Homework battles are exhausting. Period.

Kids are counting down the days for the school year to end so they can get the homework monkey off their back. ??

And parents are bracing for the angst they'll endure when they get that final report card in the mail.??

You CAN change the "end of school year" story??

 In just two sessions here's what one family experienced:

 "The homework battle was a nightly occurrence in our home. That is, until we learned    from you Jaci. Instead of harping on our sixth grader every night about homework and pointing out her poor grades that were posted on the online progress report, we changed the conversation and acknowledged her first. That was hard to do considering her seemingly lazy effort and “I don’t care” attitude.

Our relationship with our daughter has improved dramatically and in just two weeks she turned in all her missing assignments and even got an A on her last math test! Most importantly we do not dread the homework conversation. We are proud of her (even though she is getting less than great overall grades) and we are hopeful for a smooth transition to seventh grade. We don't want to wish the summer away, but we are actually looking forward to the start of next school year! 

Thank You for challenging us to try a new approach. You helped us see that while our intentions were good, we didn't have to be angry with her to get her to improve. We could be understanding, empathetic and firm without damaging our relationship. You encouraged us to tweak our responses to our daughter and it really worked! At first, we thought it was too good to be true! Admittedly we thought we were irresponsible parents to let her handle the grades on her own, but instead she became motivated to do better for herself! We know we are done with the first four sessions, but we'd like to continue working with you. We want to help her build confidence in other areas and not be so fixated on technology this summer and we think you'll have some ideas for us on how to handle that. ~

YAY! These parents are getting it AND doing it! And yes, I have lots of ideas for them about summer time and technology. Want to learn more? Click here and tell me what your current battle is with your child. https://www.helloworldmn.com/contact-me/

You are closer to a solution than you think!


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