Dr. KS. Gopi
Former Professor, Govt. Homeopathic medical college, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Frontal headache with occipital headache. Tired feeling. Exaggerated reverberation of ordinary sounds. Patient loses conception of time with difficulty in enunciation.
Forehead headache and root of nose. Morning migraine headache with scotoma and aching pain in temples and heaviness in forehead. Patient exhibits constant anxiety and apprehension.
Occipital headache, also top of head. Nervous headache which aching deep in brain and with burning at the top of the head. Worse during menses and from mental exertion. Along with pain in head there is inability to keep the mind on any one subject.
Throbbing, pulsating, and hammering headache. Pain and fullness in head, especially in forehead, also occiput and temples. Pain worse from light, noises, jar, lying down and in afternoon, better by pressure and sitting in semi-erect posture. Head sensitive to drafts and cold or washing hair.
One sided headache, especially right side. Migraine, with great coldness in head and sour taste. Worse from reading, open air. Anxiety with marked mental confusion.
Frontal headache, over root of nose, over eyes, through temples. Dull frontal headache feels sore and bruised. Forehead very hot and dry. Worse from stooping, motion and jarring. Listless and apathetic.
Pain in bones of head. Frequent sharp pain, lancinating pain in bones. Worse after sleep, cold washing, night.
Migraine headache begin with flickering, fiery sparks before the eyes or dim vision. Shooting pain in the temporal region. Headache starts in the morning.
Damiana aborts migraine headache.
Pressing pain in temples from without inwards, especially on left side. Weekly sick headache. Headache from nerve tire. Headache preceded by hunger, mental and physical exhaustion. Viscid salivation, constant inclination to spit.
Throbbing and bursting headache. Waves of terrible, pounding headache. Worse from sunlight. ?Head feels large, as if skull were too small for brain. Eye balls protruded. ?Head heavy, cannot lay it on pillow. Holds the head tightly. Headache better from sleep.
Pain all over the head. Throbbing, congestive headache. Sensation as if brain were falling forwards, as from a blow on head. Worse from excessive use of liquor, grief.
Headache. Sensation of a band around forehead, undulating sensation through whole head and frozen sensation all over the head. Worse during night, from rest, sitting. Better from pressure, rubbing, motion.
Migraine headache with nausea and vomiting. Acrid, watery, sour vomiting with burning in stomach. Headache with diarrhea. Headache worse from rest, begins with a blur before eyes after relaxing from a mental strain. Right temples especially affected. Shooting in temples with contractive feeling of the scalp. Tired headache with mental exhaustion like studying, sewing etc.
Migraine, especially right sided, extending to jaw. Head feels enlarged. Worse from least noise.
Pain on forehead and temples, moving to occiput. Pressure from within outward, with stretching and yawning and pain down back. Worse from stretching and yawning.
Migraine headache increases and decreases with sun, starts with sunrise, continues through the day, and decreases after sunset. Headache as if thousand hammers were knocking on the brain. Headaches over eyes, on vertex with partial numbness or disturbed vision. Migraine headaches in school girls, anemic headaches of school girls. Migraine headache worse during menses. Natrum mur patients prefer salt or salty foods. They are depressed and introverted.
Pain all over the head, especially on left side and on vertex. Periodical headache, every two weeks. Pain on top as from a nail driven. Objects appear too large. Twitching of upper lip. Worse during morning till noon, from warm room.
Occipito- frontal pain in morning on waking, chiefly on left side. Dull, heavy, dizzy, pressing upward in occiput, feeling as if screwed pain up and down from occiput to shoulder. Worse during morning on waking, on exertion.
Right- sided migraine. Pain begins in occiput, spreads upwards or ascending from occiput to over right eye. Migraine headaches, if he goes without food. Better from sleep, vomiting, and passing copious flow of urine. Headache increases and decreases with the sun, starts in the morning, increases during the day and lasts until sunset. Migraine headache during menopause.
Dull frontal headache. Headache in front and base of brain.?Eyes feel pressed outwards. Pain over right eye, aching in eyeballs. Explosive headache of school teachers with frequent urination. Nervous sick headaches. Worse from noise, odor, light, better during night, rest.
Migraine headache during menopause. Headache in terrible shocks at menopausal time with scanty flow with desire for sex. Shooting, stinging pain within out or upwards, over left eye, heavy on vertex, alternating sides of occiput, worse lying on painful side indoors with nausea and vomiting.
Left-sided migraine. Pain from beneath frontal eminence and temples, extending to eyes. Semi-lateral involving left eye, pain violent, throbbing, worse making false step. Pain as if a band around head. Pain from left occiput to over left eye, worse stooping, making false step, opening mouth.
Pain all over the head. Sick headache radiating from one point with cold damp feeling at back of head. Hallucinations of hearing with temporary mental exaltation. Ill- humored. ?Marked tenderness, can scarcely comb hair. Better from warmth, warm bath.
Severe bursting headache, as if temples would burst or the eyes burst out of the sockets. Throbbing carotids.
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1 年Sir is there any treatment for cluster headache. Plz let me know