The Honest Newsletter (Week 4, Summary)

The Honest Newsletter (Week 4, Summary)

Monday: From the world of making business

This was our 3rd edition of Solutioning Week, and the continuous growing energy in the team is making me share this newsletter with you, which can be a turning point for your struggling business, especially if the issues are around people being engaged in your organization's growth.

Solutioning Week, a dedicated time for internal inside-out process refinement based on the best practices from Organization Development (OD), Change management, Feedback loop system integrated with inbound and outbound facilitative methods.

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Tuesday - Personal Best : What is stopping you from being your best?

You are way more than your brain, You are way more than your Harmon.

You are way more than the fancy dopamine, oxytocin, you want more then let's add cortisol, serotonin.

You are way more than your job, definitely more than the money you earn, save, or spend.

You are way way more than what you look, You are, for sure, way more than the trend or any hook.

You are way more than your past, your future;

then what is making you stop in your present?

I know it, you know it,

Then why are you not working instead of having resent?

Trust me, you are also way more than all the truth and lies stored in your head.

I pray to you: don't let them fool you; just look 2% ahead.

Just be more than your body, your mind, bring it out and shine.

Just cut all the crap and take charge. I am not wrong, but I'm still wondering what's stopping you from being your best!

Just be more, please, I beg you, just 2% more!!

Wednesday - Brandnesday: Branding affects what people think about you

Branding affects what people think about you or your business. If you do it right, a strong brand will help change how people think about your product in a way that makes them want to buy it or use what you offer.

Please try to be honest and work for the audience while you attempt to influence them.

Thursday - Sarcastic Stories: Procrastination: A Skill Only Masters Understand

Do you know which the most populous nation in the world?

Hint: It's not India or China...The nation is called the Procrasti-Nation.

Even though it's a joke, a study shows that 74% of the people who were surveyed indicated procrastination syndrome, which affects around 5.9 billion people.

In one of the surveys, even though 94% of people consider it negative, still many problem solvers and creative thinkers thrive in Procrasti-nation.

Complete Story

Friday: The consolidated week's summary which is this newsletter.

A love story on LinkedIn...

Very often, I get eyebrow frowns when I mention that finding the right partner, the functional counterpart, has always been more important to me than my career goals for a well lived life.

I work on personal mastery, and in the process, I dig deep into the meaning of life. I visit people over age 70 to learn life reflection from them, and with all my learning, my conclusion and folded hand request is: Don't let your love slip if you have done it in the past.

I don't know what we are all chasing, especially in our 20s and 30s. Everything changes when our skin starts loosening up.

Complete Story

Sat: The consolidated week's summary which is this newsletter.

With another week ending, my willingness to work towards Personal Mastery is further elevated, and I am working to grow this newsletter.

Do let me know if you have any suggestions for me on the format of the newsletter or any learning that you want to share.

#selfdevelopment #perosnaldevelopment

Dramantram The DriveSales? Unbinary Life

@ LK Shashi Ankit Raj Rupam Biswas


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