Hong Kong 2022 wins World Class Engineer Award

Hong Kong 2022 wins World Class Engineer Award

WorldClassEngineer.com was founded in 1951 by Scottish alumn of Adam Smith at The Economist inspired by Von neumann Princeton 1951 briefing; speciofically Neumann suggested most valuable question in journalism: what goods will people do with 100 times more tech per decade. By good Neumann clarified way above zero sum models which overall improve the human lot. We can see that from 1760s invention of Engines in Glasgow in spite of Adam Smith's 1758 Moral Sentiments Logics engines up to world war 2 were mainly unsed for zero sum (in spite of scots attempts to counter this) . Further info EconomistDiary.com worldclassdaos.com WanChaiDaos.com EconomistHongKong.com

Scots look forward to inviting leading case studies from Hing Kong for the last edition of 2025report and Glasgow's 265 moral sentiments lecture June 2023

Paradoxically while JF Kennedy became the late 1950 winner of EWCE for moon race decade (win-win byproduct satellite telecoms) and seeking to map interdependence of worldwide regions. He joined in celebrating Japan as the 1962 laureate - The Economist Survey Consider Japan clarifies that Japan was the first to invite all of Asia to celebrate 2 American knowhow movements:

Borlaug who food tech solution saved u[p to half of Asians from starving

Deming who clarified that when you make a car or anything from thousands of moving parts mapping se supply chains innovates hugely better quality/value than trying to control every parts manufaturere. Also the continuous improvement dynamic ensures progress for the human lot npot one corporation's extraction from every stakeholder -see extended footnote

Im 2021 LA teenagers and former zprize host win the WCE for sdgmetaversePrize,org with Houlin ensuring Geneva ITU wins 2018-19 prize and Guterres UN HQ 2020

Innovations.ning.com invites you to map workd history of engines and specifically clarify engine good and bads. For example Smith recommended Scots take their engineering inventions to USA as his graduate expereince as 16 year old in Oxford was London's capital colmial system should not get sole foirst use of engines.

Interestingly it was nearly 100 years after scotlands revolution in egineering that a region conneting austria germany swuterland invenetd electicity ; while this added ever more power to engines it started the 2nd revolution of Tele; from 1865 Switzerland became the worldwide associaon of telex industries; soon scot alexnader bell was to add telephonesd out of USA; telexs, televisions etc were to come

The 1970 and 2012 award nominated former royal dutch shell regional ceo Fazle Abed; he twoce empower billioin vilage women platforms to chnage human development - between 1970 and 1995 with no engines at all!; from 1995 with [partners helping developleapfrog platforms (eg mobile/solar) and creating the 21st C world of new universities with Brac Uni in 2001

The 2016 award is jointly alocated to JYKim and JMa- they clarified goal 4 was impossible until educatirs connected with tech wizards health servants and world trade transparency apping - all of which had huge learning curves out of Geneva - the digotal twin of thye UN from birth at 1945; the far earlier hub of swiss red cross (and so natural spoace for WhO); the epicentre of UNCTAD which made Jack Ma its youth world trade tech envoy

Long footnote 1 : Paradoxically while JF Kennedy became the late 1950 winner of EWCE for moon race decade (win-win byproduct stallite telecoms) and seeking to map interdependence of worldwide regions. He joined in celebrating Japan as the 1962 laureate - The Economist Survey Consider Japan clarifies that Jpaan was the first to invite all of Asia to celebrate 2 American knowhow movements. It is hard to time exactly when HK merited its foirst wce award (eg 1975) ditto when to s, korea, singapore- clearly all this was in place when Japan started to share WCE with Tsingua engineers and as The Economist reported in 1977 the Cbinese embraced engineering catch up like no other subcontinebt from 1977. If you read Ezra Vogel a trifector of Chinese Capitalism was emerging with first corporate licences awarded to 3 groups: rice and other vilage farners applying borlaug; chiense diaspora if they brought large enegineering inward investment especially to superports; party memebers torned tsingua engineering alumni turned sometimes brilliant innovators of what peter drucker and the economist calleed revolutionary improvemnst in utilities- i can tell you chiense trains are amazing compared with what English speaking capitalism has ever achieved with trains since 1950


A pastor at Itare Fellowship church

2 年

Amen blessings



Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab的更多文章

