Honor Guard
If your life honors the name of Jesus, he will honor you. ??????
2 Thessalonians 1:12? THE MESSAGE
I honor those who honor Me—set your heart on My reciprocal honor.
Live gracefully—relate kindly to everyone. ????
Behind the scenes, all people around you fight a hard battle—be kind. ????
Living the Christian life is humanly impossible—be humble. ????
Count on My power to enable you to do what I ask—be strong. ????
Follow My example by living a life of love—be compassionate. ????
Guard against arrogance—honor Me by relying on My power. ????
Above all else, love.
Think calmly—respond peacefully in all situations. ????
Let Me know what is on your mind, what is troubling you—be tranquil. ????
Believe the future is as bright as My promises—be confident. ????
Anticipate the perfect tomorrow I have planned—be optimistic. ????
Climb into My grace hammock and be at ease in My care—be relaxed. ????
Guard against angst—honor Me by trusting My promises. ????
Whatever happens, look forward.
Serve faithfully—reach out to the lost with heaven’s Good News. ????
Share the Gospel with everyone who will listen—be concerned. ????
Remind unbelieving sinners there is hell to pay—be convinced. ????
Turn your good intentions into noble initiatives—be committed. ????
Invite others to join you on the journey to glory—be cordial. ????
Guard against apathy—honor Me by offering My pardon. ????
In My service, be loyal.
Endure unflinchingly—run perseveringly until the finish line. ????
When tempted to give up the fight, look again at the cross—be brave. ????
When you suffer for My sake, keep walking in My steps—be faithful. ????
When you feel like I have forgotten you, recall My love—be grateful. ????
When you wonder if it is worth the effort, struggle on—be tenacious. ????
Guard against apostasy—honor Me by copying My pattern. ????
By My grace, last.
? By Pastor Johnny R. Almond?????????? Day 349, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
Book available at www.Amazon.com