These Hong Kong traders rock...

These Hong Kong traders rock...

There is a reason why Hong Kong is the financial center of East Asia.

People there simply have money-making in their genes. It’s a very abundant country, with a lot of billionaires and a lot of abundant mindsets.

No wonder I have been to Hong Kong so many times already!

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But today I want to talk about two traders - Artur and Eric.

These two guys simply ROCK.

Just a few days ago, they sent me equity curves of 28 beautifully-looking breakout strategies. Here’s a snapshot from the email attachment (I couldn’t fit all 28 attachments in my screen, so only a few are visible - but still enough to give you an idea):

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They built them in a really short amount of time. Following the precise, proven, step-by-step methodology that I share in the Breakout Strategies Masterclass.

And some of them look really awesome. Like this one for the e-mini NASDAQ market:

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Or this one for Crude Oil:

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Just a note - what you’re seeing are out-of-sample compilations. All 28 strategies.

So no overfitting. I think Artur and Eric are doing really great. So I felt like sharing it with you, as a great inspiration. I know that in my own trading beginnings, I was grateful for any inspiration like that. It always gave me the right kick and inspired me to step up my own effort. Hopefully, it will inspire you equally (also, in the near future, I plan to record a cool interview for Better Trader Academy with them too).

And now, excuse me, I’m going to go eat some awesome Hong Kong Wonton Dumpling soup. :-)

Happy trading!




