Honor the Fallen by supporting their family when they need us!

Allie Valencia is a coworker who I have gotten to know over the last several months. She is a mother of two wonderful children who, of course, adore their mother. As I got to know Allie she shared with me the story of her brother who was a US Marine, Sgt. George M. Ulloa Jr.  As an Airman myself, I was heartbroken to learn of her beloved brothers tragic passing on August 3rd 2006 while conducting combat operations in Anbar Province.


Allie has endured a great tragedy with the loss her her brother and our protector of freedom. To make matters even more tragic, Allie was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and is currently in a battle of her own.

As a former service member, I cannot in good faith allow this young lady to suffer one day more after losing her brother, while she is out of work and struggling to overcome and care for her children.

Would you please join me in contributing to Allie's full medical, financial and faith recovery? Her brother died for our freedom, I think the least we could do would be to tell her thanks for all she has endured and to provide her any assistance she needs to help her recover and continue to be the loving mother of her young children.


MSgt Daniel C Cady USAF (Ret)

Allie and her Brother Sgt. George M. Ulloa Jr


