Hong Kong -  Is there a triple win answer? Yes, it can be viable!

Hong Kong - Is there a triple win answer? Yes, it can be viable!

?Hong Kong- Is there a win-win-win? Potentially Yes; for Hong Kong, and for all the world. People the world over want to see Kong Kong return to being a peaceful place. The real desire on all sides for talks, finding what can be agreed upon is a way to start. Small steps of agreement are better than no agreement at all on anything.

Is there the chance that the situation in Hong Kong is being manipulated by external influences? Yes, it's possible. Who and what those influences are is not known. However, if that is the case then the situation is being perpetuated by there not being a clear long term agreement known as to what is the medium or longer term vision for Hong Kong and that in itself is perpetuating insecurity in people that is leading to protests, fear of the future and therefore a worsening of the situation. So talks and a sense of security for the people of Hong Kong I believe is part of what can create more calm and hopefully a return to more peaceful protest and to talks in order to work towards an agreement that creates a win for the Protestors and for Hing Kong.

I have recently been in Hong Kong for one month. I'm here now in the centre of Hong Kong as I write this. I have traveled the world, I've been in the shanty towns of Delhi and Soweto. I've been in Kashmir and many other troubled regions of the world. What you see on television is never an accurate depiction of how it is in that place. So with that in mind, I provide a first hand account of what it feels like now in Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, there is a certain sens of what it was, what it is and what it could be. The alignment between the three could not be more disjointed. Yes, there are shopping centre's that are open and busy, yet there are many that are vacant and empty. Speak to one taxi driver about what is going on and you will draw a complete blank. To another they will laugh at the destruction and say, "well that's the youth". The other day my writing was disrupted by the sound of people running down an alley way close to where I'm staying. I went out on to the street and there were thousands of people. Many dressed in black, some calmly and very meticulously smashing in the windows of a subway station. I took a photo and another protestor ran up to me and in the most polite way possible, said to me; "please do take photo's but do not zoom in." The young man smashing the window protected fully from sight by other around him holding umbrellas.

I stood on a street corner as far as I could see were Police vans filled with riot police, thirty, forty vans, there were too many to count. An Englishman in his fifties approached me and began to say, "They are Nazi's you know in Beijing", can't see a way out of this one. I did not answer, as I could see a way out that can be peaceful, through talks. I wanted to find out more. I walked up the street and then saw a scene I will never forget. late middle aged tourists having a chat on the pavement. In front of them thirty riot police, behind them three hundred protesters in a raised walkway. I hid behind a bush, just to watch. The riot squad went past the tourists and scaled up into the raised walkway. By the time they had got their the crowd had disbursed.

I ventured back to where I was staying, but by the time I got close there was smoke bellowing out of a building. Later on I saw on the news it was a Molotov cocktail impression made by the protestor's to the local police station. I walked home past all the graffiti, the subway stations broken, the paving stones ripped out and thrown into the road. I got home and then began to think, to really think deeply about what really is going on in Hong Kong. I realised that the worst forms of civil destruction, the most vocal expression on planet Earth today of this is not right. This is not what we want was happening all around me. However, the protestors of Hong Kong and the people want peace and knowing that their future is secure and that Kong Kong remains as Hong Kong, Two systems one country. Yet, the system they have in twenty years time is still ambiguous. So talks and clarity can provide an answer. An increase in destruction and violence on either side is creating similar responses from the other side. So the perpetual loop of conflict, can only be changed by one side offering the request to go into talks. Seeing what can be agreed upon to begin with, rather than what is not agreed upon. This is how Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev did it. This is how President Trump is doing the same today. with the Korea's.

I have since traveled into China. I have seen the country in as many ways as I can compliment as well as disagree with. China has hundred's of miles of forest. Beijing has the highest amount of electric vehicles on the planet. The people in China seem to be so much more free than I thought. They do express themselves, they do have fun. They do have parties late into the night. Are they in China as free as in the West? i do not know. Where there any creepy moment? Yes. I was filmed on the subway, my hair was not combed and the sunglasses on my head may have been wonky. Yes, I did see a more militarized state that I've not seen since being in Kashmir. Yet, I did feel a sense of relief from there not being the endless stream of either adverts or people trying in one way or another to sell me something. Yes, China is different, yet equally too there really is something in China that the West does not have. No system is perfect. Is it better or worse? I do not know. It's more controlled in many ways and yet the people there mostly really do appear happy. Really happy or pretend happy? Not easy to tell. Less or more happy than the West? Not sure, less or more controlled than in the West? In terms of internet freedom, certainly more controlled in other ways. It seemed to me that the people of China for what I saw in my few days there, get along with that do seem to enjoy their lives.

What was very clear to me though indeed was the people of China are so very different from those of Hong Kong. In Hong Kong has few cultural icons to consider other than martial arts masters such as Bruce Lee and Jacky Chan. The people of Hong Kong have a sense of fight that would be unmatched possibly in any other country in the world. I do not wish to make too many judgements, however I would say the people of Hong Kong and the people of China, from what I interpret could not be more different. So therefore, is there any chance that he people of Hong Kong will fall in line with what Beijing wants and expects. I would say on the terms of Beijing no. On their terms possibly. yet, I say possibly on the side of caution. There is every chance that what the people of Hong Kong and those in power in China will never find a middle ground. Heavy handed tactics in Hong Kong will only fuel more descent and vice versa. Trying to find a way to talks is in the interests of all..

The people of Hong Kong really are part Eastern and part Western and therefore to assume they are more of one than the other or can be brought into line with either an overtly Chinese or Western agenda to my my mind created worry. The people of Hing Kong will not back down. Yet the power of Beijing is beyond description. So where does that lead us? Does it take us with heavy handed tactics from Beijing into a place of submission? I don't think so. Does it take us into a place where the destiny of Hong Kong as a free place is in some way guarenteed? I don't think that is the case either. The not knowing is added to the protest and insecurity. Is there the chance for talks now? Yes.

Is there an answer to this? Yes, I believe there is. The answer can be found within this document. The one country two systems is what was agreed and is the answer. having a system that does not know where it will be in a little over twenty years is part of the problem. There needs to some certainty in Hong Kong and this document is written with the view and the hope this will be found. I believe the content of this document is good for both Hong Kong and for China. I write this interdependently, The method I use is the same method applied for many other conflict issues in the world. I hope this provides a previously unseen answer. I write this in the hope and assurance that the only way to peaceful resolve of this is finding middle ground.

The document

Hong Kong the land of sky scrapers, the East West territory that links China to the centre of Asia. Is it more Eastern or Western? 

Recently The Umbrella and the yellow protests opposing the extradition laws have been met with protests and the breaking in and graffiti in the parliament building, and yet there have been protests in favour of Hong Kong with more than 5,000 gathered making up the phrase We Love Hong Kong. Some of the protestors have just been arrested and a spat have opened up between China and the UK. There is however, something that is not being considered, which I believe provides the basis of a new answer. 

When I was there in 1991, it was before the power of colonial times was to be handed back to China by the British. There was a sense of concern and trepidation and fear locally for what the future would hold. China at the time had not opened up and travel was limited to Mainland China then. The impression that I had of Hong Kong at the time was that it felt to me like it was the most overtly capitalist place I had ever been and was going to be become administered by communist China. This seemed like something that the local people could not really comprehend. It seemed like a cliff face. So many years later, Hong Kong in more ways than not became a part of China and China managed it with another system to the system of China. China went on to have an economy that was so huge that it effectively changed manufacturing and consumerism worldwide. Since then China has developed at an extraordinary pace. The lives of the people in Hong Kong did not change as much as the considered and yet today there are major protests. 

