Home working increases cyber-security fears
Nick Elwell
Director @ BGi.uk | knows a bit about insurance (esp the awkward stuff!). Access to UK & EEA markets. My mantra: simple solutions to complex risks.
BBC News reports "We see everything," he says. "Staff get emails sent to them pretending to be from the service desk, asking them to reset their log-in passwords.
"We see workers being tricked into downloading viruses from hackers demanding ransoms, and we have even had employees sent WhatsApp messages pretending to be from the CEO, asking for money transfers.
"And having staff working from home during the lockdowns has just made it worse, as it is much harder to keep an eye on everyone."
And studies shows that many firms are not taking the issue as seriously as they should. For example, one in five UK home workers has received no training on cyber-security,
BGi.Cyber.uk Ltd
BGi.uk has On-line training for your staff, team members (and even family). It is easy to follow, comprehensive and inexpensive.
This new facility, called Gambryce-e, has been established to help businesses avoid the basic pitfalls which can leed to data loss and cyber breach - and substantial finacial loss
Don't bury your head in the sand - Don't be a data ostrich.
A little action now would be prudent!
- Consider what you have to lose
- Identify how you could lose it
- Assess how you could lose it
- Engage with those who can help
- Protect your family, employees, customers & suppliers
- Secure those aspects of yor lives & businesses that are (most) vulnerable
- Communicate with suppliers and customers to build a safe network
- Insure with a policy designed to fit your profile, strengths and weaknesses
BGi.uk ([email protected]) Telephone: 01367 246137 Portwell House 26 Market Place Faringdon. Oxfordshire SN7 7HU