Homoeopathy is a system of complementary medicine.
It is based on the principle of "SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTER" which means "let likes be treated by likes".According to this system of medicine the most similar the medicine to the patients costitution is prescribed to the patient which helps in curing the most deadly , long term chronic diseases which seem to be cured incurable by other system of medicines.
According to Master Hahnemann (Father of Homoeopathy) in his "ORGANON OF MEDICINE" APHORISM 2-:§ 2
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles
It believes in giving the minutest dose of medicine , singly , simply with least or no harm to the patient.
The cure of the patient is just not to remove the signs and symptoms but to treat the patient wholly i.e both mentally and physically.
Homoepathy system of medicine believes that the action of medicine is through sentient nerves through various routes like oral , olfactory , skin , etc. The medicine first acts on the persons vital force stimulates it so in return vital force itself through its secondary action acts on mental dearrangement of the patient which itself removes the physical external manifestation on the body by arranging itself.So this clearly describes that homoeopathic medicine doesnot directly act on the diseased part but just cures the person mental dearrangement which automatically removes the external manisfestation of disease i.e on physical body.