In Honor of Labor Day and the Volunteers Who Serve the Workforce Development Board...
Many of us are off for the Labor Day Weekend, others are working in security, retail and hospitality jobs that serve our celebration. It's a good time to say thank you to the many individuals that give their time and talent to our efforts and share some history about the Workforce Development Board.
Workforce Investment Boards (or "WIBs") were regional entities created to implement the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 in the United States, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Palau and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The implementing law was replaced by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) in 2014. Now called Workforce Development Boards (WDB)
Every community in the fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, and Republic of Palau, was associated with a Local WIB (LWIB). For each LWIB, a chief elected official (for example, a county commissioner, county board of freeholders, or the mayor of a lead city) appointed members to sit on the WIB. These appointed positions were unpaid. At least 50% of a WIB's membership was required to come from private businesses. There were also designated seats for representatives from labor unions and educational institutions like community colleges as well. Beyond these basic guidelines, many aspects of how an individual WIB operated could vary.
Today, the WDB's main role is to direct federal, state and local funding to workforce development programs. WDBs established committees convene with private sector employers, public agencies and training providers to gather input about the needs of their regional economy. The Committees also tackle other community concerns regarding literacy, returning veterans, individuals with disabilities and out-of-school youth. They provide oversight to the One-Stop Career Centers and America's Job Centers, where job seekers can get employment information, find out about career development training opportunities and connect to various programs in their area. One-Stop Career Centers offer many no-cost services to employers. Services are varied by state and WDB.
WDBs work in conjunction with economic development related organizations to minimize the reaction time and create resources to intervene for, dislocated workforce and the incumbent workforce members of a community. Contact your local Workforce Development Board if you would like to serve on a committee. Visit in Camden County