"Honor your Father and Mother" - A Covenant within the Larger Covenant
Lawrence Gerard Fox
Completed Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL) on June 12, 2021 (Magna Cum Laude), International Theological Institute, Austria. Living in Texas.
The commandment "honor your father and mother" is a covenant within the larger covenant. Both have to do with life and death.
The covenant (Hebrew berith) encompasses the language of life, law and land.
The covenant of life, law, and land was given to Adam and Eve, in the beginning. Breaking the very simple command (the law) brought about such terrible and enduring losses.
The command to honor one's parents captures the same language and importance:
Honor your father and mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you (Exodus 20:12).
What can be observed is the command (law), there is the language of life, and there is the language of land (to prosper).
That word "honor" (Hebrew kabad) emotes and denotes: "To be heavy, to be honored, to be glorified, to be burdensome."
In other words, the son and daughter is commanded to lift up the image and the dignity of marriage, and the mother (female) and the father (male). It is key that parents also understand what is at stake. Child honors more readily when securely attached and safely allowed to detach under the guidance of diligent and loving fathers and mothers.
Movements and acts which promote life styles which seek to diminish the sacred bond and essence of marriage, between one woman (female mother) and one man (male father), simply erode (undermine) the covenant promises of life, law, and land.
Such promotion seeks to bring about a curse within a society. Even worse a trauma upon the children, now unable to honor father and mother in a healthy manner.
People who knowingly promote such a curse within a society are not promoting kindness, charity, goodness, hope, faith, and blessings. In fact just the opposite.
This is a key and necessary principle of discernment in the modern world.
People who knowingly promote such a curse within a society have no idea of the horrors which awaits the larger society.
Clergy who knowingly promote such a curse within a society have no idea of the even greater horrors.
To rob a child of the intact mother (female) and father (male) is to rob (or attempt to rob) the child of such covenant blessings.
Such robbery is not charity. It is willed materialist depression.