Honestly... Forget about the thread count!

Honestly... Forget about the thread count!

We keep saying it, but thread count does not really matter that much. 


You can get 1,000 thread count which feels like sandpaper and weighs a ton (well most do in our opinion) and they tend to "pill" at the speed of light since they are made up of lots of short yarns twisted together to up the count.  See what we mean?

You are much better off trusting your instinct and go by "feel"...  Firstly, you need to figure out which kind of feel or "handle" you prefer to touch and to sleep (these are in fact two different things) - cool & crisp or soft & silky?  People tend to be quite polarised at this stage already.

Then, and only then, focus on the feel of it - the most important at this stage is choose a feel you like and from there, the proof, as they say... is in the pudding!  Only by washing and sleeping on the linen will you know whether you were right.  Great quality linen keeps its feel and its shape and does not "pill" easily.

One should also pay attention to the stitching and the colour: is the stitching very neat?  Does your white linen remain white?

This is why people who find a good quality supplier tend to stay faithful as the linen delivers on its promises... then, most definitely, it is time to discuss thread count! Thread count discussions are only truly valid when comparing similarly made items and it is very interesting to compare thread count weights within the same brand as you are now comparing apples to apples...

So yes, there is a lot to do before you even get to the thread count debate...

More, on our next update!

Questions and feedback to [email protected]

Stephanie Betts, Founder and Creative Director




