Homeopathy: Where's the evidence?
Zilika Jain
Homeopath ?? Restoring health, naturally ?? Reigniting your body's inner wisdom ?
Today, recognised as World Homeopathy Day marks the birth of our founder Dr Samuel Hahnemann. His foremost aim was to furnish a precise, quick and gentle treatment to his patients. Dr Hahnemann spent his life discovering this science and only believed & noted those experiments that showed reproducible positive results which were in accordance to the law of nature. Further, he had painstakingly worked on principles of Homeopathy for years to make sure what he delivers to the masses is the plain verified truth with an ardent mission to help the sick.
Homeopathy has long been proposed as unscientific or implausible. Since it's inception in late 1700s, it has been the target of the conventional branch of medicine. Commonest postulates to ban homeopathy have been unscientific basis of homeopathic medicines, an unknown mechanism of action and absence of positive clinical trials. But, is there any truth to their claims of it’s inefficacy? If it holds any truth, why is it still in demand worldwide? Why are 200 million people across the globe opting for homeopathy? (5, 26) Why do doctors and surgeons of conventional medicine use it even after 200 years of it being apparently ineffective? Let's explore a few ground level scientific laws and researches undertaken to churn out speculations.
1. Mechanism of action with ultra dilutions
Dr Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy was in his initial stages of discovering this science. On administering crude/large doses, he quickly discovered that they produced noticeable changes in the organism that resulted in toxic effects. He thus altered dosage through exploring dilutions of the compounds he was testing. Further, he discovered that these dilutions, when done according to his technique of systematic mixing through vigorous shaking, were still effective.
In modern science, hormesis (“to excite”) can be defined as the biphasic dose-response relationship (1,13) in which a chemical exerts opposite effects depending on the dose, high doses being toxic, the low doses have the opposite effect.
Although the term “hormesis” was coined only in 1943 by Southam and Erlich (14); the phenomenon according to which weak concentrations of chemicals (or biological agents) stimulate, medium concentrations depress, and high concentrations halt or destroy physiological or cellular activity had already been known for at least a century as the “Arndt-Schultz law,” (15) which is a recognized law in the medical dictionaries.
Hans Peter Durr, director at the Max-Planck-Institute of Physics (Werner-Heisenberg-Institute) and professor of physics at the Ludwig Maximilian University explains, “Modern quantum physics reveals that matter is not composed of matter, but in reality is merely it's potentiality.” (16)
? Centuries after its existence, it is now understood that ultra dilution medicines are capable of altering breast cancer cells! The findings demonstrate biological activity of these natural products when presented at ultra-diluted doses. (2)
More recently, homeopathy has been openly declared “implausible”, since many (not all) homeopathic remedies are diluted beyond Avogadro’s number (6.0225×1023), where the likelihood approaches zero that a single molecule of the original substance is contained in the remedy. But, the following researchers demonstrate the presence of homeopathic medicines in diluted doses much beyond the Avogadro number.
? Homeopathic pills containing naturally occurring metals retain their potency even when diluted to a nanometre or one-billionth of a metre, states the IIT-Bombay research published in the 2010 issue of 'Homeopathy', a peer reviewed journal from reputed medical publishing firm Elsevier. (21) A similar two year research (2013-2015) was done by a homeopathic practitioner Dr ES Rajendran, director of Vinayaka Mission Homoeopathic Medical College at the nanotechnology lab in IISc, Bengaluru that revealed homeopathic medicines contain nanoparticles of the resource medicine even in its highest diluted form. (27)
? Dr Karin Lenger’s research shows that presence of homeopathic remedies can be identified by magnetic resonance. (3) Another research deals with delayed luminescence of high homeopathic potencies on sugar globuli. (4) Further she explored “Identification of unknown homeopathic remedies by delay luminesce globuli” (6) and “Photons detected by magnetic resonance are efficious in homeopathy.” (7)
Each homeopathic potency contains a distinct energy level. The highest energy is found in the potencies that have been shaken and diluted the most. All the values Dr Lenger has detected, are exactly reproducible.