Hong Kong was a place where the prices outstripped all other places I had been to in Asia. The accommodation was basic, a bunk bed in a tiny room, crammed full of people in a metropolis building with a market below, restaurants, and bars on many floors. The fusion between East and West with a leaning more towards the West perhaps at the time produced a place of incredible almost unmatched diversity. Yet, the full on ethos of outright capitalism was very much present in the electrical shops, there the items were discounted and whilst the shops in some way had the feel of Gibraltar, the customer service was abrupt, although was entertaining. You would walk in to a shop and the sales assistant would say words to the effect of “what do you want to buy?” and in the next breath if you do not want to buy anything then leave”. The buses were more high-tech than I had ever seen. The Star ferry linking the busy hub of Hong Kong to the commercial city with the financial centre was a journey in some ways between two worlds even in itself. Reaching the city there were walkways that would go over roads, through buildings with shopping malls, you could cross much of the city without ever touching the ground,  incredible modern high rise towers housing banks that used feng shui to give advantage over the competition.

The hand over to the Chinese was something that there was so much concern over at the time, however this for years has proven mostly to be unfounded. From all that I have seen the Chinese reclaimed Hong Kong in a very understanding way. Understanding that the British system and what the people are used too is so very different and yet seeing also that the linking of China to Hong Kong could play very well for the benefit of all of China too. The fair play of the UK leaving Hong Kong as they said they would was also another exemplary act of International diplomacy, at its very best. So at the time back in the 90’s. The Uk walked away cleanly, the Chinese took over seamlessly in so many more ways, perhaps more than the local people had anticipated. The agreement between China and the UK worked. China then went onto benefit and then the West went on to benefit with the combining of Chinese Traditions with the connection point of the world through the gem of the Orient, Hong Kong. The economic hub and power base. In the 80’s and 90’s everything was made in Hong Kong or made in Taiwan. China through it’s business savvy and diplomacy managed to become the world’s manufacturing hub and access to this was through the “one country two system” process that took place through the handing back of Hong Kong. So it could be said that Hong Kong provided China with a new and very beneficial commercial window to the world. The trade with the Uk has benefited both. However, part of what is causing the sense of concern in the Hong Kong protests is that the law of maintaining what’s termed The Basic Law for the rights of Hong Kong citizens lasts only until 2047. Therefore, what happens after that date is unclear. However this is likely to be a clear motivating factor for some of the protestors, young as they are they will be just 35 years old when the law changes. There could be a sense of insecurity of simply not knowing what will be in terms of the status of Hong Kong residents after that date.

Resolving the insecurity of people will bring calm to Hong Kong which is a win-win for the UK and China.

When people live in a busy city there can be an intrinsic city stress. When there is a residual "not knowing" what their lives will be like in a few years time, this can produce an additional stress. From the time of the years before the hand over from the British to the Chinese there was a stress. In a few years time the residents of Hong Kong will not know what their rights are. if there was clarification from China on this one issue, then I believe that would start to solve this. The problem in my view is that from the time of the early 1990's until today the people of Hong Kong have not known what there future was. Therefore it could be said that it is the agreement between The British and The Chinese that if adapted could provide a new answer. Provide for the people of Hong Kong more certainty than they have had in decades. 

China through it’s post reunification of Hong Kong until today has gone from being for many years a closed country that was very self-sufficient to being a country more connected to the world. China looked out and took an interest in the rest of the World. Since the handing back of Hong Kong China has progressed possibly faster and more dynamically than any other country in the world. Was this due to the handing back of Hong Kong. China has taken an interest in every other continent. There are links to China in Africa, South America, The Middle East, North America, Russia there are few places where China does not have some involvement. Simultaneously to this the out reaching of China was embraced in many countries too. Chinese food was the first link to many Western countries. The first connection to China for many being through the palate. Chinese food has been embraced in many other countries more so than the food from any other part of the World. The Chinese ingenuity with vegan and vegetarian products now a world wide phenomenon, veganism becoming the fastest growing food trend in the UK. The World has also embraced martial arts, acupuncture, Chinese medicine. The world has embraced Chinese investment, exercise and Chinese wisdom. Tai chi, The Knowledge and understanding of the whole of Asia, China was the first representative in the West of all these other countries. Thai, Japanese, Malaysian, Vietnamese culinary traditions all reaching the West after Chinese cuisine. Yet this wave of a global embracing of Chinese culture is nothing new. Marco Polo centuries before could have helped convert noodles into Spaghetti, the papers and scrolls of the middle ages that gave European civilisation their first recorded civilisation, the writing done by the scribes for religion got the inspiration of paper from China. China gave us the water wheel, China gave us gunpowder and it gave us the esoteric, there is a profound wisdom in this world than simply consumerism, there is an intrinsic beauty to nature and China helped us learn so much about this. China was exploring the world before the Europeans, it was teaching the world before the Greeks. China is the nation, together with the countries of the Indus valley that are the profound thinkers and todays bookshelves are filled with their wisdom and insights. Whilst the British have been incredibly resourceful, debatably the most resourceful people, as if the UK landmass was the house and 1/3 of the world was the UK’s garden. However, the truth is that just as China can adapt and find a way to consider Hong Kong in a new way, the UK has also to consider it’s own future in terms of trade deals and diplomacy and one bad voting decision could change everything. The truth is that China with it’s long cycles, it’s deep and profound wisdom and it’s vast powerbase in different ways since the building of The Great Wall of China has been a major influencer of world events for five thousand years and probably most likely more. China helped make Europe what it was since before the Middle Ages, that then went on to help make America what it was and is today. The influence and the positive effects of Asia on the whole globe totally immeasurable. In the same breath I have to say also that the influence and benefits to world of the UK during the past seven hundred years are almost equally matched, yes the UK may be an old colonial power and yet still today if the UK majors on diplomacy rather than criticism then the UK still maintains a position of great power, take the wisdom out of the diplomacy and the only country that the Uk weakens is actually itself due to it’s need to win over all the world all over again by having a reset in all trade agreements due to Brexit. Now is the time for the UK to be the great diplomat, the peacemaker and adapt gracefully as a lesser colonial power, yet still such an important power in the world. That way it can win improved relationships worldwide. China in many ways was an International power centuires ago. China had vast ships for exploring the world and so did the British. The Chinese may have been influencers Internationally. There are Asian connections to be found in all the America’s. Look to the language of the Quechua. There are words in that language that are the same as Asian languages. The ethnicity of the North American Indians are originally from Asia. Does it link to China specifically? This is not easy to say, however what has to be acknowledged s that the creating of the Great Wall of China, the writings of LaoTsu, the writings of Confucius and all of the other great Chinese sages in many ways goes unmatched and that’s before mentioning two of Hong Kong’s greatest figures in Hollywood, Bruce Lee and Jacky Chan. The capacity to use the human body in the way that the Shaolin have developed from yoga and taught for centuries is unmatched and is the basis of martial arts in Asia. This has opened up the world to seeing what could be likened to superpowers in the use of energy to break blocks in half. The Chinese and China as a country has been a positive influence in this world in it’s own way unique and extraordinary way. 

