The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner / The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral, Writes an Article re a Medical Question by a Fan
The Hon. Dr. Scott L Fredricks, Commissioner
This is an Official Page of the Celebrity & Government Official ~ The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner
From :
The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner
The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral
As I am not only the
Medical Expert,
Author & Writer,
but equally the
Science, & Scientific
Author & Writer
for The Doctors Page,
my Fans, Subscribers, & Followers
asked me less of a Medical question
in my previous Article,
& more of a Science & Scientific question
pertaining to Volcanoes, Volcanic Activity,
& Stopping the Flow of Lava
- especially after the Volcanic Eruption in Hawaii.
since some of the more recent questions
to The Doctors Page,
have been Medical ones,
it seems, that I am back to Writing this Article,
to answer a question, to The Doctors Page,
from a Fan by the name of Tsholofelo Thulwane,
from another Country.
Her question, which was one long run-on sentence,
with no punctuation, & was not clear &/or clear enough,
to be able to tell, what started & stopped - where, or did not
- which I have cleaned it up, a bit,
for the sake of making it more legible, to the Readers,
was / is,
Although, English is perhaps Not her Language, or primary one,
& The Doctors Page, only speaks English,
it was &/or is not a problem - for I can speak, what they do Not.
Although as they - & The Attorneys Page, also,
do tell people, when receiving Messages & Questions
in other Languages,
that they Only speak English, they also equally tell them,
that while I speak other Languages, I am Not always there.
So, other Countries' Languages
are a Problem for The Doctors Page,
& when that occurs, it has to be waited on,
until I am available to Translate & Answer them.
I discerned, that basically the Readers' question may have been,
that she previously gave Birth to a Set of Twins,
which was through - what is known, as, Cesarean Section
otherwise referred to, as "C-Section",
& she wanted / wants, to know, if it is possible
to give Birth, again, should she want to.
Equally, other Readers, have asked The Doctors Page
other types of questions,
pertaining to Pregnancy, Giving Birth, C-Sections
- with quite an amount of C-Section questions,
coming into them, at The Doctors Page.
So, in addition,
I am Writing this Article, to all of them.
First, to my Readers,
let me explain some important things, about a C-Section,
& other things, relating to it.
When you are ready to have your baby,
will you have to Deliver via Cesarean Section ?
It is difficult to know.
Though many women are certain ahead of time,
that they will have a C-Section for different reasons,
you might plan to have a Vaginal Birth
only to find that your plan has to change.
During - Labor or Delivery,
your Doctor might determine
that you need to have a C-Section right away.
This can be due a Sudden Change
if your Health or your Baby’s Health
takes a turn for the worse
and it is Too Risky for you to have a Vaginal Birth.
Even if you do not think that you will have a C-Section,
it is smart to Learn what one involves,
just in case you need to have one.
About Thirty Percent of all Babies in the United States
are Born via C-Section, so they are Fairly Common.
Planned C-section
If you know in advance that your Baby will be born via C-Section,
you will know the Date and likely will not even go into Labor.
Before your procedure, you will get an IV
so that you can Receive Medicine and Fluids.
You will also have a Catheter ( a thin Tube )
put into place to Keep your Bladder Empty during the Surgery.
Most women who have planned C-Sections receive Local Anesthesia
- either an Epidural or a Spinal Block.
This will Numb you from the Waist Down,
so you will Not feel Any pain.
This type of Anesthesia lets you Still be Awake & Aware
of what is going on.
It is possible that your Doctor may offer you General Anesthesia,
which will Put you To Sleep,
however, it is Unlikely for Most planned C-Sections.
Your Doctor will Place a Screen Across your Waist,
so you will Not be able to see the Surgery as it happens.
He or she will Make an Incision in your Abdomen,
then Another one in your Uterus.
You will Not feel Anything because of the Anesthesia.
You might feel the Doctors Pushing or Pulling
on your Middle Section
as they work to Remove your Baby from your Uterus.
