Be Honest!
Have you ever been brought to tears by a meal?
Or closed your eyes in the middle of a crowded room, as you tasted and savored each and every nuanced flavor in your mouth?
Or have you dreamt about an unforgettable dining experience?
Because I have.
More than a few times!
I’m a foodie. And I’m proud to admit it!
For as long as I can remember, I have never been a picky eater. My mom has always been a fantastic cook, cooking all sorts of cuisines and being a total beast at cooking Indian Dishes
Growing up, I learnt cooking from her & won several school level & district level cooking competitions as well
I'd like to think my palate is cultured, thanks to my awesome parents for giving me an adventurous appetite & allowing me to eat non vegetarian food (I am an Agrawal & they have no issues me eating/ cooking meat)
It wasn't until I reached college that I started my solo journey and learned how to be a foodie
A big part of being a Foodie is knowing how to get food into your mouth. A non-Foodie would probably just scream out "Fork!" right now and be done with it. Don't get me wrong, I use forks. But I also might decide to go with a spoon or use just use my fingers to feel the food
I try to not be one of those Foodies who judges other people for not knowing the things I know, but when I see someone trying to eat a sandwich with a ladle, it's hard
Being a foodie I believe is innate in all of us, however, I believe that the practice of being a foodie may be taken too out of context. Not saying that eating is bad, since finding what satisfies us best is naturally what we’re designed for in the first place
When people live to eat rather than eat to live, their poor eating habits create an unhealthy lifestyle that isn’t easily curbed by medicine or treatment. I believe that to be a true foodie, you must love food second, and love your health first
I believe the best version of a foodie is someone who looks for the best meals and ingredients that would complement healthy living. Truthfully, to put this into action may be difficult, but one aspect of being a foodie knows what the best out there is.