Hong Kong Market Recap (CN+EN) - 20 Feb 2019

Hong Kong Market Recap (CN+EN) - 20 Feb 2019

恒生指数, 涨1.01%。恒生中国企业指数,涨1.01%。受中央一号文件深化农业改革提振,农业股走高;原材料股随金属价格上扬,医药股续挫。汇率稳定或将写入中美协议,人民币盘初激扬至6.72元后横盘。粤港澳大湾区发展规划发布,可能的赢家包括基础设施,房地产等。

HSI, up 1.01%. HSCEI, up 1.01%. HSI ends higher on hopes that US-China will broker a trade deal and de-escalate their year-Long tariff war, while US Fed official’s comment on holding off further rate hike lifted sentiment.


2327, Meilleure Health International, up 12.96%, 5 days up 31.71%. The company’s JV company, Yunnan Hans, became the first Chinese manufacturer to acquire DMF, while Yunnan Hansu’s CBD cannabinol extraction process patent was granted by the US. CBD is a natural cannabinol with great medical value in industrial cannabis.


2628, China Life Insurance Co, up 4.25%. Credit Suisse, DBS, Daiwa Securities all give China Life positive ratings upgrade or price target increase. Daiwa says the company increased its original premium income by 24% in January this year, which is the highest growth rate among listed life insurers.


3908, China International Capital Corp Ltd, up 5.79%. Alibaba has acquired another Chunk of shares in CICC. For about HK$1.8bn, enlarging its stake in a prestigious investment bank that can help properl deals and financial transactions around the world. That expanded its stake to about 11.7% from roughly 5%, almost matching Tencent’s 12%.


3993, China Molybdenum Co Ltd, up 9.82%. Continue to rise because of continuous Molybdenum price increase.


2899, Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd, up 8.28%. 1818, Zhaojin Mining Industry, up 3.38%. Gold mining stocks were boosted by gold price increase.


1208, MMG Ltd, up 9.94%. Glencore plans to cut production at its Mutanda mine, one of the largest copper-cobalt mines in Congo. After the news was released, the COMEX copper futures rose more than 2.6%. MMG, the world’s leading copper producer, will also benefit from rising copper prices.


2269, WuXi Biologics Cayman Inc, up 3.06%. The company expects 2018 profit to rise more than 245% YoY. Company cites growth in revenue, “competitive timeline and strong” execution track record contributing to more market share, milestone revenue with “relatively” high gross margin and foreign exchange gains.


1530, 3SBIO, down 5.4%. 1177, Sino Biopharmaceutical, down 1.99%. 1099, SinoPharm Group, down 3.44%. Mainland China plans to stress more on anti-cancer drugs price reduction, and the relevant stocks continue to fall against the market.


384, China Gas Holdings, up 10.39%. 1193, China Resources Gas Group Ltd, up 6.18%. The company could be leading candidate for inclusion in Hang Seng Index. Besides, CCB International recommends downstream gas Operators as they are likely to benefit from Greater Bay Area construction.


2777, Guangzhou R&F Properties, up 5.61%. USD 4NC2/5NC3 bonds, 8.375%/8.875% Area, ratings: Ba3/B+/BB-, mainly for offshore refinancing.


1610, COFCO Meat Holdings, up 13.68%, 5 days up 19.10%. Continue to be boosted by news that the hog price will be bounce back due to Low inventory nationwide.


1999, Man Wah Holdings, up 5.84%, 5 days up 12.30%. 5 days ago Citi upgraded the company to “buy” from “sell”. Says that Minhwa would maintain high single-digit revenue growth in the US market. The bank said that the current valuation of the stock is attractive, the US business is more stable, and the Chinese business is also accelerating growth.


547, Digital Domain Holdings, up 5.99%. “Wandering Earth” had a total box office of 4bn yuan already. Investors are more confident that China may set off more Sci-Fi movie production initiatives, which will benefit visual effects producers like Digital Domain.


293, Cathay Pacific Airways, up 7.77%. Expects swing to a profit of HK$2.3bn versus a loss of HK$1.26bn the previous year, ending 2 years of annual losses fueled by competition from mainland and Low-cost carriers. The carrier, which kicked off a 3-year transformation program to revive earnings, gains from improved revenue management, a strong cargo business and growth in capacity.

1220,志道国际,涨18.6% , 5日跌73.13%。公司13日上市地位遭质疑后,又于昨日遭大股东减持。上市委员会指公司未能维持足够业务营运水平或拥有足够有形资产价值。今日超跌反弹。

1220, Zhidao International Holdings, up 18.6%, 5 days down 73.13%. The company’s financial soundness to be listed was questioned by the listing committee on 13 Feb. Yesterday there was a huge weightage cut by a major shareholder. Today the price was bounced back a bit.


308, China Travel International Investment Hong Kong, down 5.38%, 5 days up 15.56%. Previously boosted by the policy to promote tourism in the big Bay zone.


200, Melco International Development, up 6.59%. Net revenue for the fourth quarter was 2.2% above the average analyst estimate to $1.4bn.


520, Xiabuxiabu Catering Management, up 10.60%. Fund inflow from Mainland-HK connection for 4 consecutive days already.


1117, China Modern Dairy Holdings, up 6.42%. The government newest policy is to boost the milk industry.


330, Esprit Holdings, up 7.3%.


1051, G-Resources Group Ltd, up 20.29%.

729,五龙电动车,跌,5日涨 。

729, FDG Electric Vehicles Ltd, down, 5 days up .


3306, JNBY Design Ltd, up 6.37%


Wenyu Xie, CFA, ACCA Affiliate (William, 谢文宇)的更多文章