You might Feel Nothing, or it might Feel like Pressure,
however, it should Nott be painful.
Once your Baby is Born,
you should be able to hear & see him or her.
Your Doctor should let you hold him or her
right after the C-Section is Finished,
and if you are Planning to Breastfeed,
you might also Be Able to Try Feeding him or her.
However, not every new Mother
gets to hold her baby right after a C-Section.
Sometimes, Babies that are Born by C-Section
have Trouble Breathing and Need Help from Doctors.
If this is the situation,
you should be able to hold your Baby
After a Doctor decides that he or she is Healthy & Stable.
After your Baby is Born,
your Doctor will Remove your Placenta, and Stitch you up.
The entire Procedure should Take
Only about Forty-Five minutes to an Hour.
Emergency C-Section
During an Emergency C-Section,
a few of the Details are Different,
including the Speed and Urgency of the Surgery.
Your Doctor can Deliver your Baby
about Two minutes after he Makes the Incision
in your Uterus.
During a planned C-Section, this may take Ten or Fifteen minutes.
The speed may be necessary :
If your Baby is having Trouble Breathing
or - his or her Heartbeat is Nott Steady,
Doctors want to get him or her out of your Uterus
Quickly and into the Hospital - if you are not already there,
where they can give him or her Crucial Medical Help
in order to to get him or her Stable.
If you Have an Emergency C-Section,
your Anesthesiologist may be able to Quickly give you Medicine
Through your Epidural, to make you Numb,
so you Still might be able to Be Awake during the Procedure.
If not, you might Receive - General Anesthesia
and Sleep Through the entire Surgery.
You will Not feel pain or pressure,
or - see or hear your Baby being Born,
or be Able to Hold your Baby right after the Birth.
However, when the Anesthesia wears off,
you Should be Able to see, hold, and feed your Baby.
C-Section Risks
While a Cesarean Section might not be part of your Birth Plan,
your Doctor may recommend one for a Variety of Reasons.
You might need to plan a C-Section
if you are Pregnant with Two or more Babies
or if you Have a Medical Condition or Infection.
If you run into an Emergency during Labor,
you may also need a C-Section.
Here are a few Examples of when this might be the Safer Option :
Your Labor is Not Progressing as it should.
Your Baby is in a Bad Position or Too Large for a Vaginal Birth.
Your Health, or you Baby's Health, is At Risk.
But there are Still Risks
to Both You and your Baby with a C-Section Delivery.
Risks to You
As with Any major Surgery
there are Several Risks associated with a Cesarean Delivery.
These include Blood Clots, Hemorrhaging,
and Reaction to the Anesthesia.
You could also have any of the following :
Surgical Injury to your Bladder or Intestines
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
( Amniotic Fluid or Fetal Material enters the Maternal Bloodstream )
Inflammation of the Uterus
Risks to future Pregnancies
Having a C-Section is fine if you want to Breastfeed.
Once you are in the Recovery Room,
you Should be able to Start trying right away.
Once you have had a C-Section,
you are more likely to Experience Complications
with Future Pregnancies.
If you have a Vaginal Delivery after a C-Section,
there is a Chance, that your Uterus Could Tear
along your C-Section - Scar Line.
You - Could Have Problems with your Placenta in the Future,
or Develop Scar Tissue in your Pelvic Area.
However, it Is Possible
to Have a Normal - Vaginal Birth after a C-Section.
Risks to Your Baby
There are far Fewer Risks to your Baby during a C-Section.
Babies delivered by Cesarean
are More Likely to Develop Breathing Issues, though,
Especially if your C-Section is Performed Before Thirty-Nine weeks.
This is, because Labor - Helps Clear your Baby’s Lungs of Fluid.
If your C-Section is Performed Before your Labor Begins,
he or she Could Still have Fluid in his or her Lungs,
however, it Usually Clears on its own After a day or two.
There is also a Small Risk of Injury
- usually just Accidental Nicks and Scrapes
to your Baby - During the Procedure.
