Do we really care where we make our money or if the money made its not strictly legal, the stock market was originally made to buy a proportion of the company by way of shares and in many occasions these investments were made for a lifetime either to be given to family , friends or simply as a cash rainfall when one retires.
We have during the past 10 years been telling youngsters to BET, to take a change or to play poker tournaments, lottery, Casino Gambling, even Slot machines now available many countries worldwide.
In order to entice people to play, famous stars, soccer and Music celebrities were contracted to make Gambling fashionable and trendy. A new generation of youngsters enter the market, it was no longer sen as bad to play poker with Friends or Poker online.
No longer prohibited to advertise on TV at any time of the day and no longer prohibited to sponsor Sport clubs.
Playing with the illusion of wining these youngsters master the IT technology, spend thousand of Dollars in Computers and it is natural for them to see the New stock Market like a big Gambling house where everything its permitted. No longer buying of shares was seen as saving but a Gamble in which you can lose or win everything.
The Stock market revaluation has gone over the tope, companies values are related to profits , assets or well thought judgement by the management .
No longer we punish companies because they’re unethical or using sleeve labor in 3rd world countries and we only judge them on how well these are rated in the social network.
We continue to maintain Fiscal Paradises and Tax havens worldwide and we don’t condemn or publicize that most of these are still ex colonies or Overseas territories of Britain.
We are defining the WEST versus the EAST, we are singling our China in Asia and Russia as the enemies of freedom, but the freedom we have it is the one that allows everything including all the nasty habits humans have.
So what havre we got left is HONESTY, the last barrier between the GOOD and the BAD, we lost on the way Truth as during the past few years LIES seem to be the new fashionable Movement and More Fans of Pinocho are appearing daily.