Conclusion: The Law of Least Action, formulated by Maupertius, the French mathematician, states: “The quantity of action necessary to affect any change in nature is the least possible; the decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.” Hence, a minimal dose is required to bring the body back to its equilibrium.
Healing by homeopathy is achieved by a regulation of the electromagnetic field according to the principle of resonance. Each remedy carries its own resonance pattern. Now, Dr Lenger has research data that confirms some homeopathic tenets and debunks others, and has furnished strong evidence that homeopathic remedies are far from "mere sugar pills".
2. Placebo controlled clinical trials in Homeopathy
A placebo is an inert substance or treatment which is designed to have no therapeutic value.
Placebo response accounts for a large part of the effects of painkillers (23), anti-depressants (22, 24) and anti-parkinson's drugs (25). But, homeopathy is termed placebo and conventional medicines being harmful to the body in many ways than one are claimed to be scientific.
Patient satisfaction, cure of diseases, reduced mortality rate are not regarded as an effective tool of assessment by the conventional medicine, they consider placebo controlled trials 'gold standard' to determine the efficacy of any treatment.
In placebo controlled randomised clinical trials of the medicines, one section of patients are unknowingly given placebo while the others are given homeopathic medicine in the same setting. The results are assessed to compare if homeopathic medicines are more effective than placebo.
? The most robust data on efficacy of homeopathy comes from a 2014 meta-analysis of placebo-controlled double-blind randomised controlled trials which found that homeopathic medicines, when prescribed during individualised treatment, are 1.5 to 2.0 times more likely to have a beneficial effect than placebo. (8)
As Dr Mathie explains, when taken collectively, this program of work reaches an “unequivocally positive result” for homeopathy. (9)
? British Homeopathic Association has listed 28 medical conditions in which there is currently a positive balance of evidence for homeopathy in randomised placebo-controlled trials. (10)
? Randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed on 175 Dutch children suffering from recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. (11) Children in the treatment group were prescribed a 'constitutional medicine' for their overall health as well as acute medicines to treat the acute respiratory infections they developed. The study found that the children given homeopathic medicines had a 16% better daily symptom score than children given a placebo. This study also found that the number of children given a placebo had 24% higher probability to undergo adenoidectomy than for the children given homeopathic remedies.
? Another study that involved individualised homeopathic care was in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. (12) The study involved 46 patients. Two homeopathic physicians prescribed individually chosen medicines to each patient, though only half of them were given the real remedy, while the other half were given placebo. The study found that 82% of those given an individualized homeopathic remedy experienced some relief of symptoms, while only 21% of those given a placebo experienced a similar degree of relief.
Conclusion: Further research is needed to consolidate and expand the current clinical trial evidence base in homeopathy. However, these systematic reviews and meta-analyses have identified areas of most promise, helping researchers know where to focus their efforts in order to inform decision-makers and patients about the potential of homeopathic treatments. There are various such clinical trials available ranging from migraine to cancer and if they were included in the Australian NHMRC report of 2015, no one could have questioned the plausibility, efficacy and clinical effectiveness of homeopathy.
3. Homeopathy in epidemics
The true clinical effectiveness of a medicine is also assessed by it’s capacity to manage or treat epidemics. In crisis, no placebo effects can certainly be reasoned as the medicines need to be quick and precise to save lives.