They are Rare,
as is the chance that your Baby
will have a bad reaction to your Anesthesia.
Recovery and Care After a C-Section
About 1/3 of Newborns in the United States
are Delivered by Cesarean Section, or C-Section.
That is when the Baby comes out Through a Cut
in the Mother’s Stomach & Uterus
rather than going through the Birth Canal
and coming out Through the Vagina.
Afterward, you can expect to spend Two to Three days
in the Hospital with your new Baby, as you Recover.
After Surgery
Most women are Awake for the C-Section,
and you Should be Able to hold your Baby right away.
You will be Taken to a Recovery Room,
where Nurses will Check your Blood Pressure, Heartbeat, & Breathing
and observe you.
You might Feel Sick to your Stomach, Groggy, or Itchy
from the Drugs used to Numb you during the Surgery.
You might be Given a Pump,
so that you can Change the Amount of Pain Medication
that is Going Through a Thin Tube into your Veins.
In the days after Surgery, you can expect :
Vaginal Discharge :
You will likely have Vaginal Bleeding
for Several Weeks - After Delivery.
This is how your body - Gets Rid of the Extra Tissue and Blood
in your Uterus that kept your Baby healthy During Pregnancy.
The - First Few days, you will see Bright Red Blood
that Will gradually Get Lighter,
Turning Pink, Then Brown, To Yellow or Clear, before it Stops.
After-Pains :
It’s normal to have things that feel like Menstrual Cramps
for a Few days, After Delivery.
They Narrow the Blood Vessels in your Uterus
to Help Keep you from Bleeding too much.
Ask your Doctor
if you can take an over-the-counter Pain Medication.
Breast Swelling and Soreness :
In the First Three to Four days After Delivery,
your Breasts make something called Colostrum,
which is a Nutrient-Rich Substance that Helps Boost
your Baby’s - Immune System.
After that, your Breasts will Swell as they Fill Up with Milk.
You can Help Ease tenderness by Nursing or Pumping,
and Putting Cold Washcloths on your Breasts - Between Feedings.
If you are not Breast-Feeding, Wear a Firm, Supportive Bra,
and do Not Rub your Breasts - it will cause them to make More Milk.
Hair and Skin Changes :
You may notice your Hair Thinning in the First Three to Four months.
This is Normal.
It is Caused by Changing Hormone Levels.
( When you are Pregnant, High Levels of Hormones
Make your Hair Grow Faster & Fall Out Less. )
You might also see Red or Purple - Stretch Marks
on your Stomach & Breasts.
They will Not go away, however, they Will Fade to Silver or White.
Feeling Blue :
After you bring your Baby home,
you might find yourself, Going Through an Up & Dwon set of Emotions.
You might feel Worried, Anxious, or Very Tired
during the First few weeks of Motherhood.
Known as the “Baby Blues”,
this comes from Hormone Changes.
If you feel this way Beyond a couple of weeks, though,
then Contact your doctor.
You might have Postpartum Depression,
which is a More Serious Condition,
that happens in about Fifteen Percent of all New Mothers.
Talk Therapy or Antidepressants can usually help.
Tips to Heal Faster
The Area Around the Stitches, Staples, or Tape
on your Stomach, will be Sore for the first Few days.
Keep it Clean to Prevent Infections.
You can do a few Other Things to Speed your Recovery :
Take it Easy.
A - C-Section is a Major Surgery.
Do Not Lift Anything Heavier than your Baby
for the first Couple of weeks,
and Keep Everything you might need Within Reach.
Support your Stomach.
Hold your Stomach - When you Weeze, Cough, or Laugh,
to Keep it Still.
Ease your Pain.
A - Heating Pad ( Set on Low ) or a Warm Washcloth
can Help with Pain Around your Stomach.
You might also need Ibuprofen ( Advil, Motrin ),
Acetaminophen, or other Pain Relievers.
Most are Safe to take if you’re Breastfeeding.
