow,

& Receive Notifications

about some of his Medical, Science, & Scientific - Articles

on one of The Doctors Pages

at :


at :

You can "Like", & Subscribe to, & Follow,

& Receive Notifications

about some of his Law, & Legal - Articles

on one of The Attorneys Pages

at :


at :



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