General Statistics from 1874 to 1877 in the U.S.: (17)
In the year 1852, Dr. Routh, a British allopathic physician and an opponent of homeopathy, was a designated authority by medical officials of London to release the mortality-statistics (for all diseases). As a result of his findings, Dr. Routh was constrained to testify in favor of homeopathy. He collected statistics of different hospitals (England, Austria and Germany), total of 32,655 homeopathic cases and 119,630 allopathic cases. The overall mortality under homeopathic treatment was 4.4 percent, and the overall mortality under allopathic treatment was 10.5 percent. (18)
Another event in that age, is from Sir William Wilde, the well-known allopathic doctor of Dublin, which in his work entitled “Austria and its Institutions”, wrote: “Upon comparing the report of the treatment of Cholera in the Homeopathic hospital testified by two allopathic medical inspectors appointed by the Government with that of the treatment of the same disease in the other hospitals of Vienna during the same period the epidemic of 1836, it appeared that while two-thirds of the cases treated by Dr. Fleischmann the physician of the Homeopathic hospital, recovered, two-thirds of those treated by the ordinary methods in the other hospitals died.” (19)
The Great flu or Spanish flu of 1918 was one the major epidemics that struck Europe post World War I. It claimed more lives than World War I. Homeopathic clinics were established in various places by then in Europe & the USA. USA exhibited a mortality of 1.05% whereas the conventional/allopathic treatment had experienced mortality of a massive 30%. (20)
Conclusion: Homeopathy has been successfully used in epidemics with consistent positive results, low mortality and a better prognosis. After such robust clinical verification for over 200 years by multiple homeopaths worldwide, it is a pity to see such an explored science to be called unscientific. The conventional medicine needs to alter treatment protocols frequently with numerous remedies being banned by the FDA; requiring regular trials. Whereas, homeopathy’s clinical trials since 1800s have been reproducible, no principles or medicines banned or changed, and is yet being termed placebo. Thus making a mockery of such an experimented science is nothing but ignorance to understand it’s depth of laws and principles.
It is a plea to the magnanimous minds to experiment reasonably and then believe what comes out of it rather than believing in theories put up by bigots. A thoughtful remark by Nobel Laureate Sir Ernest Rutherford reads, “If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment.”
A branch of science that proudly exhibits consistent results in epidemics, acute and chronic diseases in the most gentle and safe method without causing undue harm to the patients is a one of a kind path breaking discovery by Dr Hahnemann. Through his rational thinking, inductive logic and laws of nature has repeatedly verified results; and that have been re-verified by innumerable physicians thence. It is a privilege to be a follower, believer, and a physician of Homeopathy; to witness the true science of cure.
His grave much truly reads, “Non Inutilis Vixi”- I have not lived in vain!
1. A.R.D. Stebbing, "Hormesis: The Stimulation of Growth by Low Levels of Inhibitors," Science of the Total Environment, 1982, 22: 213-34. Also, Health Physics, May 1987. This entire issue was devoted to the increased effects of low doses.
2. Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells. Int J Oncol. 2010 Feb;36(2):395-403.
3. Lenger Karin, Homeopathic potencies identified by a new magnetic resonance method. Homeopathy – an energetic medicine. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 2006, Vol 15, Nr. 3:225-243.
4. Lenger K, R. P. Bajpai, M. Drexel. Delayed luminescence of high homeopathic potencies on sugar globuli. Homeopathy 2008; 97, 134-140.
5. Homeopathic medicinal products. Commission report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of Directives 92/73 and 92/74 | Full Text
6. Lenger K, R. P. Bajpai, M. Spielmann. Identification of unknown homeopathic remedies by delayed luminescence. CBB 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s12013-013-9712-7.
7. Lenger K. and G. Lang. Photons detected by magnetic resonance are efficious in homeopathy. A critical review. OA Alternative Medicine 2014 Febr 22;2 (1):4
8. Mathie RT et al. Randomised placebo-controlled trials of individualised homeopathic treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 2014; 3: 142 | Full text
9. Mathie RT et al. Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of non-individualised homeopathic treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 2017; 6(1):63 | Full text
10. Conditions with overall positive evidence for homeopathy in clinical trials: https://www.britishhomeopathic.org/evidence/conditions-with-overall-positive-evidence-for-homeopathy/
11. E. de Lange de Klerk, J. Blommers, D.J. Kuik, et al., "Effect of Homoeopathic Medicines on Daily Burden of Symptoms in Children with Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections," British Medical Journal, November 19, 1994, 309:1329-32.
12. R.G. Gibson, S. Gibson, A.D. MacNeill, et al., "Homoeopathic Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Evaluation by Double-blind Clinical Therapeutic Trial," British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1980, 9:453-59.