Chinese tradition, good face and special consideration for other people.

In China, good face is essential. It is one of the only places in the world where people will have a wonderful night out and the only crossed words said all evening is when it comes to paying the bill. Dinners will compete to pay the bill before their friends. Whilst this can look unusual. The truth is that the Chinese people as a culture are exceptionally generous. Good willed, the idea of generosity is not only embraced, it is an intrinsic part of the identity of Chinese people. It is a trait that the rest of the world can learn from, the idea that when you have an enjoyable time with other people that you wish to excel and increase their enjoyment more by being the person that forfeits the financial cost of the evening and that there is a sense of determination in enabling others to have the maximum pleasure from your presence. This is very special and in actual fact quite a unique quality of the Chinese culture. There are a great many qualities to the Chinese people and this I have to say is clearly one.

Hong Kong China, Brighton Uk.

What Brighton is to England, in some ways Hong Kong is to China. This could seem like an unlikely scenario, yet there are a few parallels.

Brighton is a holiday resort in England. It is the town that the book Alice in Wonderland was written about. It has always been seen as a place away from London. Brighton today is the centre of many creative trends in the Uk. There is a saying that anything new that comes from London was in Brighton a year earlier. That is quite often true so Brighton in a way is quite a unique creative satellite to London and the rest of the UK in a way that Hong Kong could be likened to being a creative satellite to China. 

Brighton is also one of the most free and liberal parts of the Uk, it is also the place where bike groups, car clubs have gone to since the invention of Motor vehicles. The London to Brighton rallies have been an annual event almost since the invention of the car.

Brighton is where I went there with a group of friends to join a scooter rally in the mid 1980’s. The rally event I was at, was at the top of the city, however after the disco ended, many said there is going to be a party on the sea front and so many of us went down there afterwards. When we got there, to where the party was meant to be, there were many standing where the pier possibly amounting to around two hundred. We stood there and chatted and were wondering where the party was. Then some one hundred and fifty metres down the road emerged a very large group of people that had come out of nightclubs and a large group of them, perhaps forty or more began charging us. As they ran towards us, the whole notion of the party was quickly forgotten and our group raced towards them. Unfortunately, we could not get out, and the propulsion towards the other group was seemingly unstoppable.

There was no way to escape and although we out-numbered them probably four to one, this was this evolving situation once entered into had a momentum of it’s own and myself and my small group of friends could not escape from the situation. As the two sides of people were almost meeting thankfully the shriek of police sirens getting closer could be heard. The police vans screeched to a halt and dozens of police jumped out and were ready to jump into action and yet they actually did not need to do anything at all, simply by the police presence everything changed. It seemed like there were many dynamics to what was going on. The crowd mind of both groups had entered into a situation that through social pressures was perpetuating the situation. Whilst the two large groups of people were encouraged each other on. The feeling that I got was that many people did not want to actually be in the situation they were pulled into by their peer group. They were not determined to have a confrontation although to an outsider observing the situation it would seem that way. As soon as the police vans arrived, the entire situation stopped. The police provided the intervention, the excuse, the way out, the reason, the welcome break to the situation. Us and them we all had an excuse, a justification and a way to get out of the situation, there was a compromise. There was a way through. This is a metaphor in a way for what Integrated Models are, they are a way through, all benefit. The police seeing that we had immediately stopped as soon as they arrived could have arrested all of us, however they did not. They handled the situation particularly well. With many of us having to get back to the racecourse at the top of the town, where we were staying in tents, they knew we would be a risk in on the way, so what they did was put us into small groups of around twenty and two policemen or women escorted us. 

The purpose of going to party had turned into a seemingly unstoppable situation as the two sides neared each other. Yet, where the real mastery to the policing of the situation was, was in how they handled us. The capacity to put enough pressure on us to change a course of action and provide a way out was a wise and enlightened policing approach to an unenlightened situation. There transforming the situation by making community type contact with members of each group was brilliant, the police had completely defused a situation in the middle of a city of 250 people rushing each other into a fight, without anyone actually getting hurt. The reason I mention this is that the process that is happening in Hong Kong is that a very large group of people are getting channeled in a direction and they feel they cannot get out of, have no real idea of what the outcome is, feel like they have no choice and are worried. There is not another example of Hong Kong in the world or anywhere similar and therefore this whole situation is really not territory. There may be a simple way to simply steer the crowd dynamic and create peace and calm again, just as the police did in Brighton, by positioning and wisdom in the situation.

Perhaps the residents of Hong Kong feel stuck between "two worlds" and the way forward perhaps is to provide assurances and an incredible new and beautiful vision of what Hong Kong can be and evolve. A new vision with good leadership to bring hope, security and opportunities and chart a future path that is special and unique.

Whilst it is of course of great concern the Parliament building was affected with graffiti and this does put China into a situation of having to consider how best to respond. This is of course a unique situation in politics, and not the easiest decision because ultimately a calm Hong Kong is good for all. Looking in the context of any state the destruction of a parliament building is very serious, however the motivation behind this it would seem is fear based, the people are fearful of there medium term futures and therefore it could be a consideration that in the current context of the situation and with the consideration in mind that the people are seemingly desperate that harsh punishments to those involved may not be the best answer as that neither resolves the protest nor mends the brilliant relationship that China and the UK have always had. 

To go beyond the current situation, it is the agreement that is the most at fault. Like in the same context of both India and Pakisaan and in the same context of the Korea's and how these start to be resolved is considering the integrity of today's leaders and the reasons for the people being involved. It could be most expedient way to progress for the Chinese not to blame the residents protesting nor the British, but to blame the agreement, the paper itself. The temporary fifty year nature of this in the context of so many years on is not as good as it could be.

Similarly it would be tactically far better for the Uk to see this from China's perspective and the residents protesting. To progress this needs to be more about the search for solutions first second and third and then thinking of who to blame for what is much less relevant, most especially when the agreement is certainly relevant to consider first as a way to progress. Realistically the whole idea of a future agreement for the welfare of a large city of people based upon a fifty year plan only was always an idea that could only cause issues later on in any case and the fact it is called "basic" proves that a better longer term plan could potentially be written. So my consideration with this is yes, it is wrong for the protestors to graffiti the parliament, yes this matter is China's internal affairs, yes the UK is justified in feeling protective of the people of Hong Kong and want the best for them. Yes, the people protesting peacefully have very good reason to do so with only a Basic plan charting the whole future of their lives and that of their futures.

However, the three groups blaming each other due to a document that was agreed by other leaders that was "basic" in it's consideration for the people of Hing Kong in my opinion is not only in reality a major part of the issue with this. It is also potentially a way for China, the UK and Hong Kong to be able to help calm the situation and resolve this. The situation I found myself in as a youth was a one off event, it ended up okay in the end, however like some of the young people there this one event could have influenced and changed my life. To define the futures of so many by a one off event is not always fair. I think there is good face to be won for all if the agreement, the piece of paper is considered the main culprit of this outburst. When I pointed out the failures in the diplomatic process of the Korea's then a new way forward presented itself, when I pointed out the failures in the Partition agreement, then a new way forward opened up for maintaining peace between Pakistan and India. It is better to look at the Hong Kong situation today in the same context. The truth is that a colonial power leaving any former colony as a priority wants to leave. The agreement for leaving was good enough to hand over Hong Kong as a Territory, however it was not good enough to provide the people of Hong Kong with a long term arrangement that would enable them to be happy and feel secure. 

