Dr. KS. Gopi
Former Professor, Govt. Homeopathic medical college, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, usually because of an uncomfortable sensation. It typically happens in the evening or nighttime hours when you're sitting or lying down. Moving eases the unpleasant feeling temporarily.
Restless legs syndrome, now known as restless legs syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease (RLS/WED), can begin at any age and generally worsens as you age. It can disrupt sleep, which interferes with daily activities.
Often, there's no known cause for RLS/WED. Researchers suspect the condition may be caused by an imbalance of the brain chemical dopamine, which sends messages to control muscle movement.
Sometimes RLS/WED runs in families, especially if the condition starts before age 40. Researchers have identified sites on the chromosomes where genes for RLS/WED may be present.
Pregnancy or hormonal changes may temporarily worsen RLS/WED signs and symptoms. Some women get RLS/WED for the first time during pregnancy, especially
The chief symptom is an urge to move the legs. Common accompanying characteristics of RLS/WED include:
· Sensations that begin after rest. The sensation typically begins after you've been lying down or sitting for an extended time, such as in a car, airplane or movie theater.
· Relief with movement. The sensation of RLS/WED lessens with movement, such as stretching, jiggling your legs, pacing or walking.
· Worsening of symptoms in the evening. Symptoms occur mainly at night.
· Nighttime leg twitching. RLS/WED may be associated with another, more common condition called periodic limb movement of sleep, which causes your legs to twitch and kick, possibly throughout the night, while you sleep.
People typically describe RLS/WED symptoms as abnormal, unpleasant sensations in their legs or feet. They usually happen on both sides of the body. Less commonly, the sensations affect the arms.
The sensations, which generally occur within the limb rather than on the skin, are described as:
· Crawling
· Creeping
· Pulling
· Throbbing
· Aching
· Itching
· Electric
Sometimes the sensations are difficult to explain. Affected people usually don't describe the condition as a muscle cramp or numbness. They do, however, consistently describe the desire to move their legs.
It's common for symptoms to fluctuate in severity. Sometimes, symptoms disappear for periods of time, then come back.
Risk factors
RLS/WED can develop at any age, even during childhood. The disorder is more common with increasing age and more common in women than in men.
Restless legs syndrome usually isn't related to a serious underlying medical problem. However, RLS/WED sometimes accompanies other conditions, such as:
· Peripheral neuropathy. This damage to the nerves in your hands and feet is sometimes due to chronic diseases such as diabetes and alcoholism.
· Iron deficiency. Even without anemia, iron deficiency can cause or worsen RLS/WED. If you have a history of bleeding from your stomach or bowels, experience heavy menstrual periods, or repeatedly donate blood, you may have iron deficiency.
· Kidney failure. If you have kidney failure, you may also have iron deficiency, often with anemia. When kidneys don't function properly, iron stores in your blood can decrease. This and other changes in body chemistry may cause or worsen RLS/WED.
· Spinal cord conditions. Lesions on the spinal cord have been linked to RLS/WED. Having had anesthesia to the spinal cord, such as a spinal block, also increases the risk of developing RLS/WED.
Although RLS/WED doesn't lead to other serious conditions, symptoms can range from barely bothersome to incapacitating. Many people with RLS/WED find it difficult to fall or stay asleep.
Severe RLS/WED can cause marked impairment in life quality and can result in depression. Insomnia may lead to excessive daytime drowsiness, but RLS/WED may interfere with napping.
Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When restless leg syndrome is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms
ARSENICUM ALBUM 200—Arsenic alb is best for debilitated, exhausted and restless persons. They are anxious, obsessive regarding order and tidiness. Uneasiness in the lower limbs , must move feet constantly or move about, cannot lie still at night.
ARGENTUM NITRICUM 200—Argentum nitricum is effective for Restless leg syndrome with weakness, rigidity or twisting in calves. Legs feel as if made of wood or padded.
MEDORRHINUM 200—Medorrhinum is best for Restless leg syndrome where the legs are heavy, ache all night , cannot keep them still. Burning in feet is also seen.
CAUSTICUM 200---Causticum is best for restless leg at night. Twitching, weakness and heaviness of legs. Pain like electric shocks in legs. Heaviness and stiffness are seen in calf muscles. Joints often crack easily and frequently.
FERRUM METALLICUM 200—Ferrum met is prescribed for Restless leg syndrome with anemia. It is due to pains that compel the legs to move. Restlessness that drives the patient out of bed. The patient is irritable and intensely sensitive to slight noises .
RHUS TOXOCODENDRON 200----Rhus tox is another best remedy for Restless leg syndrome with aching in legs. A crawling , tingling sensation experiences in the legs. Constant motion of legs give relief to the complaints, but worse from rest.
TARENTULA HISPANA 200---Tarentula Hispana is best for Restless leg syndrome with weakness of legs. Legs cannot plant them firmly , do not obey will. Legs restless , impulse to walk. They can run better than walk. Numbness , jerking and twitching of legs. Yawning with uneasiness of legs, must move them constantly. Extraordinary contractions and movements in legs. Complaints worse at night.
ZINCUM METALLICUM 200—Zincum metallicum is prescribed for Restless leg syndrome with formication of feet and legs as of insects crawling over the skin , prevents sleep , better rubbing and pressure. Intense weakness, numbness, twitching and jerking are seen in legs. For getting relief the person constantly moves the legs in bed. Restless leg in continued motion , cannot keep them still. Complaints more at night.
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