Honor "The Pause" and Build Resilience Through Connection with Yourself and Others
Mary Fran Bontempo
TEDx and Keynote Speaker, Resilience Expert. Programs for: ERGs, BRGs | Associations and Conferences | Women in Leadership | Best-Selling Author of "From Broken to Brilliant" | Co-Founder Brilliantly Resilient
"I needed to embark on a journey to reclaim my connection, both personally and professionally."
Shawnta Hooks was never a believer in meditation or mindfulness. Neither had much place in the life of a woman seeking to succeed in corporate America.
But after working in accounting and corporate compliance during her 20 year career, Shawnta found herself in a toxic work environment after a company reorganization, feeling completely disconnected, unseen and unheard. Her first instinct was to lay blame on the company, until she realized it wasn't entirely her work environment that was causing her challenges.
Having just lost her father and become a new mom, Shawnta realized that she was not only disconnected from her work, she was disconnected from herself. Aware of a "crushing pressure to contatntly perform," both professionally an personally, Shawnta realized she had some work to do, and set out to learn how to reconnect to her world. Her search led her to meditation and mindfulness, and "honoring the pause"--that moment of neutrality between our thoughts and actions, when we can more accurately assess our feelings and behaviors.
Now a leading authority in building connection and mindfulness in corporate America, Shawnta notes that while words like mindfulness and authenticity may not seem to fit into business, many organizations are embracing the opportunity to help their employees find connection through mindfulness, or as Shawnta notes, "Paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, without judgement."?Such focus and intention leads to better work environments, better decision making and greater success for both companies and their employees.
Being Brilliantly Resilient requires checking our perceptions and telling ourselves the truth, even (or particularly) if that means accepting some responsibility when things aren't going well. Truth requires intention and attention--mindfulness--to be effective. Consider beginning a meditation practice, even of only a few minutes a day to seek mindfulness, clarity and neutrality, avoiding judgements, especially as emotions can run high in the corporate world, even as we strive to keep them in check.?
Check out this week's podcast to hear more of Shawnta's Brilliance. Visit her website at https://www.shawntahooks.com/ and be sure to listen for these additional bits of Brilliance:
Let's be Brilliantly Resilient together!
Mary Fran
Mary Fran Bontempo is an award-winning 2-time TEDx and Keynote speaker, workshop presenter, author, humorist and podcast host who teaches audiences to uncover their Brilliance and Resilience 15 minutes at a time. A sought-after speaker for ERGs, BRGs, conference and association events, Mary Fran is author of "From Broken to Brilliant: How to Live a Brilliantly Resilient Life", "The 15 Minute Master," "The Woman’s Book of Dirty Words" and co-founder of the life-changing program Brilliantly Resilient. To bring Mary Fran to your company or organization, visit www.brilliantlyresilient.net.Want to start the year off right??Order a copy of From Brokent to Brilliant: How to Live a Brilliantly Resilient Life today!