The fact is that Hong Kong, like Brighton is so much more than the episode of what happens there one day or the next. Hong Kong is a sociological experiment that is of great importance not only for the world. We do need to find ways to adapt to the conditions of the world and having the Hong Kong Hybrid society is something that many can learn from with calm and dialogue returning again. 

 Hong Kong is not unique in there being the desire for something else, something new, something that produces a greater sense of calm in the people.  

There are differing, yet similar dynamics to what’s been experienced in many parts of the world simultaneously for the past twenty years, a sense of collectivism in the world as never before. The movement in Madrid, protests in the UK. Orange movement in Ukraine, The 99%, Yellow Vests in France, Red shirts in Thailand, the protests in Argentina, Australia, The Arab Spring countries, the increase in protests has been global. The list goes on and on. Whilst some of these events will have been grass roots movements, others politically manipulated. There is an undeniable theme in today’s world, a message that the world leaders are having voiced to them that so many people want a better place to live, a better country a better planet than they have. The one in every 108 people in this world being displaced and the vast waves of migration all over the world are all further symptoms of how we are living in the world that in many ways, people are not finding fulfillment within. The work all you can and being productive to any of the existing systems is not enough with the resources and opportunities to evolve for many people. The youthful sense of optimism in people believing that they are valued and can have a worthwhile life in this world is not being equaled with reality. They are seeing a world of increasing daily pressures that they have seemingly no ability to be able to affect or influence. People are seeing themselves replaced by automation and either they become like automated machines themselves in how they live their lives or they complain. It is not that either the East or the West has got all the answers as they are today. There are not any really happy countries. It is a situation where the world that is becoming as it is, is a scary world and a place where people are seemingly quite lost. They hold it together during the week and at the weekend have a bit of escapism and then go back to the same. So Hong Kong and the situation there in my view is unique and yet similar to other places for similar and differing reasons. However, I believe the basis of the answer to Hong Kong could also be a significant part of the solution to other places too. Hong Kong and many other cities can benefit from re-thinking. Whilst China is in control of Hing Kong, hopefully an approach is taken that can turn this cross roads in Honk Kong's path towards an outcome that becomes a future reference in excellent diplomacy. A new frame work agreement and then a big celebration would be a wonderful way. An event that could even bring together all sides to celebrate a new positive outcome.

In the context of Hong Kong it is about it’s identity as an East West influenced territory.

Hong Kong and the cultural consumer and entertainment culture it has derived and put into the world the meeting point between East and West has positioned it culturally, socially into feeling like it is what it is a half way point between the East and the West. As China in the way in which it has embraced the world in new ways with tourism, with travelling business people in manufacture and infrastructure projects in so many parts of the world, Hong Kong has in some ways helped provide the bridge to that. With Hong Kong having nurtured very much it’s own identity with the influence of Britain and the West and the East together. The change of circumstances between trying to bring in a law that would extradite the people of Hong Kong to China was seemingly seen as a step too far to what could be the people of Hong Kong believing that this is taking their freedom from them. The wave of fear of losing freedom is pronounced and therefore the way in which China has calmly handled the Hong Kong situation currently is a good starting approach by President Xi Jinping, when the situation could have been worse. If there is additionally any external interference by any outside parties in this, then this is unwise as Hong Kong is a hub for Chinese trade but for world trade and finance. The only best way to get involved is to provide answers that seek to calm the situation or this will affect the people of Hong Kong and whilst China is a country with two systems. Trying to find a way to manage that in a way that works is essential, it is a balance that has been finding form since the handing back of Hong Kong, it is a balance that has been there, however maintaining the “One country two systems” plan does make sense. There is so much profound wisdom in ancient China, sometimes the world boggles, the symbol of the Yin Yang sign could almost be seen as representative to today’s China. So many cities in the world have experienced disharmony and if perceived as temporary and with a truly creative design based approach applied to Hong Kong then the best years of Hong Kong and indeed China and Asia as a continent could be something of the present brought into the future. The Industrial powerhouse of China coupled with the glitz of Hong Kong, the serious commitment to renewable energy and to the wider uptake of more sustainable living can become like a light house to the region. A new found sense of belonging for the young people of Hong Kong is important. It’s important for them as people, yet it is also of value to China too. This is in the interests of all.

Disruption to Hong Kong is disruption to China, which is disruption to Asia, which is disruption to everywhere. I have never been to China, however I do very much see the wise leadership choices of President XI. His presence and I’m sure assurances to Chairman Un and his mediating and balancing tone will certainly have been very good assurances for President Trump and Chairman Un to shake hands and start to chart a new path forward for the Koreas.

China has been a stabilizing factor for International diplomacy in recent years.

President Xi Jinping there is no question has been very much a stabalizing factor to world affairs and in truth, the world over owe him a sense of understanding and appreciation through him providing a assurances most likely to all sides that Korean peace was achievable. So with this situation in Hong Kong, really there should only be external influences for China to regain it’s sense of stability with Hong Kong and yet to listen to the protestors and see if there is a new way forward. One that does not project external ideas of what Hong Kong should be, but in fact celebrated Hong Kong for it being Hong Kong. For Hong Kong being a city of possibilities to the world that there can be a fusion of the most diverse peoples and cultures and that there is the chance of celebrating this diversity.

There is no question that Hong Kong has played a role in being a model for China in terms of it’s development and yet, there is also the chance for answering the needs of the young people in a new way. The strategy document that I produced in response to the yellow vest protests in France are not to dissimilar to what is feasible as part of an adapted answer for Hong Kong. See that underlying the protests of both sides in Hong Kong, there is a voice asking to be understood and wanting stability and opportunity. There is a voice asking for the identity of Hong Kong to continue, to be known as it is, there is a desire to maintain the system in Hong Kong as it is yet to make improvements, there is a desire for more opportunities. Hong Kong is one of the most cosmopolitan and diverse places on Earth. It is where the best of the East and the West have met, it is now a place where there is some reason for concern that the negatives of the East and West could be there. Just though in the same way that Brighton is so much larger than any single event.. The situation in Hong Kong is tense and it is not good and allowing for the extradition law to be dropped was a very good move, however that is seemingly not enough for the protestors. So the question in China’s mind is do they go in soft of hard to the protest movement. My answer is do an interjection. The answer is the most face to be gained is through finding the optimal way through that works for the protest movement, and China and the UK.

I believe that Lao Tsu would have had the answer. He would have advised I believe, Look at this as a potential opportunity to find improvement in a measured way in Hong Kong, knowing that those too can have a positive effect on the wider China and Asian area. China has become the leader in terms of renewable energy. In terms of high tech in terms of lighting and special effects. The opportunity to create something better for Hong Kong that it has had under any rule in the past is surely feasible. Hong Kong can be better today rather than when it was either under British or Chinese control. Convert the anger of the protest towards making Hong Kong better, by doing so there does not need to be either a hard or soft approach, purely a logical and practical approach.