Drink Fluids.
You will Need to Replace the Water you lost during delivery
as well as what you Lose if you Nurse your Baby.
You can Start Nursing - Almost Right Away.
Your Body will Make Milk about as Quickly
as After a Vaginal Delivery.
Here is what you need to know :
Medications :
You probably received pain-numbing Medicine,
such as an Epidural, during your C-Section,
however, it is Not likely to Affect the Baby much.
He or she might be a bit Sleepy,
though that Should Pass,
and he or she should be Eager to Nurse.
You might be Tempted to ask your Doctor
to Cut Back on your Pain Medicine,
however, it is Important that you Stay Comfortable.
Pain can Mess with the Hormone that Helps you Make Milk.
If you have Any Questions
about how the Drugs you are given can affect Breastfeeding,
ask to speak to the Hospital’s - Breastfeeding Specialist.
Nursing Positions :
The Site of the Surgery might Make it difficult
to find a comfortable Position to Nurse your Baby.
You can Put a Pillow Over your Stomach to Ease the Baby’s Weight,
or try these :
Football Hold :
Cradle your Baby’s Neck in your Palm,
and Rest his or her Back, on your Forearm.
Tuck his or her Feet & Legs, Under your Arm
and then Lift him or her, to your Breast.
Side-Lying Hold:
Lie down Facing your Baby,
and use Your Hand to Bring your Nipple to his or her Lips.
You can Place a Pillow Behind his or her Back
to Keep him or her, from rolling.
Physical Activities
It is Important to Get Out of Bed
and Walk Around within Twenty-Four hours After Surgery.
This can Help Ease - Gas Pains,
Help you have a Bowel Movement, and Prevent Blood Clots.
Try Not to do too much Housework or other Activities
for the First couple of weeks,
and Wait Four to Five weeks
Before doing Heavy Exercises that involve your Stomach.
Get your Doctor’s permission, Before having Sex again.
You can Try - Gentle Exercises
a few days After the C-Section :
Deep Breathing :
Take Two to Three - Slow, Deep Breaths Every Half Hour.
This can Help Prevent - Lung Congestion
from sitting In Bed so much.
Shoulder Circling :
Sit Upright and Roll your Shoulders - Twenty times
in Both Directions, Every hour to Help with Stiffness.
Gentle Stretching :
Stand Against a Wall and Raise Both Arms
Slowly Above your Head, Until you feel the Muscles
in your Stomach, stretch.
Hold for Five seconds, and then Relax.
You can do this up to Ten times a day
to Boost Flexibility around your Stitches.
When to Contact a Doctor
Once you get home, Check the Site of your Surgery Regularly
for Signs of Infection. Let your doctor know if :
The area is Red, Swollen, Hurts, or Feels Hot.
You have a Fever Higher than 100.4 F.
You have a Lot of Vaginal Bleeding, or it Smells Bad.
You will probably see your Doctor
about Six weeks after Delivery,
and he or she, will Check your Vagina, Cervix, and Uterus
as well as your Weight and Blood Pressure.
C-Section : What to Expect from Recovery
When it is time to Deliver your Baby,
if there is the chance of a problem for either you or the Baby,
your Doctor might Advise a C-Section.
It is a Surgery that Allows your Baby to be Delivered
Through a Small Cut in your Abdomen and Uterus.
They are becoming More Common in the United States.
Thirty-Two Percent of Babies were Born by C-section in 2014.
While some C-Sections are Planned, some are not.
So it is Helpful to Understand what Recovery will be like
even if a C-Section is not part of your Birth Plan.
What to Expect
A C-Section is a Major Surgery that Requires Anesthesia.
Unless you need an Emergency C-section,
the type of Anesthesia you will receive
usually makes it Possible for you to be Awake for the Birth.
You may need to Stay in Bed for a Full Day afterward.
You should Expect to Stay in the Hospital
for Two to Four days.
Total Recovery time can last up to Six weeks.
