Homeownership is a part of every Canadian's dream.
Sardool Bhogal. Director-Public-Govt Relations International Trade-Business Consultant.
International Trade and Business consultant. Ardent community builder. Toastmaster, Available for Speaking engagements/ serve on Board of Directors.
Homeownership is undeniably the cornerstone of the Canadian Dream, and is inseparable from our national ethos that, through hard work, every Canadian should have opportunities for prosperity and success. It is the stability and wealth creation that homeownership provides that represents the primary mechanism through which many Canadian families are able to achieve upward socioeconomic mobility and greater opportunities for their children.
“Millennials have delayed marriage and having children in favor of investing in education, pushing marriage and family formation to their early-to-mid thirties, compared with previous generations, who primarily made these lifestyle choices in their twenties…Delayed lifestyle choices delay the desire for homeownership.”
“As more millennials get married and form families, millennials remain poised to transform the housing market. In fact, the housing market is already experiencing the earliest gusts of the tailwind.”
Bottom Line
As it always has been and very likely always will be, homeownership continues to be a major component in every generation’s pursuit of the Canadian Dream. call 1 877 607 7222 to reach out a local realtor to start pursuing your dream. #waterlooregion #kwawesome #waterloo #kitchener #kitchenerwaterloo #wrawesome #uptownwaterloo #kitchenerontario #cambridgeontario #dtklove #guelph #supportlocal #cambridge #waterlooontario #kw #explorewaterlooregion #dtk #explorewr #kitchenerwaterloocambridge #cbridge #local #guelphontario #covid #dtkitchener #ontario #kitchenerrealestate #waterloorealestate #laurier #downtownkitchener #HomewoodRE