It can appear that the protests are only in relation to Hong Kong and it’s relationship with China. However, similar to the protests in France actually a protest caused by wanting a sense of security and knowledge of the future being secure. The ambition that people have for the fulfillment in their lives, just not getting met in any way at all by the society they live in. Work, sleep, eat, repeat, work, sleep, eat, repeat. Don’t work, sleep, eat, repeat. For the intelligent beings we are, boredom and lack of fulfillment play a significant role in this. Hong Kong is a frequently hot or a very hot city, there is little escape to nature to be found. The main entertainment requires spending money and in most cases large amounts of money. Food, alcohol, shopping, family. The answer I believe to Hong Kong could be all about accessibility. Acceptability to opportunities and resources to grow and find fulfillment. The pattern of all beings, whether they are humans, animals or plants is to reach for your potential. With Hong Kong having a multi-lingual, very smart well attuned population could the answer to Hong Kong be more subtle, more about looking back at Chinese philosophy itself and to see that the balance between work and leisure is so important. There is a tendency for people to want to be together, yet can they be together in ways that improve each others sense of fulfillment and joy in life, is not challenging to the status quo, it simply produces a status quo of more fulfilled and happier people. If there is this sense of happiness created how much more would than benefit Hong Kong and therefore can be adapted to China and in other countries. China does collective events in ways that nowhere else in the world does. The vast Shaolin displays, the Tai Chi in the park the culture of contemplation. The space and the ability to do that in overtly commercial Hong Kong is something that could perhaps be improved. So much of a societies welfare has to do to people feeling connected to that, a feeling of disconnect I believe is part of a global problem. The quality of the entertainment in this world has been reduced too, where have all the good films gone, now everything is so much geared to social media and on social media so many people are not finding fulfillment, more so a sense of disconnect as they consider their purpose in life is getting affirmation and thumbs up. People are constantly seeking approval and affirmation that their life is worthwhile by social networks and yet these make as many people feel disconnected as connected. So what do they do, they have a tendency to put the social media aside and go into the streets, they pick up an idea and a slogan and they unite through that. Yet, what is causing them to do this is what they perceive as not being what they don’t want rather than doing this to get a more significant part of what they do really want. So I believe it is in the interests of leaders in many parts of the world to rather than first challenge the protests, look a little deeper and consider could this collectivism of people actually be a quality that can be adapted to the advantage of all, to the advantage of each other and to human society as a whole. A river from one moment to the next is never the same, it is in constant flow and so too are the seas and emotions. Human emotions are more complex than we give credence too. We think about thinking too much and not always about feeling and feelings, yet it is feeling that frequently are the earlier ancestor of our thoughts. China in terms of it’s re-governance of Hong Kong is writing a new script. How China progresses diplomatically with Hong Kong is of great importance.

It could be easier to progress with a new idea, proposal or plan whilst maintaining good will with the vast majority of the people on side as well as win some or many of the protesters over, rather than if there is a harsher response that could create less chance later to find resolution and therefore in some ways more predictable consequences. Diplomacy and understanding of a people that are in a way in the unique situation being of Hong Kong themselves. They are a people that have lived under more different rule than any other people on the planet and therefore want a sense of belonging, their own security in their identity, even though they are a tiny territory in relation to the rest of China. To know that they are valued as a unique place and perceive new ways for opportunities to be more in their own reach and within their own capacity to improve upon.     

If the authorities ask, you are the ones protesting, what’s the answer and how do we do that? I believe the answers would be feasible in many cases and rather than difficult for China to offer, they could possibly be so beneficial there are clear advantages obtained by China taking the most resource wise and mutually beneficial approach to the Hong Kong question. 

The input through consultations could be mostly very basic requests and measures.

1.         Housing. (Hong Kong’s housing is very expensive.)

2.       Opportunities (These can be created through non-political social hubs)

3.       Improved affordable entertainment (Hong Kong is very much a city, with some beautiful outlying areas, however as it is do developed getting to nature is an issue so nature regeneration in Hong Kong would be advantageous. 

To introduce some new initiatives in this way proves to the people of Hong Kong that they are valued and that the productivity of Hong Kong is good for China as much as it is for other countries. 

It’s potentially possible and neither China nor Hong Kong would not be anything less for doing so it would be much more. The real honest truth is that neither the left nor right political systems of land century meet the needs of the people in today’s world. There is a tendency to keep looking back, a tendency to look to try to fit evolving societies into old sets of categorizations. If China is to consider the Silk Road type approach, the philosophies of the masters then it may see Hong Kong today, even with it’s parliament building vandalized, even with protests and counter protests. This can be looked at in terms of being only a negative or it can be seen as an incorrect way of people expressing that they want something better and so continue without being fearful of China. They are asking for maintaining their sense of freedom. So can China use the “Wei” of the situation and just as the police in Brighton cleverly redirected constructively marched us up the hill. The governors of Hong Kong can potentially do the same. The answer to Hong Kong is to let the people’s voices be heard in small group meetings, let the ideas flow and nurture a sense of Hong Kong identity that does not run contrary to either China’s goals and aspirations or the West either. Kong Kong has always been a bridge and can continue to be so. So how is this possible? Well first of all, accept that really no country in the world currently has really got everything right, it’s a work in progress everywhere, yes there is happiness and fulfillment, yet there are also underlying fears and concerns that weigh heavily on the people. Look for example at the Swedish Climate activist. Greta. She is from one of the wealthiest, happiest and most fulfilled countries on the planet and yet she is representing a very large voice of people of all ages in that country and in the world as a whole that want something better. Their needs, hopes and aspirations are being met by the innovation, development and design from China. So when we consider firstly that no system in the world has really got everything right, yet there are elements from many systems that are both positives and negatives. And that the positives of one system can feed into the other system through a gateway between the West and Asia. We as a world have an amazing legacy a story of how we began with nothing and how between us we are now in space, we are now at the height of our evolution and we can take our lives to whole new heights on this planet. Yes the planet is not in great shape but we have the chance to get everything back on track. It really is very clear that a fresh strong, self assured yet moderate and happy Hong Kong is really as much in the interest of the people of Sweden as it is in the interests of the people of South America. Hong Kong is a place that can really help put the pieces together and as long as the people feel they do not have reason to fear China, and that China can nurture Hong Kong and it can continue as the second system, an evolving system then the exceptional and incredible offering that both Hong Kong and China make to the world in terms of improving everyone’s life’s on this planet is well known, recognized and there is a level of appreciation.

What I learned from a school teacher about control

When I was at school there were many undisciplined students. Some teachers would shout and mock and punish us. Some of these, the more they shouted, the more exited we got, the more exciting the event became, the more we would play up. One teacher in particular he would shout and scream and he would hit us, yet no matter what he did the kids would encourage each other more. Yet even the pain of being slapped was less than the sense of comradarie we felt. So if some analysis was to be done we could say that the more some of these teachers punished us, the more we would misbehave. There was an exception to this, there was a teacher who could control a room of people like nobody I have ever seen befor. He is a brilliant psychologist, he was disciplined, and demanded that from other people. He used his wisdom, wit and intellect in a humorous and in a controlled way, and would judge the moment of whether to respond with throwing his eyes up or to be serious at that moment, incredibly well. He was a man that could control a crowd or a group and achieve respect. Yet, he was a very reasonable man too. He was a worldly man and could hold interesting and informed discussions about many subjects. As a language teacher, with left right brain balance that great linguists have, it seemed clear that he was not only a school master. There was a sense of mastery to everything about this man. He was fair, balanced, understood human nature, understood the way that children were, why they were like that and provide them with a way through that. I rarely recall ever hearing him shout. Yet he would control a room of one hundred people with simply the click of his fingers. If he came into the room, everyone sat up and was ready for what he had to say. He comes across as a man that is a people’s person, that is very human, that does relate to other people and yet he is to be listened too in no uncertain terms.

