Honey, I've lost the talent ??
Workers' priorities have definitely changed as a result of the pandemic, with 65% now spending more time than they did two years ago assessing what is most important in their lives. This increases to 71% for Gen Z and 73% for Millennials, respectively. While the transition to home-based or hybrid work has been warmly received by older generations, some younger workers believe that their potential has been constrained by the lack of social interaction and assimilation that office-based employment enables.
The "great resignation" has emerged from this, with an increasing number of employees preparing to leave jobs in the upcoming year. Younger workers are more likely to experience work weariness, unmanageable stress, and burnout symptoms; 91% of Gen Z and 87% of Millennials report feeling overwhelmed. Businesses must adapt to these changes and support their staff members' stress levels, 'Whole Health' requirements, and personal goals while fostering a sense of loyalty and belonging to the company.
The top 5 reasons workers want to quit their jobs:
?? Toxic company culture (62%)
?? Low salary (59%)
?? Poor management (56%)
?? Lack of healthy work-life boundaries (49%)
?? Not allowing remote work (43%)
Also, employers must put an emphasis on developing competitive compensation, flexible scheduling, corporate stability, and a welcoming, inclusive workplace culture. The 'Whole Health' equation's core components are status, certainty, relatedness, and fairness at work. They are connected to having a sense of worth at work, being knowledgeable and secure, feeling like they belong and fit in, and feeling treated fairly and with respect.
What employers can do to retain talent:
? Hire the right people from the start
? Create a great onboarding process
? Focus on employee engagement
? Offer tangible benefits
? Pay as well as you can afford to
? Treat everyone equally
? Hold regular review meetings
? Provide plenty of training opportunities
Don't let your best employees leave; invest in their "Whole Health" and build a sense of belonging at work.