Honor. Integrity. Respect.
Veteran's Day inspired thoughts of true appreciation and respect for the men and women who protect our freedom. Their commitment to serve and defend our country is a sacrifice greater than we can possibly know. It remains for life and beyond. To quote the Airman's Creed,
"It is A Tradition of Honor, And a Legacy of Valor."
Most Americans know a loved one or friend who served. Growing up in a military family provided some insight into this world. We would listen to old war-time stories of battles won and friends lost. There were debates on which branch of the military is most powerful as my grandfathers, uncle and cousins would "represent" their service proud. There was also Arlington... where old friends showed up in numbers and taps would echo three rifle volleys before the flag was presented. Most notable through all of this, was the honor shared for our country and respect for each other.
Honor, integrity and respect were engrained into our daily lives, in everything we did. For this, I am thankful... even when my dad's Navy coin "tested" the sheets for precision or we were "volun-told" to do something. Though I never served (my sister was Army), I honor the legacy and truly appreciate the lessons learned, all influenced by the military.
The legacy continues, as we are so incredibly proud of our son committing his service through the United States Air Force. He is making a difference, earning his coins and inspiring others to share in this honor and sacrifice. Aim High!