We all have our own ways of being in the world. However, when it comes to foreign policy, what could countries all over the world learn from this teacher? Well The European Union could learn a sense of seeing Europe as Europe. He was as fluent in German, English and French thinking as he was in their languages. Yet he could also think in English, German and French. The bottom line is that everyone knows the power of USA, the power of China and of Russia, to express that power a click of the fingers is all that’s required, then all sides can sit down and talk. Sometimes the most powerful words are spoken quietly. Sometimes the most powerful human expression can be a gesture of generosity, a gesture that provides both wisdom and hope.. 

Hong Kong Protests and pilot syndrome.

Whilst China said that Hong Kong was returned to the Motherland. It could be said that Hong Kong is the child of China and the UK. Whilst today China is the parent, it has grown up for so long with it’s other parent, the UK that the influence of the UK will always be significant. In the discussions over the recent protests in Hong Kong, China has said that under British rule protests were not allowed and that is a key consideration. There is though a second element to this and that is the issue of not really knowing. At the time of the pass over to Chinese rule, the local population were concerned. Then with the next deadline in twenty years there is concern. Whilst politics can be riddled with uncertainty it does affect the population in a negative way. The issue of Brexit is a clear example of this. Brexit in many ways has been incredibly disruptive to the UK and to the EU too. At times I have sense a form of stress both in the Uk about this and in the EU about this when speaking with EU citizens. So it is the sense of not really knowing what the future holds which creates stress. It is the same sense of not really knowing, not having control over your destiny. A similar sense of powerlessness, the capacity to control events that people have when sitting on the seat of an airoplane or in the seat of a dentist. This sense of uncertainty can create a sense of panic in the population and so on. The calm voice of the dentist or of the pilot helps more than anything. 

So the answer to all good parenting is that the one parent tries to see the child from the other parents perspective as well as the "child's" perspective sometimes. If both China and the UK look at this from all perspectives then the answers to Hong Kong should well become very apparent, it's the not so great agreement, it may have been adequate for the hand over. and I believe that some or what is written here can provide a new good way forward to the advantage and benefit of all.

China could communicate directly with the local residents and protestors and see if this can lead to improved terms that provides for the long term sense of security for all in Hong Kong.

What a new bridge between China and Hong Kong look like?

The people of Hong Kong would feel secure as they are, knowing that there freedoms are protected now and into the future. There could be a trust building programme of open groups to discuss ways forward so that there are more opportunities for improving the opportunities in the territory. The issues such as housing and of lifestyle can be resolved with innovative new concepts. This could be achieved through more community based housing projects. Hong Kong could have hubs for opportunities. So that young people can meet and discuss how they can work together in alignment with the vision of China and Hong Kong. Really most importantly, I believe that the protests are a response to feeling fearful of what has taken place, a concern of losing security in living and being able to have a voice for there own future and therefore some assurances from China to the people of Hong Kong could once again rebuild the trust that did evolve since China got Hong Kong back. A happy and relaxed Hong Kong will increase the peace and once again show that it is possible in today’s world to find ways to negotiate through some if not all of the most complex political situations. 

The situation until resolved in Hong Kong is tense and yet certainly solvable. With the will to slowly and constructively consider and then to discuss with new found awareness and with some effort from all sides, in seeing the perspective of the others. China and Hong Kong can begin to define a new future that builds upon the achievements of the past and provides a means for all to step into a new cultural example for the world of how the Hong Kong of recent years can continue to provide an assurance to the the world that the most diverse political systems in the world can find a way to work together and that by doing so this provides hope for all that differences can be bridged and a better tomorrow for all is possible for us to create today.  

There could be a way for all to win with Hong Kong. This is not idealism this is based upon the truth that the passing over of a territory from capitalism to communism was always going to be a work in progress and I believe the work done today with equal consideration and compassion for each of the sides is the best way forward for all. In my opinion there are no real goodies or baddies in this, just not a good enough vision to being everyone onto the same side. This is though achievable. 

This document together with all the other documents I produce I write in order to explore and find new ways to solve existing issues. I’m writing this from the perspective of seeking to find a way forward from a situation that seemingly is difficult or seemingly impossible to solve. The method I use is what I term Integrated Models. These seek to find ways for all sides to benefit from the crisis or situation. Therefore, this work now is written in order to assist the residents of Hong Kong and China in bringing peace back to the Hong Kong Territory. What I present here is a way forward, a way to progress that is also in alignment with the aspirations of what was agreed in the reunification and the handing back of Hong Kong to China. Therefore, whilst so frequently politicians of different countries speak at cross purposes and in a "dualistic", rather than integrated way, I develop more holistic strategies based upon win-win and define a new way forward so all benefit. I seek to see the fragmented situation in a constructive way that seeks to derive a way forward that works for all, sourcing information from many perspectives. I look at the situation from a logistical perspective and in seeking to find a win-win first and foremost. Thus far I have found answers to many of the world most significant issues on a win-win basis. These thoughts, ideas can and are helping influence and change the world improve for the better.