13. Fukushima S, Kinoshita A, Puatanachokchai R et al: Hormesis and dose-response mediated mechanisms in carcinogenesis: evidence for a threshold in carcinogenicity of non-genotoxic carcinogens. Carcinogenesis, 2005; 26(11): 1835–45. Epub 2005 Jun 23
14. Southam CM, Erlich J: Effects of extracts of western red-cedar heart-wood on certain wood decaying fungi in culture. Phytopathology, 1943; 33:517–24
15. Arndt-Schultz Law: Link , Medical Dictionary: Look here
16. Durr HP: Are biology and medicine only physics? Building bridges between conventional and complementary medicine. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 2002; 2(5): 338-51
17. The Medical Investigator, volume 10, 1873.
18. William Sharp, Tracts on Homoeopathy, 1853
19. Homeopathy in Influenza– A chorus of fifty in harmony, W.A. Dewey, Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, May 1921, pp. 1040
20. Pearson, W. A. (1919). Epidemic Influenza Treated by Homeopathic Physicians. The Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, Chicago, XII (1), 11-13.
21. Chikramane PS, Suresh AK, Bellare JR, Kane SG (2010). Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: a nanoparticulate perspective. Homeopathy 2010; 99: 231-242.
22. Enserink M: Can the placebo be the cure? Science, 1999; 284: 238–40 42.
23. Zubieta J-K, Bueller JA, Jackson LR et al: Placebo Effects Mediated by Endogenous Opioid Activity on Opioid Receptors. J Neurosci, 2005; 25(34): 7754–62
24. Parker G, Anderson IM, Haddad P: Clinical trials of antidepressant medications are producing meaningless results. Br J Psychiatry, 2003; 183: 102–4
25. de la Fuente-Fernandez R, Rith TJ, Sossi V et al: Expectation and dopamine release: mechanisms of the placebo effect in Parkinson’s Disease. Science, 2001; 293: 1164–66
26. Prasad R. Homoeopathy booming in India. Lancet, 2007; 370:1679-80 | Full Text
27. Nano Pharmacological Aspect of Homeopathic Drugs - A Comparative Study: www.prohom.net
Some further sources to explore your skepticism:
? Lenger Karin, A new biochemical model of homeopathic efficacy in patients with chronic diseases. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 2010, 19(3), 9-41.
? Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) 2015 Homeopathy Review | Link
? Kleijnen, J., Knipschild, P. & ter Riet, G. Clinical trials of homeopathy. BMJ, 1991; 302: 960 | PubMed
? Dana Ullman, M.P.H. Scientific Evidence For Homeopathic Medicine. Excerpted from The Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy. New York: Jermey Tarcher / Putnam, 1995.
? Iris R. Bell, MD PhD. Homeopathy Research Evidence Base: References. 2007. National Center from Homeopathy. The Guardian. "Homeopathy not effective for treating any condition, Australian report finds."
? Classical homeopathy in the treatment of cancer patients--a prospective observational study of two independent cohorts. BMC Cancer. 2011 Jan 17;11:19. doi:10.1186/1471-2407-11-19. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21241504
? Randomized controlled pilot study to compare Homeopathy and Conventional therapy in Acute Otitis Media. Homeopathy. 2012 Jan;101(1):5-12. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2011.08.003. live
? Arndt- Schultz law and it’s application in Homeopathy: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.homeobook.com/arndt-schultz-law-and-its-applications-in-homeopathy/amp/
? Core-Hom: A powerful and exhaustive database of clinical trials in Homeopathy: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1475491614000770
Classical Homeopath?Associate Editor, Homeopathic Chronicles ?FNM ? RAB ?AFHom ?Specialising in Women's Health
5 个月Great insightful article. ??
Medical Doctor at Self Employed
4 年Great article. I am a allopath....I love homoeopathy...
Principal | Project Management | Queensland Treasury | Prior Exp - Consulting, Audit, Accounting and Finance
4 年'Not lived in vain' - Wow! Brilliant words! Very well articuled. I quite enjoyed reading the impact of Homeopathy on epidemics with the low mortality rates vs conventional medication. I wonder if there'd be data to quantify the impact of Homeopathy on the current pandemic?
Business Analyst (focus on Data Quality and Data Management)
4 年Wonderfully written Dr Zilika Jain!!! Kudos!