Homeless Veterans should come before any Refugees Vietnam , Iraq , Afghanistan war veterans
Joseph F Barber, (aka Doc)
Diesel Mechanic @ TA Truck Service, Builder, Syndicated Freelance Writer ,Editor,Author Blogger,Tradesmen ,Army Veteran,
Joseph F Barber
Homeless Veterans should come before any Refugees Vietnam , Iraq , Afghanistan war veterans
Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” Act now - Become A Supporting member of humanity to help end hunger and violence in our country
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself
Let no man posture as an advocate of peace if he proposes or supports any social system that initiates the use of force against individual men, in any form.
If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen: a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath—a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? Then you are a sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the hero’s path.
HAS AMERICA GONE STUPID? Warning!!!!--this video will most likely offend the majority of the population.!
“Savage, despicable evil. That’s what we were fighting in Iraq AND Afghanistan. That’s why a lot of people, myself included, called the enemy “savages.” There really was no other way to describe what we encountered there. People ask me all the time, “How many people have you killed?” My standard response is, “Does the answer make me less, or more, of a man?” The number is not important to me. I only wish I had killed more. Not for bragging rights, but because I believe the world is a better place without savages out there taking American lives. Everyone I shot in Iraq was trying to harm Americans or Iraqis or afghans loyal to the new government.”
Americans who lack the vision and fortitude, and fail to understand that you're either with us or against us. That includes fellow US troops who lack the skill, or who dare to question the wars. Iraqis,afghans, by contrast, are not sheep:they're either wolves themselves, or nameless collateral damage. Mostly wolves, though. “I am a strong Christian. Not a perfect one—not close. But I strongly believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible. When I die, God is going to hold me accountable for everything I've done on earth. He may hold me back until last and run everybody else through the line, because it will take so long to go over all my sins.” Honestly, I don’t know what will really happen on Judgment Day. But what I lean toward is that you know all of your sins, and God knows them all, and shame comes over you at the reality that He knows. I believe the fact that I’ve accepted Jesus as my savior will be my salvation. But in that backroom or whatever it is when God confronts me with my sins, I do not believe any of the kills I had during the war will be among them. Everyone I shot was evil. I had good cause on every shot. They all deserved to die.” “anyone who has a problem with what guys do over there is incapable of empathy. People want America to have a certain image when we fight. Yet I would guess if someone were shooting at them and they had to hold their family members while they bled out against an enemy who hid behind their children, played dead only to throw a grenade as they got closer, and who had no qualms about sending their toddler to die from a grenade from which they personally pulled the pin—they would be less concerned with playing nicely.”
I am my brother's keeper.
A little about us...VETERANS PROJECT
We run this non-sectarian, non-partisan organization to ignite discussion on our world and in our communities, to educate our world about the injustice of aggressive violence.
We believe that in order to reach out to our peers most effectively, we cannot stand on religious arguments alone, and we cannot adhere entirely to one political side in our currently polarized culture. We believe that the consistent life ethic is not for any one religious group or for any one political position, but rather for everyone dedicated to human rights, life and dignity.
No matter your reason for believing in the inherent value of human life, we hope you can join us, and through our efforts we can together endeavor to make violence unthinkable -
- to make it history!
Meals for Homeless Veterans
“Tell me What would it hurt for me to give a homeless guy a couple bucks? Who the hell cares if he spends it on beer? Maybe beer is a step up for him from the harder stuff that knocked him onto the streets in the first place. Maybe, just maybe, he’s actually going to spend it on food (homeless people do eat, right?). Maybe, he really is a desperate human being who is trying to change his situation.”I am my brother's keeper.Know this brothers and sisters I stand free and in God I will never obey any law that attempts to take away my human right to care for or to show love to my fellow human being ever
Joseph F Barber, (aka Doc)
Imagine that you have no home I am raising money to help me gain the certificates I need to advance my career in heavy duty diesel Mechanics although I have over 20 years experience in one form or another in Gasoline and diesel powered vehicles bot light and heavy and yet with out the certifications I can not make the money its going to take to get me and my wife off the streets and from being homeless and living out of our suburban and on our feet ,what I am asking is a hand up two veterans one Army one Navy is a hand up yet are dream does not stop there it is with the certifications and the advancement at my present job and employer is were I will get advanced to 72,000 a year that's a considerable,larger amount than I am making at present which is $14 and hour which is not enough to get us of the streets and into a safe and stable home once I complete the courses and show my verifiable work history in the field that will certify me as a T8 Master technician, I at present work for TA Trucks Services In Antioch ,Tn Under the supervision of Carl Sanders He can be contacted @ 615-614-6731,or @ 931-982-2254,13011 Old Hickory Blvd ,Antioch Tn 37013 If any one wishes to verify my story then please feel free to contact carl at the4 numbers and address I have given in this post gf.me/u/xbpc9n
Pro Deo et Constitutione –
Libertas aut Mors Semper Vigilans Fortis
Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber
Please provide whatever you can- $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100- To Use your debit/credit card or check click here:
The Family Assistans-Campaign
From Your Hand to the Homeless Veterans and citizens and children
Giving the Gift of a Warm Meal
"We can't expect our government to be the whole part and parcel of being the caretaker of men and women in the military."
Please forward this to as many of your contacts that you can and ask them to support this cause and to forward it to their contacts as well.
Donate and Support the Veterans Project,I need your financial contributions to keep going
contact info is as follows ; Address 13011 Old Hickory Blvd.Antioch.Tn.37013
Phone; 760-261-9122
Email https//:[email protected]
Please provide whatever you can- $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100- To Use your debit/credit card or check click here:
The Family Assistans-Campaign
From Your Hand to the Homeless Veterans and citizens and children
If you prefer, send a check or money order, Email @ [email protected]
Or Mail your Donation to Homeless “survival kits.” We Create and distribute kits
Help ease their burden. Just $25 helps provide homeless survival packs
4veterans & none veterans.@
Care of Suzanne D Button Project manager,Contact Info
Phone :760-261-9122
email:[email protected]
Phone 760-261-3208
Thank you. Suzanne Button,Project manager
All funds raised from this campaign go to Food .clothing help with housing ,child care medical expenses,Identification cards and transportation to and from work and medical treatment
Email @ [email protected]
If you would like to have contact directly with a vet in need and make your donation directly to that vet please let use know and we will provide you with names of those in need many are homeless and the address above is being used to help many establish a foundation
Founder Veterans Project , Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Joseph F Barber