Hong Kong Revisited

I have recently returned to Hong Kong for the first time since the year before reunification with China. As with any large city the changes in so many years are evident. However, what I see and feel about Hong Kong is that there are similar and yet different issues to the situation in France with The Yellow Vests. A significant amount of people feeling they are written out of an overtly materialistic society. Therefore, it is as if the issues that leave some Western societies feeling empty for many people combined with the sense of unknowing in the context of the future agreement with China. Hong Kong people do appear concerned about their future rights. So therefore, in a way I do not believe the answer is simply a rights related issue alone, it is more of a "future vision issue" younger and many older people alike want to feel there is a clear future direction mapped out for Hong Kong. There are the five demands and not one less slogans in the city. However, the question has to be considered if those five demands alone were met, or conversely with the Chinese military so close by, what if none of those demands are met? The situation on the ground here though is that the protests and the results of damage done to properties, traffic lights and subway stations is clearly evident. In addition, to that there is alot of graffiti. Whilst I have not seen any protests, the city overall is carrying on, however the message of the protests really is in much of the city. One comment has been made to me by a shop keeper that said, Hong Kong as a city is a dying city. That statement stayed with me and caused me to realize that the answer I have really is legitimate. It really can help breath new life into Hong Kong. It can provide new opportunities and ways to progress for the disenfranchised younger people. The people that do not feel connected to all the shopping centres, bars, restaurants and extensive city based infrastructure. This and mobile phones is not enough, the city needs to re-establish a working way that is beyond the glam, glitz, big International trade centre impression that Kong Kong gives to the world. The answer I feel is closely linked to people wanting more than simply what either consumer culture or cyber culture actually offer. Hong Kong feels filled with people, yet there is a sense of emptiness, a sense of uncertainty, a sense of frustration in not knowing what the direction of the territory is. Without there being a clear, bright, positive future defined for Hong Kong, the primary perception is that things will get worse and when that combines with a sense of emptiness that Western society has not addressed properly either. It seems that the looking to other countries for models is more like clutching at straws, as those cities have also got their own sense of emptiness too. At the protests there have been many flags from many countries. It seems to me that Hong Kong is looking to the outside world. Hong Kong is look towards defining itself as a truly International centre. With a very diverse population what can start to bring a new and improved vision is looking towards improving the links between the people of Hong Kong and the outside world. The generational differences in Hong Kong are very clear and I have read articles that say that many families have differences between parents and children over the future of Hong Kong. The younger people more inclined to be concerned not only over their own future in terms of career and in terms of world issues. There are various vegan and vegetarian restaurants, there is a sense that the young people want a future they can embrace which can fulfill their own hopes, dreams and aspirations. Whilst they may see China in terms of what it has been rather than what China is becoming. The vision, ideals and aspirations of the large parade were as much looking towards hope for the future and the protecting of the natural world as much as it was a military parade. Clearly with the discussions and the role that China has played in recent years on the International stage has helped in many ways maintain and bring peace through it's positioning as a power. These actions towards peace are not readily recognized or appreciated in the International press. Therefore, this may not be getting taken into consideration by some of the protestors. To provide some specific examples, China has been a silent mediator in the calming of issues in the Korea's. China is potentially helping bring peace to Kashmir. China Internationally has been in many ways a stabalizing factor to International politics that is working in the direction towards peace. However, the media do not focus much on this. Instead they look more to today's news rather than the structures that are evolving over months and years and helping bring resolve to many complicated International issues. So when you see the reporting of the press, these considerations may not be the first to be considered and may not be acknowledged at all. Yet, they are significant, very significant. However, to make these relevant and appreciated by the people in Hong Kong that are considering their own immediate and personal situation first and foremost is not easy. It is also not meaningful as what is happening on such a high level with China and it's role Internationally, does not help on its own alleviate fears and without this being put into a more immediate Hong Kong context there is a divergence in terms of what's happening on one level in the way of International deal brokering and on a street level in Hong Kong. So, with a narrative of concern, fear, anger this is blocking out in some way the perception of the positives. There is a parallel to this in France too with the Yellow Vests. President Macron has been the most outspoken leader on the issue of Climate change, which is disproportionately affecting the poorest people all over the world the most. He has been judged by protesters in being out of touch with the poorer people in France. Whilst this may be ironic, it can be said President Macron is doing so much for the least well off. In France he is not been good at helping the least well off and that is why there are the protests. My consideration is that the answer for both Hong Kong and France could be similar. In Hong Kong a beer in an average bar can cost 10 Euros. In France a sandwich at a motorway service station can cost 8 Euros. People in both places are feeling priced out of the economy. Whilst there may be many that can afford those prices, many can not. In both places it seems to me that the people that live in these places a considerable amount of people are so disenchanted with their lives, with their perceptions of their own futures and that of others around them that they see no other alternative other than protest for a change. Protest for an improvement to their lives and for their future.

Hong Kong-A new vision as an Asia hub for peace and a model for social regeneration.

Trying to find the line between where a peace process could begin is really not easy not having direct contact with either the Protestors, the government of Hong Kong or China. Another factor is that it is really not possible to understand what exactly the position is between Hong Kong and China. What can be decided by Hong Kong and what is referred back to China for approval is not known. So I write this speculatively.

However, my assumptions are as follows. 1. China wants Hong Kong first and foremost as a territory to solve this situation. 2. All sides want the situation to be resolved. How to do that so that people in Hong Kong from various perspectives can agree, Hong Kong government and China can agree is quite widely speculative however on the knowledge that decision makers in important places do have respect for my work considerations. I provide my thoughts on what in my view could potentially work.

If hypothetically, Hong Kong was considering accepting the 5 "demands" this could be done with a negotiation from Hong Kong itself. 5 new initiatives for Hong Kong. Therefore providing a way to improvement and calm and yet ensuring the integrity of the "Two systems one Country" methodology that China has. Therefore that works for the benefit of all sides. Hong Kong continues to be a link between China and the rest of the world and it's identity as a part of China work for the interests of all.

The protestors "5 demands". Are they reasonable? Can they be agreed upon to the advantage of Hong Kong?

1. An end to the extradition bill.

This has already been agreed upon, however delayed. This together with the banning of Facemasks is not addressing the issues at all. Rather than tactical maneuvers that are , what is required is a full and very comprehensive plan in everyone's interests. 

2. The protesters had also demanded an independent probe into the use of force by police; 

If there is an independent probe into the use of force by police, then on one hand this should be seen in the context of the past, present and future. The first priority of the protestors I believe is to be able to see a way forward and to feel safe in future.  

3. Amnesty for arrested protesters;

The protests are there due to the convergence of issues presented earlier in my opinion. if the issues are resolved then there will not be the need considered by any to protest. 

This may only be seen to be feasible if the protests are very clearly going to end and actually be transformed into something that is much more beneficial for all groups, which I believe is most certainly feasible with the next generation of my "Integrated Strategy" . 

4. A halt to categorising the protests as riots; 

People are fearful and therefore responding negatively to that. Take away the reason for fear the protests will reduce. The fear of the authorities of the scale of the protests has been feeding in and creating an over reaction. Reducing the pressure substantially through a new vision is how to resolve this. Much can be learned from in terms of what happened in South Africa in the 80's. The vision of a rainbow nation brought calm and peace finally to South Africa and a way forward for everyone. The riots are caused by the interaction of protestors and police. Solve the issues the protestors have by providing a new vision and then there will not be aneed for protests and therefore calm is restored. 

5. Implementation of universal suffrage.

The ability to vote in Elections. There are currently elections. These are based upon a Chinese system.  

Meeting of demands with a new vision for Hong Kong.

1. There is full and proper representation within Hong Kong of the positive work that China is doing on the International stage in order to help contribute and bring peace and stability Internationally. This work is presented in Hong Kong and that people in Hong Kong will help in whichever ways they can towards the objective of stability and peace for Asia. 

2. The protests are transformed from protesting against problems into a civic groups to improve Hong Kong, working in partnerships with local companies and organisations towards something better for Hong Kong as a whole. Therefore, protestors take an active role in helping to regenerate and improve the city. This begins with helping to remove graffiti. This is the first step the second step is to seeks to improve their own homes and neighbourhoods in order to work to collectively bring up the standdard of the whole of Hong Kong. 

3. Mutual leniency policy. The linking and combining of a traditional communist and an overtly capitalist system is a first in the world and in human history in Hong Kong. Therefore, having demands that are unreasonable from either an overtly Capitalist or overtly communist perspective will most likely result in both misunderstandings, conflict, disagreement and confusion. This in itself has in the recent past caused the tragic unraveling of the situation. There have been mistakes made and tinkering with policies and laws from one perspective or another is only going to create more issues, anger and frustration that people feel they are not being listened too. However, if Hong Kong is going to make a move towards a future more in alignment with what the protestors want. Then the protestors themselves could also show restraint and generousity towards the administration in helping and allowing that transformation in the present and the future to occur. Hong Kong today and tomorrow can be better than it was yesterday, however to get there does require a sense of prioritizing the now.Give and take on all sides.

