Dr. KS. Gopi
Former Professor, Govt. Homeopathic medical college, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Aphasia is a disorder that results from damage to areas of the brain that produce and process language. A person with aphasia can have trouble speaking, reading, writing, and understanding language. Impairment in these abilities can range from mild to very severe. Some people with aphasia have difficulty in only one area of communication, such as trouble putting words together into meaningful sentences, trouble reading, or difficulty understanding what others are saying. More commonly, people with aphasia have word-finding difficulties-that is, coming up with the correct name of persons, places, things, or events.
Stroke: The most common cause of aphasia is brain damage resulting from stroke, the blockage or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. Loss of blood to the brain leads to brain cell death or damage in areas that control language.
Head injury: Brain damage caused by severe head injury, a tumor, an infection or a degenerative process also can cause aphasia. In these cases, the aphasia usually occurs with other types of cognitive problems, such as memory problems or confusion.
Dementia: Gradual degeneration of the brain cells located in the language networks.
Others: Temporary episodes of aphasia can occur due to migraines, seizures, or a transient ischemic attack, TIA. A TIA occurs when blood flow is temporarily blocked to an area of the brain. People who have had a TIA are at an increased risk of having a stroke in the near future.
Aphasia is sign of other condition, such as a stroke or a brain tumor. A person with aphasia may:
·??????Speak in short or incomplete sentences
·??????Speak in sentences that don’t make sense
·??????Substitute one word for another or one sound for another
·??????Speak unrecognizable words
·??????Not understand other people’s conversation
·??????Write sentences that don’t make sense
Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Aphasia ?is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.
Due to injury to brain. Forgetful of words while speaking.
Amnesia of words, cannot recollect the names of things or objects. Lack of self-confidence. Wavering long between opposite decisions.
Amnesia after stroke. Forgetful of words while speaking, hunting for words. Inability to articulate without any affection of the tongue.
Misplaces words and tendency to express himself wrongly. Thinking is difficult.
Omits whole words in speaking or writing.
Forgets words, cannot understands what he reads, cannot find the words when speaking.
Cannot read, but cannot understand even a short sentence. Cannot remember certain words, vain efforts to pronounce them. Troubles of comprehension and association of ideas. In writing leaves out syllables and whole words.
Amnesic aphasia. Mental torpor. Inability to express himself. Single word forgotten or syllables dropped.
Aphasia after suppressed sweat from fright or mental emotions, from mental overwork.
Though hearing is perfect does not understand what is said to him, the exact sense of the words is lost. Confusion of numbers and dates. Mistakes in writing.
Uses the wrong words which does not express what he wanted to say. Full of mistakes and cannot read what he wrote, mixes up letters and syllables, or omits parts of words in writing.
Defective memory, cannot read or calculate, for she loses the connection of ideas.
Repeat all questions before answering them. Weak memory and sensitive to others talking.
Doctoral Student ,PGT at City International School Pune
2 年What should be the dose for colchicum autumnlae for aphasia
2 年Damage to Temporal lobe is the main cause ...few doses of Temporal lobe 4ch can cure