Immediately After the Surgery,
you may not feel any discomfort.
However, as your Anesthesia - Wears Off,
you might Begin to Feel Pain,
especially Around the Cut ( Incision ).
Expect to be Tired, and you May Need help
Lifting your Newborn.
Make Your Recovery Easier
Rest Helps you Recover from any type of Surgery.
So, when your Baby is Sleeping, then you should be, too.
Drink plenty of Fluids to Help Restore
what you Lost During the Surgery and Through Breastfeeding.
If you have pain, talk to your Doctor.
You might be able to take Pain Medicine,
even if you are Breastfeeding.
Equally, as Soon as your Doctor gives you permission,
Get Up & Walk Around.
If you are Constipated, Walking might Help get things Moving.
It will also Help Prevent - Blood Clots and Related Problems.
Most Important, Listen to your Doctor.
Avoid doing the Things, that you are used to doing
until your Doctor says that it is alright.
Do Not Lift anything Heavy
or do Anything that could put Stress on your Incision.
Also, Hold your Stomach, when you Sneeze or Cough.
Preventing Infection
Other Precautions you need to take After a C-Section
will Help Prevent Infection.
You should Avoid Sex or Putting Anything in your Vagina,
even a Tampon, for Several weeks.
Check with your Doctor if you have :
A Fever Higher than 100.4 F
Pain Worsening at your Incision
Redness, Swelling, or a Discharge at your Incision Area
Discomfort when you Urinate
Heavy Vaginal Bleeding or a Foul-Smelling Discharge
Leg Pain or Swelling
It is Normal to Feel Disappointed
if Having a C-Section was Not your First Choice.
Try to Focus on your & your Baby’s Health
Instead of the Delivery Method.
If you are Feeling Depressed or Experiencing Sadness
for more than Two weeks, then Speak with your Doctor.
Vaginal Birth After a C-Section ?
If you are Pregnant again
and your last Baby Arrived via Cesarean Section,
you might wonder, if a Vaginal Birth could be an option
for you this time around.
A - Vaginal Birth after C-Section ( VBAC )
Is Possible for Many Women.
However there are Factors
to Help you and your Doctor decide if it’s right for you.
Safety for you and your Baby is the Main Thing to consider.
VBAC is Not always safe for every woman.
If you try to have a Vaginal Birth
and you are at High Risk of Complications,
it Can Cause - Serious Problems for you and your Baby.
Some even Life-Threatening.
This is why it is Important
for you to talk to your Doctor about the Risks.
How is Your Health ?
For you and your Doctor
to consider a Vaginal Birth for you,
Both You and your Baby Need to be in Good Health.
You might even Be Able to attempt VBAC
if you are Pregnant with Twins,
if your Doctor says that All of you are Healthy Enough.
Your Doctor might Suggest, that VBAC is Too Risky
for you To Succeed at Vaginal Birth.
Risks could Include Any of the Following :
Obesity ( your Body Mass Index is Thirty or Higher )
Pre-eclampsia ( High Blood Pressure during Pregnancy )
Age ( usually Older than Thirty-Five )
Your Previous Cesarean was in the Previous Nineteen months
The Fetus is Very Large
Previous C-Section Scar
One Crucial detail that you and your Doctor Must Discuss
is the Type of C-Section Scar that you have on your Uterus.
( This might be the same type of Scar that you have on your Abdomen,
however it might go in a Different Direction. )
Doctors make Incisions ( cuts in the Abdomen and Uterus )
in Two Different Directions during a C-Section :
A Vertical Cut goes from Top to Bottom
A Transverse Cut goes from Side to Side
If your C-Section Scar is Vertical, you can Not attempt VBAC.
There is a Very High Risk that your Scar could Rupture
( Burst Open or Tear)
when you try to have a Vaginal Birth,
which Could Cause Great Harm to you and your Baby.
You will need to have a C-Section again.
If your C-Section Scar is Low and Transverse,
your Doctor might allow you to try VBAC,
If your other Risk Factors are Low.
