How to easily heal fear from the body?

How to easily heal fear from the body?

I recently published a book title 'Overcoming Fear and Failure - A practical guide for women who overthink, overanalyze and are overlyanalytical.' In the book, I talk about fear as a ‘full body experience.’ Meaning, that when we feel fear, a response to the fear impacts our:

  • Mental Body (through our thinking)
  • Emotional Body (through our emotions)
  • Physical Body (through our physical sensations, like panic-induced sweating)

So, in overcoming fear, we must address the fear responses from all 3 layers of the body, that is, Mental, Emotional and Physical.

In this article, will we focus on how we can change the response to fear from our Physical body.

Whether fear causes you to have anxiety or a racing heart, or sweaty palms, the key thing to remember is that to remove the fear responses from the physical body, we first need to embody it.

This week I interview Georgina Playsted, owner of the Evolve Massage Therapy in Australia. With over 18 years of experience as a Massage Therapist, Georgina shares her wisdom of the human body and gives practical advice on how to embody it. She is also a Natural Therapies advocate. Outside of work, Georgina is committed to her journey in self-actualization. Her first book 'Animal Wisdom' is soon to be released.

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 Question: For someone working 9 to 5, in front of computer - what suggestions you can offer to connect with the physical body?

Georgina: My advice has, and always will be - go there in the mind first and the body will follow. This is the body/mind connection and at the root of all transformation. Our brain is a complex control structure which directs every system in the body, so it stands to reason that if you require real long term change you begin at the top.

Question: Having said that, what does that actually mean in relation to people working in a 9-5 job who require assistance to connect to their body intelligence?

Georgina: The secret to coping with sitting for large chunks of time on a computer or in meetings in a hunched over position and possibly in the car for a period of time as well is the following:

  • Look after your body, honor it for the magnificent piece of creation it is and make it your number one priority. If you can do that you automatically decrease your chances of work-related health issues by up to 50%
  • “Sitting is the new smoking” Recent scientific studies have revealed that sitting for long periods of time will increase your chances of health-related issues by as much as 40%
  • A simple but powerful daily action they can implement immediately is to put a sticker on their computer or car dash to remind them whilst sitting for long periods of time. This sticker is a reminder bring awareness to their core muscles, take a long deep breath and begin to pull the lower tummy muscles in and hold the action for as long as can and repeated in short bursts, over and over until you really feel the burn. This simple action retrains the body to use those muscles when sitting as opposed to over working the lower back(weight bearing) muscles, which are the muscles that end up causing all the trouble if ignored
  • It’s a process and evolution of the body/mind connection that really pays off over time and is a major contribution to developing internal emotional intelligence as it fundamentally rewires the brain to have more control over the associated back pain. It alters your internal system right down to a cellular level. Sounds like it’s too easy? It is similar to an Asana practiced in yoga and best practiced before eating so the system can focus on the muscles as opposed to the digestion, the blood flow can easily be directed to where it most needed. I have scoliosis and have followed this process for a long time, it works. You just need to be fully committed to the outcome, which of course is less pain.

Question: What should anyone bother with body intelligence?

Georgina: Body intelligence is when you choose to take care of your mental, physical & emotional health & make it a priority, above all else” sums it up beautifully I think. It’s the self-awareness that comes when the body’s natural systems are in alignment with each other, when the cells are communicating with each other clearly and there’s no interruptions or blockages to interfere with the system running smoothly.

Question: How can a person develop or cultivate body intelligence?

Answer: The way for an individual to develop or cultivate body intelligence, in my own experience and I can only ever go with my own experience is this:

  • Self awareness
  • Self care
  • Self love and,
  • An absolute commitment to self evolution.

Your health is your Wealth” & unless you are truly & utterly involved in the process of changing anything about yourself that no longer serves your highest good there’s really not much chance of body intelligence developing without all of these purposeful components Making your health your no 1 priority will have, as they say in the business world a valuable & reliable ROI (return on investment) because it falls under the most important ‘Law of attraction.’ You get what you give.

Question: How can the 'body intelligence' help us in overcoming fear?
Georgina: Our bodies are such a highly tuned pieces of architecture that they can go about their business orchestrating whatever keys and notes necessary to bring the system’s harmonics back into a symphony of homeostasis. All we need to do is to work on respecting our instrument and honoring this natural process of creating internal music by finely tuning and honing our thoughts every second of every minute of hour of every’s that easy!! No really it is!

Exercise the muscles in your brain everyday just like you would any other muscle, let go of the old and useless thoughts that serve you no longer and only hold onto the useful joyful thoughts that make you feel good. This process alone will bring your body’s intelligence into alignment with universal intelligence, which in turn, dissolves fear of the unknown, fear of loss and fear of everything through the connection and joy we feel and have with life and the natural world within us and outside of us.

My own internal process of following this mind set training have given me such a new and string connection with myself and the universal that it’s truly glorious.

Question: As a massage therapist for over 18 years, have you noticed any co-relation between emotional resilience and body intelligence?

Georgina: As a massage therapist for over 18 yrs now I’ve developed such a strong connection with universal source, my own internal universal source that I feel the same connection with the physical vehicle that I’m working on. This process has trained me to not allow someone else’s energy(pain) being released from their body to attach itself to me as I’m working it out with my hands. This connection with my own body intelligence has developed such a powerful emotional resilience within myself that I now have a new appreciation for life in general. The connection between body intellect and emotional resilience is all connected to the work that we are prepared to do on ourselves to attain happiness and freedom from fear.

Question: I have often read in many books that the body is far more intelligent than our mind. Is that even possible? As someone who works on the body, what is your take on it?

Georgina: No, I don’t agree with the philosophy that the body is more intelligent than the mind....the mind intelligence controls the body intelligence “Go there in the mind first and the body will follow.”

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We have 3 brains:

  • Heart brain
  • Gut brain
  • Head brain

The secret to homeostasis with our vehicles(our bodies) is to align all these brains. This can be achieved by honing our thoughts, as mentioned in first question above. However, the Head brain in our heads is most definitely the epicenter for change and the driver of the vehicle. Strengthen the mind and it will strengthen the body. Having said that, it takes all 3 brains working in symphony for the entire eco-system (our internal universe) to run smoothly and maintain equilibrium. Our brain controls our evolution therefor it stands to reason that it’s these muscles that require strengthening first. The foundation to all change begins within.


I hope you enjoyed the conversation the illuminating conversation with Georgina. You can connect with the Georgina Playsted at:


If you have any questions or suggestions, please drop in a line at [email protected]

Krista Mollion

3x Founder | GTM Strategy + Fractional CMO for SaaS SMBs | → LinkedIn?? Top Voice and Creator I help B2B brands go from barely noticed to unignorable I Self Made Stories Podcast ??

5 年

This is such an important topic, especially the mind-body connection and self-awareness! I also talk about it in my upcoming book. Let’s spread the word. ??

Great article share of awareness Kiran Bedi????


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