Honesty and Integrity of part of our life

Honesty and Integrity of part of our life

As a starter, I’ll try to explain it with simple examples. You lack on integrity when: You cheat on your wife. But you are honest when you say to your wife: My sweet heart, I cheated on you. You are honest when: You returned the 1000 bucks and the wallet you found in a Motel. But you lack on integrity when: You were at the motel with your Mistress. You are honest when: You tell your kid, never lie. But you lack on integrity when: You lie to your wife, friend, co-worker.

You are honest when: In a party a sexy girl invites you to a private room and you mention that you are married. But you lack on integrity when: You still sleep with her. You are honest when: Driving you stop at the red light. Honesty talks about your reputation. Integrity talks about who you are when nobody is watching. But you lack on integrity when: You exceed the speed limit when you are alone. Honesty talks about what you say, integrity talks about what you think and feel.

Put most simply: honesty is saying what you mean, integrity is meaning what you say. Honesty is telling the truth as you understand it. It means not engaging in lies, deception, or misdirection. Integrity is keeping your word and adhering to your moral principles. It means if you make a promise, you keep it. It means choosing to do what you believe is right even if you can benefit from violating your moral values.

Integrity may include being honest but it also includes other behaviors and a time factor: integrity is being a certain way consistently over time such that people can trust that you will act a certain way in the future because you have acted that way consistently in the past. You see integrity played out frequently in old Western movies where the bad guy is bad but he won’t shoot people in the back, for example. The good guy realizes that though the bad guy is bad, he can turn his back on him and walk away without the fear of being shot.

Even though the bad guy is not necessarily honest, he has a certain kind of integrity, a manner of acting and of honor, that is consistent and that allows others to act at a base level without fear. The bad guy may come in and shoot up the town and rob the bank — that’s expected — but he won’t shoot people in the back when they want to negotiate. This sort of thing comes up all the time in real life. When we live around certain people we notice their behaviors in their daily interactions.

This results in a learned set of beliefs we have about people and why it’s important to work on developing a reputation that includes integrity. It’s so when something out of character happens people immediately say, “Oh that can’t be so, he just wouldn’t do that.”. They come up with that conclusion because of the way you’ve acted in the past. This is part of romantic relationships as well and is a part of developing trust.

By acting consistently over time you prove to your partner what level of integrity you have. Suppose you are always nice to your partner but you shoplift small items from CVS. Even though you may otherwise be scrupulously honest with your partner, they know that you are fundamentally dishonest in small things so they may doubt, when the time comes, if you have been honest in something large. On the other hand, suppose you are the kind of person who, upon finding the clerk undercharged you, say "damn it!” and turn back around to give the un-deserving store the money they should have charged. Your partner is going to learn something important about you through that exchange as well and if you are consistent about it, when something dicey happens later they will dismiss any suspicion not accompanied by lead-pipe evidence because “Oh, that’s just not in his character. I trust his integrity.”

Your reputation and your behavior moves before you like an advancing army such that people know who you are before you even arrive because others have told them what to expect about you. This is like currency — because they trust the people telling them, that person’s trust of you rubs off on them somewhat. You still have to earn their trust with consistent behavior (integrity) but you are given the benefit of the doubt from the start. It’s up to you to blow it. Cheers!

Ratna h

Leading three important roles – Admin, HR and Finance in Vidya Poshak. Worked over 15 years i at Vidya Poshak

2 年


Abhay Desai

Visiting Faculty--Management & Certified Career Counselor

2 年

Nice post, Kishore



