Homelessness or prison
marie rava
I am a self taught freelance writer, lyricist, copywriter, I can do ads, I am creative and witty. I develop products.
When you are homeless-all you have is your cart-
in prison you have a place to sleep, food to eat
showers, beds, and in some prison's drugs. Yes
we even have innocent victims of this wonderful
system-When you see these people what do you
feel? I myself am heartbroken that any one has
to live in such a horrible way-When God gave
satan dominion over the earth and allowed him
to be a god-satan is the one who causes so
many bad events to happen-not God who
loves us so very much. It was God who gave
us choice-For God wanted us to be free to
choose for He has so very much love for
us all-one of the commandments Christ
left us with is love your neighbor as yourself-
we have failed in this commandment. -