This should - as always, Shed some light,
to the Readers, as to your Questions,
to The Doctors Page - which I trust that it does.
[ The &/or this information &/or any other such information
- whether from myself &/or whether from anybody else,
is not &/or should not be intended, to
diagnose, treat, cure, remedy, etc.
&/or to do anything else,
re any health, medical, legal, business, etc.
&/or any other type of situation &/or matter.
As with anything &/or everything, in life,
exercise proper judgement, on anything &/or everything
that you either want to do &/or are doing &/or will be doing,
that anybody else who you might know,
either wants to do &/or is doing &/or will be doing.
If need be, seek, consult &/or speak to a professional
in the topics &/or subjects,
in &/or to what, your queries are about
- whether the topics &/or subjects, are about this referenced matter
or whether the topics &/or subjects, are about anything else
&/ or
whether the queries are to myself
&/or whether the queries are to anybody else. ]
The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Commissioner
The Honorable Dr. Scott L. Fredricks, Admiral
is a Genius, & was a Genius from Childhood.
He was speaking Dozens of Languages
on or before he was in the First Grade
was Taking University Courses
on or before he was in the First Grade.
He has
More than 8 + Years of College
More than 12 + Degrees
More than 100 + Languages.
He is a
Doctor, Attorney, Rabbi, Linguist, Philosopher
has &/or holds, other
Certifications, Degrees, Awards, etc.
has other
He is
a Celebrity, who dates many Celebrities
he Owns
Book Publications,
Photography Studios,
Modeling Studios,
Recording Studios,
Music Studios,
Radio Networks,
Radio Stations,
Play & Theater - Studios,
Television Networks,
Television Studios,
Television Stations,
Movie Studios,
Media Outlets,
other Entities in the Media & Entertainment Profession.
He Owns & Runs
Many - if not Most
Beauty Contests & Beauty Pageants.
He also Owns & Runs
Athletic &/or Sports - Teams & Leagues,
in Addition to Owning & Running
other types of
Competition &/or Competitive - Teams & Leagues.
He also Owns & Runs
Web Sites.
He is the
Chief Executive Officer,
Chairman of the Board,
Owns & Runs
Millions of Businesses, Companies, & Corporations.
He is
a Top Governmental
Law Enforcement & Intelligence
who Associates with
Prime Ministers, Princes, Kings, & Presidents,
& other Titled
- Heads of Regions, Countries, & World Leaders.
He is the
# 1 Celebrity on Social Media,
# 1 Most Requested person,
# 1 Most Requested - Celebrity,
# 1 Most Subscribed To person,
# 1 Most Subscribed To - Celebrity,
# 1 Most Followed person,
# 1 Most Followed - Celebrity
- Every Day
Receiving More than 4 Billion - Friend Requests
from All Over the World.
- he has Special Buttons & Controls
that he uses, to show a smaller amount of people
on his Friend Lists,
& of his
Page Likes, Subscribers, & Followers,
because he is known to be Humble & Modest
& he does not like to brag or to show-off
- he tries to live, like a regular person,
or as close to one, as possible.
He is the Medical, Science, & Scientific - Expert
Author & Writer
for The Doctors Page.
He the Law, & Legal - Expert
Author & Writer
for The Attorneys Page.
He is the Experts "Expert"
although he is Extremely Wealthy & does Not need Money,
he is Called Upon, & Paid - Billions of Dollars
by other
Religious Institutions,
by other
Colleges & Universities,
by other
by other
Businesses, Companies, & Corporations
by other
Organizations, etc., etc.
by other
Political Parties,
Political Bodies,
Government Cabinets,
Government Bodies,
- Throughout the World.
He does have a Busy Schedule, & he is Very Busy,
although as it has been stated, that he is Extremely Wealthy
& that he does Not need Money
- he may be &/or is Available
for Paid - Advice & Consultation, on Anything.
You can Follow him, & also Send him a Friend Request
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