4. The better the plan, the more advanced the improvement plan for Hong Kong from the perspective of now, rather than of before, the better. Therefore, a new step forward should put at least 75% of the energy into today and tomorrow, with 25% of the energy going into seeking to find justice from the past. The protest movement if they want Hong Kong to move forward should help Hong Kong move forward. That is not to belittle or reduce in any way what has occurred in the past. The protests in Hong Kong have gone on for months. The people of Hong Kong can learn and benefit as can any people from the people of Ireland. In Ireland the troubles went on for hundreds of years. The people of Ireland found a way to move forward and to progress and the benefits and the progress has been unequaled in recent years. However, the way that Ireland progressed is by putting more effort into reconciliation for now, rather than reflecting back on past issues. The Good Friday Agreement, a beacon of hope for Europe and the world. If the Irish people can put peace and the future of the country forward as the highest priority then potentially so too can the people of Hong Kong. So in the context of the demands they can potentially be met, however the protestors would be asked to allow for a long time healing peace progress to evolve. The reconciliation of the former Eastern Block countries, the former reconciliation after Apartheid in South Africa with Nelson Mandela prepared to talk and produce an arrangement with his opponents and find a way to peace in the interests of the country. The Anglo Saxon's prepared to work with their previous opponents the Vikings the difference between Spain and Portugal that then became partners in the EU. The opening up of a friendship between President Xi and Modi, putting differences aside and working on the friendship level. President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un. president Putin and President Trump. President Trump and President Xi. Our long term history as a human race has many examples of opponents being able to resolve differences based upon the need for reconciliation being a mutual interest. Our recent history has many more examples. Their is a There are so many other other notable examples of how societies have changed and evolved. Other reconciliations that China are helping with could also be promoted, known about and presented and celebrated.   

5. Hong Kong becoming an International centre for the advancement of the arts, peace, environment and leisure. By creating youth clubs and seeking to connect people to nature will help calm and improve Hong Kong. Too much time spent in a hot city surrounded by technology and so busy with people is not good conducive long term to the human spirit. By introducing more music events, using outdoor spaces better for leisure providing entertainment that is affordable, by encouraging people to participate in community schemes to plant trees and to open up to leisure more the natural areas of Hong Kong to local leisure and tourism. Enabling activities in more natural areas to be accessible to all. If we are to look to the communist model in terms of leisure, in Eastern Europe many people had good access to holidays in nature, low cost train fares and accommodation. This was very much a benefit of that system that is frequently not considered or even known. The opening up of opportunities for people to express themselves to be away from the busy city and to be out in nature would bring an intrinsic benefit to the people of Hong Kong. One of my concepts for the work I did in the UK was for busking licences to be provided for good buskers on the London tube network. Until that time busking was not allowed. I presented in my documents that music is enriching and uplifting for scoeity, it makes people feel better, calmer and more relaxed. When people have had a difficult day at work and if the train is delayed on the way home if they hear beautiful music then it adds to their lifestyle improvement. For Hong Kong as a city to completely improve the lifestyle and therefore the sense of belonging by people in Hong Kong does not require vast amounts of money, however it does require a vast amount of imagination. Conditions can be created so that it is the imagination of the people of Hong Kong themselves that provide the content to that. The central part of my document is that the "One country two systems" principle is upheld and respected by all. However, the system of Hong Kong embraces change and improvements, that the current thinking of their being a fear of the people of Hong Kong to their future and then the fear is reflected back by heavy measures against protests and tinkering around the edges in terms of seeking to suppress the protests are not the way to go. I see that a powerful improved vision for Hong Kong that is contributed to by Hong Kong as a city, and the residents and China, supported by countries which do not add pressure, but allow for Hong Kong to find itself a new way to move forward can enable the best years of Hong Kong to be in the here and now, in the present and the future. 

Hong Kong is China's International Interpretation centre and cultural space. Hong Kong in some places has one of the most diverse cultural representations of anywhere in Asia. Inside some spaces there are people of the most diverse cultures working and living together on a mutual win-win basis with their own small businesses. By looking to improve and regenerate these areas on a grass roots basis where people together seek to improve their own spaces then all benefit. By encouraging cooperation between people creates a renewed sense of purpose and hope for the future. In terms of meeting the demands of the protestors with five demands of how to improve Hong Kong for all including the residents, including International tourists, I believe this type of vision although very ambitious in it's content can provide a peaceable way forward and a good future. If we are once again to cite Ireland. It was partly the joint future vision of the EU providing hope and realistic opportunities for the future that also helped bring people together in greater unity than had been experienced in generations. The notion of a new improved vision is what improves, companies, turns are restaurants, improves villages and countries. What has been lacking in Hong Kong is a vision for the future, there has been a lack of people seeing what a great future can be. I offer this basis of what a vision can be like. These are ideas for a way forward and so far none of this has been considered or agreed by anyone. So this is the first step towards providing something that I hope can help and maintain calm, peace and a positive outlook back to Hong Kong and a renewed sense of calm, peace and prosperity to the Territory. 

Broader perspectives on regional improvements.

Hong Kong has known peace, happiness and prosperity. It has known this with both Uk leadership and with Chinese leadership. By finding a way forward for Hong Kong reduces tensions not only in Hong Kong but in the world as a whole. By looking towards a shared vision for Hong Kong and then seeing that Indian's Chinese and Pakistani people work so well together in Hong Kong, there is hope through the improvement of Hong Kong for other parts of Asia too. Kashmir, also known as Paradise of Earth, due to it's natural beauty provides what Hong Kong does not have and vice versa. A vision of a new Hong Kong can provide a link and a connection to new hope for Kashmir. If that is accomplished then what at times has been not an easy relationship with India, China and Pakistan can become better. By improving Hong Kong and Kashmir that provides many new tourism opportunities. The reason for this is because China, interesting and amazing as it is, is more amazing and interesting being next to India and India the same being next to Pakistan. By there being improved relations there can be improved tourism and relations and therefore all three countries benefit together.  

Hong Kong reverting back to the China was a world first. It has been mostly very smooth when considering the full context of that transition, however the problems and their full content examined and considered properly with new information, ideals and vision applied can produce a better situation not only for Hing Kong and Kashmir, but for the whole of Asia. Finding ways to bring peace and stability to Hong Kong and Kashmir enable the prospect of peace to become better and stronger with The Korea's. If Asia can resolve it's differences in new and improved ways then the benefits help all. The improved stability of Asia is good for the world. it's good for the USA, it's good for Europe.

If the residents of Hong Kong realise and appreciate that firstly their good future is firmly established and that there is an excellent and realistic vision for the their good future. Then in addition to this, if they know their participation within this new vision is not only helping themselves and the territory. it is actually making viable a plan that is improving all of Asia and the World. Then Hong Kong will be moving towards the best of days. A population of people that have security in their lives for themselves now and for their futures. They will have improved lifestyles through the initiatives mentioned. They will see that they are helping others too in other regions. They will have meaning, dignity and a good future. Probably as good as any populations on Earth. There will not been the need to protest, nor riot there will only be good reason to celebrate. To be appreciative in the understanding of their unique situation. Hong Kong can have a bright amazing future if there is a line drawn for a moment on yesterday and the consideration is made about what is possible for tomorrow and what actions can be taken today to work towards that bright new happier, calm, peaceable vision for the future.

To date I have produced similar Integrated Models to seek to solve many issues including;

The Korea’s, Water in dry cities, refugees, NHS, affordable housing and many, many other issues. Each time providing new previously un-recognized answers. See other articles. My thinking is 100% independent, all my work is self funded and funding is limited. More funds and more can be done to provide new insights to age old issues. So if you want to fund this vital global peace work any assistance much appreciated.

This document is written in haste, due to the timely nature of this issue. Please excuse any typos. This will be further edited.


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