Honor His Legacy
Father's Day is this Sunday. How will you celebrate your father? When I think of mine, I think of a good man who loved his work. He ran an ad agency. What he loved most were the people, and creating a culture for them to thrive. He always said to hire people smarter than you, and then give them a long rope to flourish. He also believed in humility, and made it a point to regularly walk by everyone's office and thank them. That made people feel good. And stay loyal. A man who worked in his mailroom for 25 years told me he could have left many times, but stayed because he loved working for my Dad. That touched me. Dads teach us so much.
This Father's Day I am grateful to have recently celebrated my Dad's 90th birthday by taking him on a cruise around Cuba. It wasn't easy, but it was rewarding. I cherish the times spent with my Dad, knowing the days are fleeting.
Even if you can't be with him, I hope you and your family can celebrate Father's Day and cherish the times together, and the values and lessons he has passed down.