Dr. KS. Gopi
Former Professor, Govt. Homeopathic medical college, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Winter diseases are concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering mental and physical symptoms.
Homoeopathic medicines are effective both for controlling and preventing winter diseases.
ALUMINA: Alumina is prescribed for skin symptoms worse in winter. Red rhagades on hands, worse in winter and from washing.
AMMONIUM BROMATUM: Ammonium bromatum is indicated for fever troubled with cold in winter. Must warm feet even in warm room.
AMMONIUM CARBONICUM: Ammonium carb is prescribed for cold in winter season. Catch cold easily in winter. Profuse watery coryza. Discharge of sharp, burning water. Stoppage of nose at night with long continued coryza. Cannot breathe through nose. Snuffles of children. Ammonium carb is suited to overweight persons, scrofulous children and stout and sedentary women.
ARGENTUM NITRICUM: Argentum nitricum is indicated for violent pain in chest and shoulders pressing inward, returning every winter.
ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA: Asclepias tuberose is effective of diarrhea in winter. Diarrhea worse in winter. Stool with a feeling as stream of fire passing through abdomen. Stools like white of eggs , yellow, green, clammy, enveloped in froth like moss. Stools smell like rotten eggs or burn like fire.
BISMUTHUM: Bismuthum is prescribed, where headache returning in winter season. Cutting or pressure above right orbit extending to occiput. Headache alternates with stomach pain.
BRYONIA ALBA: Bryonia alba is prescribed for cough during the winter season. Cough, which is dry, or mucus very difficult to cough out.??The patient experiences severe chest pain during coughing. Cough worse from motion, and better when taking rest. There is an increased thirst for large quantities of water. Inflammatory rheumatism in winter
CASTOR EQUI: Castor equi??is prescribed, where the person dreams of fruit hanging on trees in winter.
CHAMOMILLA: Chamomilla is best for cough in winter. Cough and hoarseness with rattling mucus trachea, especially during winter. Rough, scraping cough of children in winter with tickling in supra sterna fossa, worse at night.??Cough worse at 9-12 p.m during sleep, does not wake up the child. Hot coryza with obstruction of nose inability to sleep.
DOLICHOS PRURIENS: Dolichos is indicated for itching in winter. Itching without eruption. Itching first on feet, every winter higher up, after 7 years reaches hip and abdomen. Itching, worse at night. Itching with liver problems.
FLOURIC ACID: Flouric acid is prescribed, where sensation of increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue. Flouric acid is less affected by excessive heat in summer or in cold weather.
GELSEMIUM SEMP: Gelsemium is indicated for flu symptoms during winter season. There is running nose, which is bland and sneezing accompanied by pain in eyes and head. The patient may also experience weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness. There is frequent and violent chilliness up and down the back, face flushed and dark red. Aching pain in muscles. No thirst, but severe headache is a leading symptom. Hoarseness with dryness of throat, burning in larynx, descending into trachea. Cough from tickling and dryness of fauces. Sensation of soreness in chest when coughing.
HEPAR SUPHURIS: Hepar sulph is indicated for loss of voice and cough in winter or when exposed to dry, cold wind. Cough excited when any part of the body gets cold or uncovered. Whitlows occurring on upper limbs every winter for several years is another symptom of Hepar sulph
KALI BROMATUM: Kali bromatum is best for slightly elevated, smooth, red patches like urticaria, but with hardened bases like erythema nososum ,??especially in winter. Itching worse at night in bed and in high temperature.
KALI BICHROMICUM: Kali bichromicum is prescribed for winter complaints with complete nasal obstruction, worse in the cold, better with heat, accompanied by a nasal tone of voice and thick, stringy mucus.
KREOSOTUM: Kreosotum is indicated for violent witer cough of old people, with spasmodic turns at night, and very copious light-colored mucous sputa. Also pain or pressure referable to sternum.???
NUX VOMICA: Nux vomica is effective for stuffy colds, snuffles after exposure to dry, cold atmosphere, worse in warm room. Coryza, fluent in day time, stuffed up at night or alternates between nostrils. Sneezing, violent, abortive from intense crawling in nostrils. Acrid discharge, but with stuffed up feeling. Difficulty in breathing.
PETROLEUM: Petroleum is one of the top remedies for skin complaints during winter season. Deep cracks appear in folds, nipples, finger tips etc. Scaly eruptions on hand in winter.??Dirty, hard, rough, thickened skin like parchment. Ulcers in winter.??Skin gets raw, festers or won’t heal, worse in folds. Slightest scratch makes skin suppurate. Thick, greenish, crusts, burning and itching, redness, raw, cracks bleed easily. Eczema in winter. Chilblains, moist, itch and burn, become purple.
PSORINUM: Psorinum is another top remedy for winter complaints of skin. Eruption appear around toes and finger nails in winter. Skin dirty, scabby, greasy, breaks out in folds. Intolerable itching is another character which is worse from heat of bed. Herpetic eruptions , especially on scalp and bends of joints with itching. Eczema behind ears. Excrescences disappear in summer, only to occur again in winter. All skin complaints are worse in winter.
RHUS TOXICODENDRON: Rhus tox is indicated for inflammatory rheumatism worse in winter. Slight hacking cough in winter.
RUMEX CRISPUS: Rumex is a remedy for cough in winter. Cough originally produced by cold air during winter. Cough worse by laying down, and especially 11 o’clock at night. Cough is excited by tickling behind the sternum and attended by a sprain like aching near sternum and with accumulation of mucus in fauces near the posterior nares.
SEPIA OFFICINALIS: Sepia is another winter remedy, where catarrh every winter with violent coughing; after being in a draft cough tormenting and dry. Severe orthopnoea, had to sit straight up day and night, with horrible anxiety about a rattling in chest, with soreness as if raw on chest. The person fears to suffocate.
STANNUM METALLICUM: Stannum met is a remedy of constipation appearing every Monday or on days after a fete, but only in winter, while the rest of the week the stools were regular. There is fullness in lower part of abdomen, with swelling, malaise, great heat in head, better in open air, returing in house, with ill-humor and sadness. The person felt hungry at noon but no appetite in evening.
STAPHYSAGRIA: Staphysagria is indicated for croupy cough in winter, alternating with sciatica in summer. Cough drove him out of bed compelling him to sit up all night, could not breath while lying down. Sensation as if something were loose in pit of stomach, like loose flesh, that pulled every time he coughed. Cough excited by tobacco smoke.
SULPHUR: Sulpjur is prescribed, where deafness and surging noise in right ear in winter , worse on excitement or moving. Rheumatism in winter, worse warm in bed; at night, pain in face, comes on 11 to 12 p.m. Head ache, worse in winter.??Ulcer of more tha two years on duration on left leg, above outer malleolus, as large as a quarter dollar, with areola much swelled, very hard, dull purplish red, stinging pains, scanty discharge. Before appearance of ulcer had much rheumatism, better in winter, worse before a storm. Feet hot at night , keeps them out of bed.
SYPHILLINUM: Syphillinum is indicated for chronic asthma in summer, especially when the weather was warm and damp; most frequently in evening, passing off at daybreak; soreness of chest, with great anguish and inability to retain a recumbent position. In Winter severe bronchial cough succeeded asthmatic attacks. A regular type of chills and fever developed; suffered from this many years before. Cold pain in legs.